The Mismatched Fate

Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories


Story for Shin Seung Ri
Written by SHINeeDreams



"Ugh! This is crazy! I can't believe I might end up losing this election! This can't be happening; I'm Jaebeom Park!"
"Dude, you don't have much competition. She's only a transfer student, she's way too quiet, and you've been student council for 4 years! You'll definitely be elected for Student Body President," Taecyeon said.
"But she's beautiful!" Wooyoung said while staring off into space, drooling.
"WHO? SHIN SEUNG RI?! You're crazy!"
"She is...and she's smart too. Did you hear? She was valedictorian AND Student Body President back in Sao Paulo."
"For a friend, you sure aren't helping much...and where's Sao Paulo anyway?"
"Jaebeom, for a person who gets straight A's, you sure don't know your stuff. It's in Brazil."
"Yeah, way to show off, Taec. Gosh, what's up with that kid Brian Park anyway? All he does is 'I'm going to win!' all day but only his friends voted for him. Why is he even running? I don't understand."
"We don't know either..."
"Man, forget him. There's needs to be some way to get her off guard. I need to win this! She's even trying to take my valedictorian spot. What do I do now?"
"Oh my gosh! HAHAHAHAA BRIAN! Do you remember that one time he was running around the track yelling that he was going to win? He totally crashed into that stupid guy and they tripped! It was hilarious! Do you guys remember that? Huh? Huh?"
"Wooyoung, you were that 'stupid guy!' What's wrong with you? Just don't even talk. You're not helping AT ALL!"
"Oh yeah. I forgot. Sorry." He sat down fiddling with his fingers.
"Anyway...Jaebeom, why don't you try seducing her? Maybe that way you can find out a little something about her. Find her weakness."
"Awwww, why does Jaebeom get all the pretty girls?"
"Wooyoung, just go home! Why are you here anyway? You're no help! Anyway, I think I might give it a try first thing tomorrow. She'll definitely fall for my charming looks."
"Shut up! She'll fall for me; you'll see."
The Next Morning
I thought out a way to get her to trust me so that I could somehow find a way to destroy her.
"Hey Seung Ri!" She was actually a lot prettier than expected, but I couldn't let that throw me off. "I hear you're from Brazil."
"'re Jaebeom right? People told me to watch out for you. We're pretty close on elections you know," she said with a quiet voice.
"I know. Hey, since you're new and all, I can show you around Korea. You know, to help you out, give you tips on how to survive, and everything."
"How can I trust you? Are you trying to trick me?"
"Hey, don't think I'm doing this for's just so...I could have a decent competition. I don't want you to get all lost. That would mean I'll end up competing against that loser, Brian."
"Oh," she giggled, "Okay then." This was going to be a lot easier than I thought.
"Alright, let's meet in front of the school gate after school, okay? See you later."
After school, we met up at the promised spot, and I ended up showing her around Seoul. We decided to go sit inside a coffee shop to have some tea. Surprisingly, she was pretty quiet. I was not really sure how people could vote for someone as quiet as she was.
In order to find out a little about her and her "tactics," I started asking her a bunch of questions about the election. I didn't think she would say much but she was an amazing speaker. When stating her points about certain issues, she sounded pretty confident about how she was going to solve them. This made me realize that she really WAS competition. I needed to speed up the process since elections were coming up real soon; I still had a deed to fulfill.
To my surprise, we ended up hanging out at the same coffee shop a lot more than I expected; people started to get suspicious about the two of us, especially Seung Ri's number one fan, Wooyoung. But there was nothing going on between the two of us, not now at least. 
For some strange reason, whenever I was around Seung Ri, I felt comfortable just talking to her about "stuff." The problem with this was that I was getting farther and farther away from what I was originally planning on doing: beating her. I was an utmost failure.
But the biggest problem was soon to come...
I walked her back to her house after our hang out, and I had this sudden urge of want in my body; it was killing me. As she entered her house, I grabbed her by the arm and kissed her on the lips while holding her tight so she wouldn't run off. She had the most softest lip in the world which made me want more, but I knew I couldn't continue since I knew it wasn't right at the moment. I broke the kiss and ran off leaving her confused and startled about the whole situation.
I arrived home realizing what I had done. I just about ruined all my chances to beating her in the elections. Unfortunately, I didn't really care as much as I did before. Even though I softened up to her, I knew I had to try my best to win the elections, even if it meant keeping my distractions away from me. Elections were up real soon, and I knew I had to do whatever I could in order to I decided I needed to stay away from Seung Ri for a while, even though I knew it would be difficult.
The Next Day
"Hey Jaebeom!" Seung Ri waved with a smile on her face. I guess she didn't really think much of what happened the night before.
"...Hey guys!" I walked right past her while greeting Taec and Wooyoung.
"Jaebeom, what's wrong?" She pinched the side of my sleeve.
"Seung Ri, just leave me alone."
"Did I do something wrong?"
"I don't need you to distract me from this election, okay?" And I walked away while hearing her sniffle a bit. I was worried that she might have been crying but I had to hold it in and keep walking to wherever my feet were taking me. And since then, we didn't talk to each other.
Then it was finally election day, and people were so hyped up about it (not really). Brian Park, Shin Seung Ri, and I were up for running, even though I still don't know why Brian is even one of the participants; he's only got 10 votes total. The room was getting filled one by one quickly, and I felt my body tense up. For the very first time, I was nervous I might actually lose. I practiced my speech over and over again so I wouldn't mess up, so I was confident that I would get my speech down until my eyes met Seung Ri's. She had a mysterious look on her face that I just could not decipher but I didn't want that to affect me so I looked down at my paper.
When the elections started, the president of our school, Mr. Lee, stated that we would go in alphabetical order by first name to do our speeches. This meant that Brian would go first and I would go before Seung Ri. Brian had one of the worst speeches I have ever heard in my life so I was pretty relieved that he wasn't any competition. Then it was my turn. I started out great; I spoke according to plan and my timing was perfect. People were cheering on for me, which made me really confident that I would win...then I met Seung Ri's eyes once more, but this time I couldn't keep them off her. She still had that mysterious look on her face, and it was really bugging me. I wanted to know what it meant. I kept speaking while facing her until she smiled at me and mouthed, "Good luck." That's when I paused and realized something.
"I forfeit." The crowd started talking to each other and I even heard some "boo's" but it didn't stop me from walking down the hall and out the door.
Minutes passed while I sat at the bench outside the building, and I felt a pinch on my sleeve. Seung Ri...
"Why did you do that? You've been trying to beat me all this time and you forfeit?"
"I...I did it for you."
"You're so cheesy," she said then planted a kiss on my cheeks.
"You want to see cheesy?" I brought her face close to mine and kissed her on the lips. I was happy to be able to kiss those lips once again.
"So, what happened with the election anyway? Did you win?"
"No, I said I didn't want to do it anymore. I can't feel comfortable winning because of a forfeit." She giggled.
"Wait, so does that mean Brian won?! Then I shouldn't have..."
"Calm down. he didn't win. I don't think Mr. Lee was comfortable with Brian winning. He was assuming one of us would win. Supposedly Brian isn't smart enough..."
"Well, duh! All he does is sit around slouching all day! So what's happening now?"
"They're having another election real soon..."
"Hey, want to go get some coffee? I'll show you around Seoul."
"Are you trying to trick me?"
"Nah, we're going on a date."
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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
<br />
awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..