Chapter 19

Two As One~

Update! Going to get a hair cut today. Woo~!

You walked to you locker which was right next to Baro's. You tried hiding your self from the queenkas by hiding behind people. When you reached your locker you saw Baro taking out his backpack. He caught your eye and smiled at you. You smiled back. You opened your locker and found a note. The note read:


How was the warning? I told you to back away. But you didn't. Next time you do that. I'll do something worst. It'll be so bad. Your life is ruined.. Probably your heart will have a little heart break ;). Enjoy your day.


You crumpled that paper and threw it on the floor you took your back pack and closed your locker. Baro picked up the paper and read it. "My god, I swear. I'm going to give that girl a lesson". Baro sighed. You looked at him and you cupped on hand on one of his cheeks."It's not your problem.. You don't need to give her a *lesson*" You smilled at him and Baro smiled back. He put his arm around you and you 2 walked out of the school.

When you both reached the gate you saw Tiffany flirting with Sandeul. Sandeul was leaning back on the wall while Tiffany was twisting her hair, trying to act all cute. You stared at them with discust and Baro pulled you closer and walked faster."~~~~! Wait!" You looked back and saw Sandeul waving his hands in the air. You looked at Tiffany who was giving you death glares. You didn't want any trouble.. So you walked faster with Baro. You could hear Sandeul running towards you. You and Baro quickly got into one of the school cabs (The cabs can take you home) and the cab drove off. A tear went down your cheek and Baro whiped it off & pulled you closer. It hurt you that you had to leave/avoid your bestfriend.

When you got to your house, Baro paid the cab and you headed inside. He knew you were hurt so he just left you alone. You went up to your room, dropped your bag, and slumped in your bed and hugged the Duckie Sandeul gave you. "Sandeul.. I miss you.. TT^TT" You started to cry. You herd a knock on your door. You wiped your tears away. "Come-Come in." Baro came in the room and slowly walked towards your bed. "Hey, This is quick... Can I have Sandeul's number?" You stared at him with confusion. "Why?" You asked. "I need to ask him something about homework.. GongChan mension he's good at math?" You nodded and gave Baro Sandeul's number. (You and Sandeul memorised each others numbers <3)"Thanks. I'll be out for awhile.. I'll be back in an hour.. Will you be okay?" Baro stood up. You nodded and hugged the duck staring into space. Baro sighed and headed out your door.


-Baro's POV-

It makes me sad that she's sad. Am I falling for her? I'm not sure of this feeling. But I'm happy when I'm with her. But it makes me sad.. The way she's acting right now. I took out my fone and texted Sandeul.

To Sandeul:
Hey. This is Baro. Do you happen to live by ~~~~?
From: Baro.



From Sandeul:
How'd you get my number? And kinda.. like an hour or so? Why did she run away from me?

To Sandeul:
~~~~~ gave it to me.  Can you meet me at the Pho` restaurant?  That's what I need to talk to you about
From: Baro


From Sandeul:
Uh, Sure. I'll tell my driver to drive faster.. So I'll be there in 30 mins or so?

To Sandeul:
Thanks. See you.

I looked through my contacts and searched for ~~~~~'s number. I found it and gave her a call.

~~~~: Hello?
"Ah, ~~~~ How are you doing?"
~~~~: I'm planning to make noodles..
"Noo.. I'll bring you noodles from the Pho` restauraunt! Just take a nap okay?
~~~~: Alright. Be safe Baro Oppa.. I mean.. Is it fine if I call you oppa?
"Hehehe, Sure. And thankyou. You too!"
~~~~: Bye Oppa.

I hung up and smiled. "She's calling me Oppa" My heart beat was getting faster. I slapped my chest and continued walking to the Pho' restaurant. I walked in and saw Sandeul sitting in a booth. "This fast?" I thought. When Sandeul saw me, he got up and took his hand out. I shook his hand and we sat in the booth. "Dude, Your fast" I told him. He gave me a smile "If it's about my bestfriend. I'll come in seconds!". I didn't know how to tell things to Sandeul. "Sandeul. I'll need to tell you something.. You NEED to know.." I started with that.
-End of POV-

#End Of Chapter#

Anoter clifft hanger! ^___^ I'll be getting my hair cut .. I'll try to udpate once I'm back home :D






I LOVE their sprout dance. So cute. :3


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I made the sequel! Please read forward. I'm still waiting for my poster...


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congrats :-)
congrats :>
Congrats!! :D
Congrats on the random feature! :D
CupcakeWars #5
congrats (:
LittlePiggy #6
woah..... awesome..... first b1a4 fanfic, but i guess it's worth the try!!
Chapter 39: It was my first story with someone from b1a4 and it was fine......I just didn't understand the main can she be so confused?..
Hye~~!! New reader... I just finished reading the story and it was AMAZING!!! aND... Sorry.. But, did u delete the sequel?? Just asking.. :)
DeulJongSica #10
I just read the foreword and i'm impressed.. I'm gonna read it now! :)