Final Chapter

Beautiful Eyes

“Who are you?” Yunho asked nervously “what do you want?”

He felt someone touched his hands that have been tied to his back and a minute later felt the tight rope become undone. The rest of the ropes around his torso became loose as it took him a few seconds to try and register what is happening.

“I truly apologize for such manners…” came a deep and chilling voice as an old man who looked to be in his late 50’s walked to the front of Yunho with a smile “I had only asked for them to bring you here unharmed but…you can never trust youngsters…”

Yunho only sat there as the old man pull up a chair and sat in front of him “so…your full name is Jung Yunho am I correct?” he asked while looking at Yunho’s ID that was taken from his wallet.

Yunho messaged his throbbing wrist as he look at the old man suspiciously. No matter what he says or how he smile, Yunho’s gut feeling is telling him this man is dangerous.

“Who are you?” he asked once again

“Ah! Where is my manner?…my name is Kang Dong Jun…I am an police investigator..” he held out his badge as proof

“A police officer?” Yunho raised his eyebrow at Dong Jun “why would a police investigator like yourself hired a bunch of thugs to beat me up, bring me here and tied me up? If I have done something against the law you could have just come to me and question me like any normal police officer”

Mr. Kang only sighs “once again I’m truly sorry about that…you see…I am working on a case…a murder case from a year ago…it’s an important case that shouldn’t be known by others…it’s secrecy is a must….”

Yunho look at him strangely wondering what this old man is up to. If this is such an important case, how is Yunho involved in it?

“Have you heard about a man name Jang Geun suk…?”

Upon this name alone Yunho immediately caught on as to what is happening. Everything that has happened so far has to do with the death of Geun suk and Hyun Soo.

“I…don’t know him…” Yunho responded feeling like he wasn’t lying because in truth he really doesn’t know Geun Suk.

Mr. Kang glanced at Yunho a bit before leaning forward toward him “are you sure? A birdy told me that you were there? That you saw everything that took place…there was no witnesses that was found or came forward…there were no concrete evidences pointing to the driver who killed Mr. Jang and yet after a year a possible witness turn up…to me that is quite surprising…”

Yunho didn’t respond

“Tell me Mr. Jung…what exactly did you see that night? Were you alone or were you with someone else? Are there other witnesses?”

Yunho didn’t like the way Mr. Kang was asking the questions or the way he was looking at him. It makes him think about the worst possible outcome of telling this man what he knows. There was no way he was going to get out of here alive. Whoever this old man was….he intends to get the answers he wants and then get rid of the witness. If Mr. Kang really is a police officer then there is no way in hell anyone is ever going know what happen here or even find Yunho.

In the meantime Jaejoong stood in the living room glaring at Hyun Soo as the others also stood there in complete shock. All eyes were on Hyun Soo making him nervous as he started to chuckle

“W-what are you talking about jaejoong ah? Me a murderer? That’s impossible…I’m a lawyer…I go by the law...I know what is right and what is wrong…why would I do something that terrible…”

“Then why are you stuttering and becoming nervous?” jaejoong asked with a smile

Hyun Soo quickly turns to his father “you know me best right dad? I wouldn’t kill someone…it’s against everything I stand for…I help people…I don’t harm them…”

It took their father a few seconds to fully register what Jaejoong had just said as he turn to Hyun Soo and slightly smile “y-yea…” was his only response before turning to the youngest “Don’t go making wild accusation jaejoong just because you don’t want to go to France…”

“it isn’t wild accusation dad…that son of yours whom you are so proud of committed the worst crime…and this only happened last year…” jaejoong spoke “it was the day I had got into an argument with a dear and important friend of mine....I came home upset and angry…Hyun Soo saw me in tears and I told him what happen…he flew out of the house in a fit of rage…the next day…this friend of mine end up dead on the street….he was ran over by a car while on his way here to apologize to me….he was left broken as he desperately try to hang onto his life…but at the end no one saw…no one heard…no one helped him…” As jaejoong spoke he remembered the terrible news and seeing Geun suk’s broken body fueled the anger inside him as he look at Hyun Soo with eyes of ice and fire “…the driver…the person responsible for taking his life…was you Hyun Soo….you killed him…you left him for dead…you did nothing for him…you spoke of the law…you spoke of helping people but in truth you were only thinking about yourself. Every decision that you made were for your own personal gain” said jaejoong as an image of Geun suk smiling flash before his eyes “the person you took away was very dear with a bright future…it was a man everyone loved and proud to know…he care about others more than himself and you ended his life before it could even begin…” Jaejoong paused a bit as all the times he spent with Geun Suk flashed before his eyes from the simple touch on his head to the warm hugs, smiles, laughter and encouragement he received from him “even if you are my brother…even if you are my family…I can never forgive you for what you have done…”

This cause Hyun Soo to stiffen as he became more nervous. Junsu stood there as he listened to everything. Based on what jaejoong just said, he could already guess the motive for killing Geun Suk. Most likely they both got into a heated argument and knowing Hyun Soo, he probably couldn’t let go as anger drove him to commit murder.

“I…I…I didn’t do it…I didn’t kill him!” Snap Hyun Soo whose nervousness turn into fear that his secret is finally being exposed not to just anyone but to the father whom he looks up to and wanted to be like “you…don’t have any proof that it was me!”

“you killed him…I know that it’s you…maybe I have known for a long time but could never accepted that thought….but now…now I can clearly look you in the eyes and say you killed Jang Geun Suk….if it’s proof you need…you will get it soon enough…just wait patiently for justice to be serve Hyun Soo” said jaejoong calmly “you took away one person whom I loved dearly…I will not sit around and let you take a the second person I love…” He took out his cell phone “tell me where you are hiding Yunho…if not I’ll call the police…”

Hyun Soo didn’t say a word as he clinched his fist tightly. He can’t help but think that it must have been Yunho who is responsible for this. He must have told jaejoong that Hyun Soo killed Geun suk. The hate he had for Yunho grew as he wanted nothing more than to rip him apart for what he has done.

“J-jaejoong ah…are you sure about this? Hyun Soo could never kill anyone” spoke the older sister still in total disbelief

“Yes I’m sure because my friend Yunho saw it took place…he saw a deep red car hit Geun suk just like the one Hyun Soo drives…he saw a young man with a silver necklace that have a pendant with a red diamond just like the one he received on his 18th birthday…”

”How…can you be sure it’s him? A lot of people drives deep red color car…it’s a popular color right now” asked the sister

“Yes…you are right on that but…there is only one necklace that he was wearing the night of the accident….it was personally designed…it was a one of a kind pendant that no one else will have…”

The sister became quiet as she slowly turns her eyes to look at her older brother in disbelief. As unbelievable as this sound, could it really be him? Could the older brother she looks up to kill someone and fled? It’s not like jaejoong to make up lies either.

“If this friend of yours really did see something that night then bring him here…let’s hear it directly from his mouth” spoke the dad

“How can I bring someone who has disappeared? He was with me last night until Hyun Soo interrupted us forcing me to go home. I thought he had gone home in one piece but as it turns out he never made it back to his apartment and is not answering his phone…”

“That…doesn’t have anything to do with Hyun Soo” said the dad still trying to defend his eldest son

“oh…it has everything to do with him because in the middle of my date Yunho left to the bathroom….when I found him Hyun Soo had him pushed against a wall clinching onto the collar of his shirt with an expression of a mad man….” Said jaejoong “something was said between them that made Hyun Soo angry….could it be that he pointed you out as the driver thus you got angry Hyun Soo? Was it because you didn’t think that there will be someone who actually saw you commit the crime? Are you scared because now your life is ruin?”

“Don’t blame me for something I didn’t do!” Snap Hyun Soo “I didn’t kill your friend! I didn’t take your lover either! I understand you hate me…I understand you don’t want to go to France…but coming up with this kind of lies is hurtful jaejoong ah!”

“Hurtful? You think this is hurtful?...try walking in my shoe…” jaejoong spoke “try going through what I have to go through…loving someone so much and not being able to confess only to have that person be taken away…having a family who wouldn’t try to understand and continue to push their way upon you…having to feel like every day is battle between what I want to do and what the world want me to do…not having freedom to make my choices…being punished for doing what I love…that Hyun soo is hurtful…”

“Enough!” this father shouted causing jaejoong and Hyun Soo to become quiet “I don’t understand why you will be doing something like this…let’s just say if Hyun Soo is the one who killed your friend…as a family member shouldn’t you be protecting him…shouldn’t you be defending him? Why are you standing here confronting him and trying to expose him?”

Jaejoong started to chuckle “indeed he is my family but right now…I value my friends over this family…you have never done anything to help me…to support me….to encourage me…you guys have done nothing but downgraded me….lecture me…hit me…scold me…making me feel like no matter what decision I make is wrong…no matter what I do is wrong…”

“Is this your way of trying to get out of going to France? If so it ain’t going to work jaejoong…no matter what you matter what trouble you stir up…you will still go to France and that is final”

This only made jaejoong angrier because after everything he had said, the only thing his father care about was forcing him to France. He didn’t seem to care for the fact that Hyun Soo had killed someone…he didn’t care for the fact that Yunho was taken away by someone possibly hired by Hyun Soo. Everything that he had to endure was flooding his mind like gasoline empowering the flames.

“I’m not going to France” he spoke with courage “…I won’t go…the only way you can get me to go is dead and in a body page…”

“You! plan to defy me till the very end?!”

“I have enough of trying to please you...trying to think about you…think about this family…from this point on….I’m not going to listen to you anymore…I’m going to do what I want…you won’t be able to stop me…” glared jaejoong


“You raised me…you give me a home…but that is all you did…and that is all I’ll be thankful for…”

His father was starting to get angrier and angrier every time jaejoong fights back. This only means that the son he was desperately trying to hang on to is beginning to slip away.

“You ungrateful little….after everything I have done for you…you are willing to turn your back on me and accuse your brother of such a crime…you jaejoong have gone too far…you have sink too low to try and break this family apart…”

Jaejoong only smirked “You haven’t realized it yet? This family is already broken long ago…”

This made jaejoong’s father angry as he raised his hand ready to hit him once again when a loud voice ringed through the air “STOP RIGHT THERE!”

This startled everyone as they turn to the front door and their eyes widen in shock. Standing there by the entrance way to the living room is an older woman dressed in a fancy suit with a luggage next to her. She removed her sunglasses to reveal two sharp pair of brown eyes looking at them.

“Mom….” The sister whispered in shock

Changmin left Yunho’s apartment and was in the middle of driving around searching for Yunho. His gut feeling kept telling him that something is wrong and that his best friend is in danger. He tried calling Yunho a few more times but like the first attempt there was no answer. Just then he received a text message from Junsu and his eyes widen in shock. He quickly made a sharp U-turn and drove back the direction he came from.

Yoochun had just gotten ready and eating his breakfast before heading out to work. He was in the middle of reading through the documents that his secretary was able to find for him before the doorbell ringed. Carious as to whom it might be, he walked toward the door and look at the telecom and was surprise to see changmin standing there. Yoochun unlocked the door as they came face to face

“What…are you doing here?” Yoochun asked

“I don’t want to be here as much as you wanting me here but we have trouble…” said changmin as he entered the luxuries apartment.

“What kind of trouble?”

“Junsu texted me….it seem Jaejoong knows about Hyun Soo being the person who killed Geun suk”

This surprised Yoochun “how?”

“I have a feeling that Yunho must have told him last night…and now…jaejoong had confronted Hyun Soo in front of his father and sister…junsu is over there right now…”

“so what do you want me to do?”

“We need to find that video tape…”

“I know that much already…”

“No…I mean we need to find it right now…”

“It’s not easy…”

“I know but we don’t have a choice…Hyun Soo is planning to leave the country today and he is going to take jaejoong with him…if we let him leave…our chances of catching him is zero…even if by confronting him forced him to remain here in Korea we will still need that proof in order to keep him in jail otherwise they will just release him the next day….”

Yoochun became quiet as he started to think. As much as he wanted to get that video tape…not knowing where the original owner went will make it hard. Suddenly he remembers something from what he was reading earlier. He quickly headed back to the kitchen where some documents are laid out. He started to read through the first couple of pages before his eyes widen in shock and his lip curved into a smile.

“I think I might have a clue as to where the original owner might have gone to...”


“I’ll you on the way…lets go right now…” said Yoochun as he grab the first couple of documents before rushing out of his apartment with changmin not far behind.

They both hopped into changmin’s car as Yoochun directed him where to go.

“I had my secretary did a background check on the original owner of that bakery…From the look of it he wasn’t born here in Seoul…he lived in a small village to the north and moved to Seoul to open his bakery…according to this documents he sold his bakery last year a few months after the accident….we did some research back to his home town and search every new business that open up there to see if he had open up another bakery there….sadly there wasn’t any however I did notice something…”


“A newly constructed home…”

Changmin raised an eyebrow “okay there has to be hundreds of newly constructed home every year…that isn’t something new…”

Yoochun smiled “this home was on the same ground as the home the bakery owner lived and grew up in…the original home was small and was torn down last year while a new one was built on top of it….not only is this one bigger but it cost a lot of money…”

Changmin only give Yoochun a strange look unsure where he is getting at with this information. Yoochun could tell changmin isn’t following as he sighs

“The bakery owner was given a lot of money for his silence….he sold his bakery and moved back to his home town and built a new home…how else will he have the money to do so…”

“That is true…”

“Changmin ah…the new home owner is listed as Yang Chung Hee…”

Changmin started to think until it finally clicks. Yang Chun Hee was the name the original owner went by before he changed his name. In other words he moved back to his home town and used his previous name to throw people off.

“Okay next time start with the name….” smile changmin feeling like it would have been easier for him to catch on.

In the meantime Yunho is still being questioned like a suspect by Mr. Kang. But no matter what Mr. Kang asked Yunho refuse to say anything, refuse to tell him anything. This was starting to get Mr. Kang annoy and Yunho could clearly see by the expression on his face. He went from a nice old man trying to do his job to an irritated man who wants to punch Yunho in the face.

“Can’t you be a little more corporative Mr. Jung? We are talking about a murder case here…it’s important we catch the killer…to do so we need information from You…I need to know what you saw….who else was with you….where were you hiding until now?”

Yunho only sigh “I have said it to you before…I don’t know anything…I didn’t see anything…nor did I hear anything…no one was with me…I was a blind man at that time…”

Mr Kang paused as he looks at Yunho a bit “You really think I’ll believe that you were blind a year ago?”

“I had a transplant a year ago…a few days after your murder case….how could a blind man see anything…”

“Then tell me…why was I given information that you were there…that you know what happen that night…?”

“I don’t know…your informant must be wrong…”

Mr. kang digs his hand into his grayish lock of hairs. They have been at it for the last hour or so and this wasn’t going anywhere. From the look of it Yunho knows and is pretending not to know. He has been in the police force for a long time to tell when a person is hiding valuable information or not.

“If…you don’t tell me the truth…I’ll have no choice but to bring you in to the police station and hold you as someone who was assisting the driver…you could be facing jail time”

Yunho paused as he looks at Mr. kang and smiled “if you really wanted to arrest me then I would be at the police station right now rather than some beat down unknown place…the one who will be in trouble would be you because you are going against the law doing your own things rather than following your protocols….”

This made Mr. kang angry as he punched Yunho on the face forcing him to fall off his chair. Mr. kang stood up in frustration as he turn to glare at Yunho

“Do you even know your position? Are you even aware that right now the one in a dangerous situation isn’t me but you?”

Yunho could feel his cheek throbbing as he tasted a bit of blood inside his mouth. Even the blow he took to his stomach last night was still painful preventing him from standing up as he only sat there on the ground. Mr. Kang looks at Yunho and knew this wasn’t going as he planned. Rather than trying to act like a good cop and get more information from him, it would be better to just dispose of him quickly. If another witness turns up in the future, the same faith will befall them. Suddenly he heard Yunho started to chuckle

“What is so funny?” Mr. kang asked

Yunho look up at him “I’m starting to understand something here…”

“And that is?”

“You aren’t trying to solve this case are you…you aren’t trying to obtain useful information to help arrest the driver…what you wanted is to see if there were others…if I was really there…and if not who told me these information….in other words…you wanted to get rid of the remaining evidences that you failed to cover up…you are working with Hyun Soo aren’t you? you were the one who was helping him cover everything so no one will look his way…you are about as mess up on the head as Hyun Soo is…”

The expression on Mr. Kang’s face changed to a dark one with his eyes filled with nothing but darkness. The god cop image he was desperately trying to hold up failed as his true self emerged. He reached down and grabbed Yunho by the collar of his shirt

“You think you know everything huh? You think you have figured everything out? Will let me tell you something Mr. Jung…you should have stay silent…stay hidden….by doing so you could have saved your life”

“You asked me if there were others…what would you do if I say there was? Not one but a few? Even if something were to happen to me…they will know…they will find the evidences needed…they will bring Justice to Geun Suk…expose Hyun Soo and you will be out of a job”

Mr. kang punched Yunho on the face once more before letting him go and kicked him in the stomach as Yunho groan in pain. At this point Yunho wondered if he will ever get out of here alive. Would he end up dead and found in a ditch somewhere? If he knew this was going to be his last day, he would have held the man he love one more time…kisses him all over…touched his body…and whispers words of love. An image of jaejoong flashed before his eyes as he felt his heart ached far more painful than the blows he has taken. Even at this very moment all he could think about was seeing jaejoong.

Jaejoong and the others were surprise to see their mother standing there staring back at them. For one thing she had left a few weeks ago abroad for work and wasn’t supposed to be back till next month. To see her here was surprising to all of them

“you have been hitting that child for who knows how long…by now you would have learn that no matter how many time you hit him, he will get back up and bite you back…this boy isn’t like the eldest son or daughter…he packs more courage…more determination than anyone else in this household” she spoke

“What…are you doing here? What about work?” the father asked

“I’m a busy woman…I have lots of important cases to take on and the last thing I need is a desperate phone call from my daughter pleading for me to return because of some issues here”

Jaejoong, Hyun Soo and their father turn to the daughter of the house hold as she only lower her gaze. She felt like everything was falling apart, there were too much tensions going on that anger were being thrown from left to right. She fears that if she didn’t do something, this family that she cares about will fall apart.

The mother walked toward them as her heels clicks on the floor below. Every steps she took they felt more nervous not knowing just how much of their conversation did she hear. Jaejoong was expecting to have to fight her as well because from the past she had always stood with them and never him. Just then something surprising took place, he felts his mother placed her hand upon his shoulder gently and softly. This made it the first time in a long time since the mother touched her son with ease. His mother could see a bright pink color upon jaejoong’s cheek as a sign that he was already struck once. She frowned before turning to look at her husband and her eldest son.

“Explain to me why my idiot youngest will accuse my eldest son of killing someone and why is it that my fool of a husband will disregard all the things he learned as a lawyer to hit his own child?”

Neither Hyun Soo nor her husband said a word as they kept their gaze low

“I heard you are forcing jaejoong to France is that correct?” she asked her husband

“Yes…being here isn’t doing him any good...”

“And being over there will do him some good? this isn’t about the environment…it is not about the people he hangs with…I have come to learn that these decisions that he makes are his own…he has always been like this since he was small…”

“Don’t tell me that you have gone soft on him?” ask the husband in disbelief that he is actually hearing this from her making it sound like she has changed side

“I am his mother….as much as I dislike his choices I can’t force anything upon him….becoming a lawyer will be nice….but now that I think about it…if everyone in the family follows the same trend…same path…same belief and values….then where is the fun in that…” she smiled “We have made our choices….we have tried convincing him to follow our footsteps but sadly he has chosen a different path and he is determine to stay on that path…”

“I can’t believe I am hearing this? you even know that he is having an affair with another man?!”

This surprised her as she turns to face jaejoong who no longer wishes to meet her eyes

“Indeed that is a disappointment however that is his choice to make…that is his life to be ruin…”

Her husband was going to say something but she only silenced him with a hand gesture before looking at Hyun Soo with a serious expression. The way she looks him made him nervous and scare.

“Care to explain to me why your younger brother will accuse you of such crime?” she asked

“I…I don’t know…”

“No…you clearly know…as a lawyer you know that this isn’t a simple matter but a serious one….to be accuse of a crime isn’t something to be taken lightly Hyun Soo…if you really did do something speak now and let me know…I won’t be able to help you if you continue to deny it…once the evidences is brought forward, you won’t be able to escape nor could we help you”

Hyun Soo clinched his fist tightly and became even more nervous mixed in with fear

“I…I didn’t do anything!! It wasn’t me!! Why do you keep thinking it was me!!! I never killed anyone!! I’m the victim here!!!”


Jaejoong was going to say something before his mother stopped him and spoke “Did you go out to confront him that night?”

Hyun Soo didn’t answer

“HYUN SOO!” she shouted causing him to stiffen as he looked at her in the eyes. As if her eyes have magical power controlling his mind, he felt like he has to answer her.

“I…I did…”

“What happen afterward?” she asked

Hyun Soo remembered that night as his heart started racing “I…confronted him about hurting jaejoong….I….wanted him to stay away from jaejoong…never to show his faces in front of him again…but…he refuses…he refuse to listen to me…he….he was determined to meet with jaejoong….determine to make up….he told me….that he plans to confess to him….plans to tell jaejoong his true feelings….” He paused

“Then what happen?”

“I….lost it….I kept telling him to stay away….but he wouldn’t listen…he wouldn’t listen to me!” said Hyun Soo as he rises his voice “all I wanted was for him to leave my little brother alone!! I didn’t want him to take my brother away! But no matter what I say he wasn’t going to back away! And then…and then…” he paused as he remembers throwing the first punch against Geun suk’s cheek “I hit him…”

This caused everyone to become quiet

“Did he hit you back?” the mom asked

Hyun Soo shook his head “He didn’t…he didn’t do anything…he only said that I can’t stop him from doing what he wanted....he told me that I can’t continue to watch over jaejoong forever…that I can never protect him till the very end…he say that going forward he will protect jaejoong in my place…and then he walked away…”

As he told his side of the story he became more nervous as he recalls what happen afterward. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose. It was just that the minute he saw Geun suk crossing the street…he started to think about losing his little brother…the thought of someone else replacing him wasn’t settling well with him. He didn’t want Geun suk to take away the only heaven he have…take away the only person who truly understand him. Before he knew it, he stepped on the gas pedal. It wasn’t until everything has taken place did he see Geun suk lying on the floor bleeding. He had stepped out to check on him but the minute he saw all those bloods, he panic and fled.

“Hyun Soo…what happen next?” the mom asked after Hyun Soo became quiet. Even after asking him to continue, he didn’t say a word. In fact the expression on his face changed to one of disbelief and fear. It was as if he has finally come into term with what he had done and the crime he had committed. He didn’t even need to answer as the mom sigh understanding what his silence meant.

“where is Yunho Hyun Soo?” she asked

Hyun Soo felt like his world was falling apart as his feet gave in and falls to his knee.

“Where is Yunho?” his mom asked once more

“I…Don’t know….” He responded

“How could you not know?!” jaejoong snapped

“I…don’t know…I don’t know…I really don’t know…” Hyun soo spoke frantically like someone who has lost his mind.

Feeling like they aren’t getting anywhere Jaejoong took a deep breath as he walked over to his brother. He kneeled down to Hyun Soo’s level and look at him with pleading eyes that no longer reflect anger or hate. At this point he didn’t care what Hyun Soo have done…all he want is to find Yunho.

“Please Hyun Soo…” he pleaded “I’m begging you please tell me where Yunho is…I love him…I love him very much and I can’t live without him….if you still see me as your little brother…If you still value me as a family then please tell me where he is…”

Hyun Soo look at jaejoong in the eyes as his guilt washed over him. How could he do this? What have he done?

“I really don’t know…” spoke Hyun Soo “but…the person who took him is Kang Dong Jun…he…is a police investigator…”

“Kang Dong Jun?!” the father spoke “what does he got to do with this case?”

“That night…I was in a panic…I went to him for help…he…help me covered everything up…he helped me destroyed all the evidences…”

The father looked at his son in total disbelief. For the first time in a long time he was disappointed at him. He felt his chest tightening as his heart started to hurt. He fall back onto the arm chair and sat down. The mom quickly have the daughter went to fetch him his medication and a glass of water.

“Can you call him?” Junsu asked

Hyun Soo shook his head “I tried calling him this morning but he wouldn’t answer...Please believe me jaejoong ah…I didn’t mean to do it…I…was just trying to protect you…” he spoke with his eyes started to become watery

Jaejoong only looked at him before sighing “I know…”

“Why don’t we go to the police station and find Kang Dong Jun…maybe one of the people there might know where he went?” suggested Junsu

Jaejoong only nodded his head as they both rushed out of the house. Hyun Soo eventually broke down crying as the father sat on the chair still in disbelief. The mother stood there and sigh wondering just where this family is heading. In one hand her oldest son has committed a crime and will most likely be prosecuted. On the other hand her youngest son is walking a completely different path making his own decision. No matter how she looks at it she was going to lose both of her sons either to the law or to love.

Jaejoong and Junsu hoped into the car as Junsu drove away toward the police station. A long the way they called Changmin and informed him of what has happen. Changmin also informed them that he and Yoochun is on their way to obtain that video tape as proof. He made sure to let jaejoong know that this time he will leave it to him to save Yunho. Right now the person Yunho needs most is jaejoong not changmin.

Meanwhile Yunho lay on the floor completely covered in wounds while bleeding from the corner of his lip. He felt his body aching everywhere as he started to lose consciousness. Mr. kang could be seen standing not too far away with his clothes a mess from beating Yunho up. After the last blow he sigh feeling his own hand throbbing.

“I’m getting too old for this” he spoke before taking out his cell phone and called someone “I am done here…come and get him out of my sight…it doesn’t matter if he won’t tell me what he knows…as long as he knows the truth about that accident…it’s best to just get rid of him before he expose everything…”

Junsu and Jaejoong made it to the police station and started asking around where Kang Dong Jun is. A few officers they spoke to wasn’t sure where he went since he had taken the day off. No matter what they said or plead, no one was willing to give them his contact information. They were starting to lose hope when a lady officer approached them.

“I believe he went to his family vacation home just a few hours’ drive from here…” she spoke while giving them the details.

“Thank you!...thank you so much!” said jaejoong with thankful smile causing her to blush a bit

With the info that was given to them they left the police station

“Why did you tell them? Isn’t it against our policy?” a junior officer asked

She only smiled “they looked desperate…I’m not sure how they are related to Mr. Kang but I just couldn’t stand by and watch such a beautiful man cry…” she blushed

Changmin and Yoochun pulled to a stop in front of the newly built home. From the look of it, it’s very big and grand with a taste of traditional Korean home. They debated on what to say, it’s not like they can just go up to the house and demand the owner give them the video tape so they can use it as evidence to put away the driver. What if he tries to run away or worst what if he ends up losing that video tape?

After a few minutes they walked up to the house and knocked on the door as a young girl answered. She looks at them suspiciously before calling for her dad. Changmin and Yoochun prepare themselves for all kind of situation rather it will become a game of chase or a fight. They were determined to get that video tape no matter what. After a few minutes an older man appears in his late 50’s. Both Changmin and Yoochun explained to him everything that has happen including the fact that they knew he was bribed to keep his silence. They were willing to offer him anything he wants for the tape. At first he seems reluctant to listen to them and give them the tape. In fact he denies knowing anything and was going to slam the door on their faces. However the daughter stepped in handed them the tape against her father’s wishes saying that she had known about it for a few months. She had asked they don’t get her father involve or report him to the police. With that condition she will give them the tape.

After a good 30 minutes there was a knock upon the door as Mr. kang went to get it. While lying on the ground motionless Yunho could hear multiple voices coming from the door and then the sound of foots steps coming toward him. He could barely open his eyes to see who they were.

Jaejoong and Junsu arrived at the vacation home the police officer have given them but when they knocked on the door there wasn’t any answer. They look inside through the window and didn’t see anyone inside either.

“I’ll go around and check the back” said Junsu as he quickly walked to the side of the house where there is a pathway to the back.

Jaejoong stood on the front porch continue to knock on the door

“Yunho! Can you hear me?! If you are here please shout! Please make some kind of noise! Just do something so I’ll know you are still alive!” he shouted hoping for some kind of response but received nothing. At this point jaejoong was scare…scare that he might be too late…scare that the second man he love will be taken away. Jaejoong could feel tears swelling at the corner of his eyes as he felt at fault. Maybe he shouldn’t have gotten close to Yunho; maybe he should have rejected him like the others. By doing so Yunho will stand clear of him and this wouldn’t have happen.

“Geun Suk…you brought him to my life…so take responsibility and take me to him!” plead jaejoong

Everything was quiet when suddenly he felted a cold wind blew from behind against his neck causing him to stiffen. He slowly turns around but didn’t see anyone there. He was standing on the porch all by himself as he felt another chill ran up his spine. A cool and gentle breeze hit his face causing his hair to sway back and forth. It was at this instant that he laid his eyes upon a small house not too far away through the batches of trees. Jaejoong got this overwhelming sensation traveling throughout his body that is pushing him forward as he started to make his way there. Compare to the main house, this little cottage like home was smaller and looked like it was falling apart. Every step he took he felt his heart become faster as he became more anxious.

After a good 5 minute walk Jaejoong stood before the little house and noticed a black car parked in the front. He was still looking around when the front door open. His gaze turned from the rooftop to the front door and his eyes widen in shock. A group of 4 men exited the house with a beat up Yunho between them. The 4 men was as surprise as Jaejoong was seeing him stand there looking at them. For one thing this place was supposed to be secluded; no one should have been able to find this place so easy.

Jaejoong stood there in disbelief to see the man he love in such a dear state as if he is hanging on to the very life he has left.

“Yunho…YUNHO!” he shouted as he dashed toward them but the driver who was in the black car quickly came out and grab onto him.

“Get rid of him too” spoke Mr. Kang as he went back inside

“Let me go!!” shouted jaejoong as he struggle to be free

The driver was taller and more build then jaejoong was as he tried to force him into the car. Jaejoong continue to struggle with everything he has before leaning forward a bit and then without any warning he quickly smack the back of his head against the driver’s face. He then elbows him in the face once again before pushing him inside and slams the door shut. The other 2 men who weren’t holding Yunho rushed down the stairs toward jaejoong. One of them grabbed onto his shoulder tightly. However to his surprise jaejoong glared at him with ice cold eyes sending a chill down his spine. Without any warning jaejoong managed to break away from the hold before punching the second guy in the face. The first guy wrapped his arms around jaejoong’s torso. Jaejoong wasn’t going to let them win as he step on the guy’s feet as hard as he could before elbowing him the face. Jaejoong grabbed onto his arm and twist it around causing him to shout in pain. He kicked the guy causing him to stumble to the ground as the second guy came at him again. Jaejoong dodged his punches before grabbing him by the back of his shirt punching him in the face once more. It was one punch after another before knee him in the stomach.

The other two guys let go of Yunho and dashed toward jaejoong until the 4 of them surrounded him. Jaejoong wasn’t sure rather he could win but he wasn’t going down without a fight.

Yunho who was slipping in and out of consciousness could make out 4 people fighting against one person. It took him a few seconds before his vision become clear and to his surprise they were fighting against jaejoong.

“jaejoong ah?…” he tried to speak when he saw his lover get punched in the face. He wanted to stand up…he wanted to help…to shield and protect jaejoong but his body wasn’t listening. It was like a heavy stone has been placed on top of him restricting his movement.

“Why?...why did you come you idiot” thought Yunho in frustration that he couldn’t do anything

Two guys grab onto jaejoong’s arm as a third man punched him in the face before kicking him in the stomach causing him to groan in pain as he falls to his knee. The fourth guy was ready to just end everything as he took out a knife. Yunho could see the blade glimmers under the sunlight and he knew this could only end badly. He kept telling his body to stand up trying to force his body to move.

“Move…damn it move!!” he cursed fearing that he will witness the love of his life stabbed.

Jaejoong on the other hand was feeling too much pain to stand up as he is unaware of the fourth guy approaching him with a knife in hand.

“JAEJOONG AH!” Yunho managed to shout as jaejoong lifted his gaze as the fourth man raised the knife above him. With a smile he brought the knife down hoping to make an instant kill.

Just then the sound of gun fire echoed throughout the area as the man dropped his knife and started to shout in pain. A single bullet has penetrated his shoulder as blood emerged staining his shirt. This got everyone’s attention they turn to the direction the bullet came from and notice a police officer coming their way. The 4 men tried to get into their car and make an escape but a police car appear and blocked their way. Soon enough the place is swarmed with police officers As Kang Dong Jun made his escape unnoticed. Junsu emerged and rushed toward jaejoong with worried look on his face

“Are you an idiot! Why did you went off on your own?!” he scolded jaejoong

“Did you…call them?”

“of course…the minute I came back from the back you were gone….a young man told me that you came this way…but when I got here you were fighting against 4 men…so I called the police…”

Jaejoong smiled and thanked Junsu before forcing his body to stand as he made his way toward Yunho who is now sitting. They both sat next to each other both in pain and both not saying a word.

“You know…” Yunho spoke first


“You look fragile and weak but….you fight like a champ…I never knew you could actually hold your ground in a fight” grin Yunho

“There are still many things you have yet to learn about me…but that’s okay…you can discover them slowly” jaejoong smiled

At this moment jaejoong looked pass the number of police officers in front of him toward the trees and spotted a young man standing there looking at him. His long hair swayed back and forth against the cool breeze and smiled. He raised his hand at jaejoong and made a familiar gesture as a police officer walked pass blocking his view and when he stepped away, the man by the trees had disappear.

Yunho turn to jaejoong and was surprised to see tears flowing down jaejoong’s big brown eyes throwing him into a panic

“What’s wrong?! Are you in a lot of pain?! Where is it hurting?!” he asked loudly

Jaejoong couldn’t stop his tears as Yunho pulled him into a tight hug hiding his crying face from the public.

“Everything will be alright…” Yunho whispered to jaejoong while gently caressing his back like a child.

A few days passed as Mr. Kang was found and arrested. Hyun Soo turns himself in and confessed to the accident from a year ago that took the life of Geun suk. Changmin and Yoochun were able to get the tape and also turn that in as evidences. Yunho was questions as he provides the information he does know that took place that night but did not reveal the fact that it was Geun suk’s cornea that had allowed him glimpse to the accident. Surprisingly his eyes no longer hurt; those painful moments of flash back disappeared completely.

Another year passed as everything was forgotten. Everyone continued their life as normal forgetting that strange event that got all of them involve which nearly took Yunho and jaejoong’s life.

A large stadium filled with thousands of fans gathered as colorful lights flashed everywhere. The fans were cheering and shouting with excitement as Yunho stood on the top level of stadium where no one is allow to enter. He leans against the railing and looking down upon the stage. Music started to play getting the fans even more excited. A small platform in the middle of the stage started to rise and standing on there is none other than jaejoong. To Yunho he is even more beautiful standing there on the stage. The minute jaejoong started to sing Yunho smiled with happiness seeing the man he loves doing what he wanted to do.

Suddenly Yunho felt his eyes started to hurt. His vision started to blur as the familiar pain appear as images flashed before his eyes. It was an image of Geun Suk smiling. His lips moved but Yunho couldn’t hear it however he could make out of what was said. It was two words packed with a heartfelt message.

‘Thank you…’

The pain subsided as his vision returned to normal. He stood there and listens to jaejoong sing his heart out with a huge smile plastered on his face. It was an expression of pure enjoyment and happiness. Hanging around jaejoong’s neck is a silver necklace with a silver ring.

“Don’t worry…jaejoong will alright…you just go to where you need to go Jang Geun suk…I’ll protect him in your place”

As jaejoong finished his song all the fan cheered loudly. Yoochun and Junsu could be seen in the back stage watching the performance on one of the TV.

“So how is it?” Junsu asked “was the long wait worth it?”

Yoochun smiled “yea…it was well worth all the trouble Jaejoong put me through…even my old man has acknowledged me praising me for never giving up on jaejoong who has become our number one producing artist…”

Junsu reached over and grasped Yoochun’s hand into his surprising him but what is even more surprising is that Yoochun didn’t pull away or reject it. In fact interlocking his hand with Junsu felted warm and just right.

“When did you two become a couple?” Changmin asked as Junsu and Yoochun quickly let go of each other’s hand in shock

“W-when did you get here?” Junsu asked shyly as he blushed a bit

Changmin look from junsu to Yoochun who is trying to hide his blushed face “I’ll just say this once…I still disapprove of him…” he pointed to Yoochun “but…I guess I could accept him for the time being….but I warn you…don’t you hurt Junsu like you did to jaejoong…”

“Stop it changmin!” Junsu snapped feeling even more embarrassed as they got into a little argument while Yoochun only chuckled.

Jaejoong danced on the stage with his background dancer singing his heart out before it comes to a conclusion. Jaejoong looked up and he could see Yunho on the 3rd floor looking down at him. He placed his hand upon his lips before blowing a kiss up toward him as the fans went wild wondering who he was blowing a kiss to. Just seeing jaejoong smiled at him made Yunho’s heart flattered with joy. At this moment he felt like he has once again fallen in love with his beautiful person before him. He couldn’t help but thanked Geun suk for giving him a second chance to see…giving him a place to stand at jaejoong’s side. This was by far the greatest gift he had ever received. Yunho left the 3rd floor and headed down before going to the back of the stage where he is greeted by Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu. They were scolding him for being late as Yunho only apologized. A few seconds later jaejoong exited the stage and came to the back and was surprise to see all 4 of them gathered with flowers in their hands. They handed them to jaejoong and praise him for a job well done. Jaejoong on the other hand couldn’t be any happier to have these 4 people at his side.

“Now let’s go out and drink!” shouted Junsu as the others started to walk away.

Yunho pulled jaejoong back before lifting the flowers in jaejoong’s hand up to block their faces. He planted a quick kiss upon his lover’s lip surprising him

“Can you two stop stealing kisses behind our back…” sighs Changmin

Yunho and jaejoong look at each other before they started to chuckle.

The end...


Thank you to all my readers for their support!!! i hope you enjoy reading this story as much as it was an enjoyment writing this for your readers! see you in the next story "Dragon Bride".

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Chapter 22: best story ever!! i just luv how everybody is in luv wid jae. jae's got a big harem hehe XD
Chapter 22: The story was really nice its just that the last chapter was really short and the flow was really so fast.

Can we have a special chapter on what happen after jaejoong saved yunho, like what really happen while getting the tape, like how yoochun manage to convince jaejoong to become a singer, like whats going on between junsu & yoochun, how jaejoong parents ended up in letting jaejoong go, something like that. Pleaseeee.
Brownsugar40 #3
Chapter 22: That's was a great story. Really enjoyed it
Chapter 22: i enjoyed reading authornim! it's one of those stories where one can't find the reason to put it down but continue reading! thank you!
Here again (*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡
Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Chapter 22: Chapter 22: I.LOVE.IT! THE BEST BITTERSWEET LOVE STORY!! just like yunho, i was afraid that jaejoong would take yunho as geunsuk replacement, but thank god no.. i agree with yunho.. even if it's hurt, even if it's killing his own heart, jaejoong deserve to know the truth and so he could let him go.. could place his first love to rest and instead of being trap in the past, he would treasure geunsuk and all those old memories.. now he only needs to continue his second chance love life with yunho, to make many great new memories with the person who right beside him.. i smiled when jaejoong make it clear that he's moved on.. NOW it's YUNHO who is right in front of him, NOW it's YUNHO in JAEJOONG'S EYES AND HEART.. though yes, yunho must be a VERY PATIENT person, selfless, always be positive.. but that makes him strong, strong for the both them.. but also give jae some credit for he's able to kill those doubt in yunho's heart.. in other words, they complete each other..

i love changmin's character here, he's one of a kind besties.. and there's time i thought that changmin probably have feelings for yunho but no.. he only cares for his besties so much since he's with him for almost whole his life.. and sometimes for the great bitter moment for yunho, till it's like i was the one in yunho's shoes, maybe it's probably better for yunho be with changmin, but somehow i would see that it won't work.. i imagine that changmin will go overprotective (and maybe put yunho in the dark as long as yunho won't get hurt) he's worried about yunho every time yunho's act selfless over and over again, changmin might succed for protecting yunho from hurt, but it won't help yunho to fight his own weakness.. though i didn't say that it's wrong for yunho being yunho nor me being an ungrateful being for not see all changmin's care.. no, far from it.. but yunho needs something more than that.. he needs the one who could stare right in his eyes and ask him what exactly does he want, and tell yunho to fight for it.. be strong together.. and one thing i always believe in relationship where.. no matter what always say the truth even it's hurt and ugly, for they remain stay with us even after the truth revealed, the stronger and truer the relationship can be.. i believe that true love is what everyone's dream to find right? even the greatest love stand together with the "true" XD..

i might miss something and wrong about things i've said, so i'll apologize for that.. but i love to see from every viewpoint and in the end i would talk endlessly (sorry >/\<)

great story! love it <3<3<3<3<3, sequel? or maybe shots? XD
Sky_luv #7
Chapter 22: The fact that Jaejoong has not gotten rid of the ring disgust me means he still love Geun suk yunho is a replacement
Sky_luv #8
Chapter 22: I wish yunho never receive the transplant was hoping for homin cause changmin is the only genuine one
bluejayj #9
Chapter 22: Also jaejoong should’ve throw that ring out !
Yunho you are so kind , I wish jaejoong truly loves you and only you
bluejayj #10
Chapter 22: It’s so sad even I read last chapter again
Jaejoong refer to yunho as second person he loves. No matter what yunho will always be the a replacement for geun seuk
I wish yunho returned those eyes honestly
He deserves better jaejoong is too uncommitted he’s only with yunho for geun suk
How I wish it was a Homin but this was a yunjae jaejoong geunsuk fic only