A Special Someone

Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories


Story for JOKERSAY
Written by SHINeeDreams
Eunjo and Dongwoon fought a lot, but they didn't think it would lead to their separation. They parted ways after their parents decided to split, and since then, the two siblings have thought that it was due to all the their fighting that led to this separation.
After they went separated, they weren't able to contact each other since the parents didn't allow it. Because of this, they were to pretty much take care of their own selves when their parents weren't home; and that was pretty often.
It was hard for the both of them, especially for Eunjo, since her mom would always go out and not come home until late at night. This became a daily routine and eventually, Eunjo was all alone when her mom passed away due to a terrible accident.
This is when Eunjo decided that she would try to accomplish a goal that she's always wanted but was stopped by her mom: she was going to go out to search for her brother, Dongwoon. It was hard for her to express how she felt about the whole situation because she was in mourn due to her mom's death, but at the same time, she was glad that she was now given the chance to see her brother again for the first time in many years. The only problems with this was the fact that Dongwoon could be anywhere, and he might not even want to see her in the first place, thinking it was her fault for making their family broken; she didn't know what to do. It was true that when they were younger, they fought a lot, but she really cared about him with all her heart.
And now that she was older (as was Dongwoon), she believed that it was finally time for her to step up and actually be an older sister to Dongwoon; she didn't want her brother to grow up in a broken family forever.
With these emotional thoughts rolling around in her mind, she rushed out of her house and drove away in order to ask some of her close friends and family if they've heard anything about her brother. She went to their houses to find some answers about him, but she had no luck getting answers she was looking for; all she learned was that he had moved to the big city with their dad many years back. Through this, Eunjo realized that finding Dongwoon was going to be a lot harder than she thought. She just decided to go home to give some more thought about what to do: should she give up or keep trying?
It was getting dark anyway so she knew that she couldn't do anything at that time, so she just sat at home to watch her favorite music program on t.v. She had heard about a new boy idol group coming out, so she thought, "Might as well check it out." They were called B2ST, or Beast, and to her surprise they were really good; she had began to like them. Because she was so interested in them, she wanted to learn more about their profiles. She searched online to check how old they all were, but while she was searching, she saw something that she definitely did not expect to see; she saw Dongwoon's name. She clicked on the name, Son Dongwoon, and thought that maybe it was her brother. When checking his profile, she saw that his birthday was exactly the same, and she knew from that moment that it had to be him. She was so happy, not only because she was able to find her own brother but also because he had become a singer like he's always wanted; she was very proud of him.
Eunjo did not hesitate to leave for the big city, so the next day, she packed her things and hurried to go straight to where Cube Entertainment was located. She tried with all her might to get a chance to meet Dong just once, but she had no luck in doing that because whenever she tried, she was denied the chance every time she went to see him. Because Eunjo kept going back so many times, Dongwoon was told of this. But because he thought it was simply a fan coming to see him, he rejected her. He had too much to do, and he didn't want some fan of his to ruin his chances of fulfilling his dreams; he was going to become a well-known star so his sister, Eunjo, would be able to see him. He wanted to make her know that he was doing well, so she wouldn't have to worry about him (well, that's only if she actually was worrying). After he makes enough money, he was going to find her so that they could live together as one family again. She was pretty much the only family member that he cared about since she was the only one to actually be there for him when he needed it. It was true that the two of them argued a lot but that's what siblings did, right?
Ever since Eunjo and Dongwoon's parents divorced, Dongwoon didn't get along too well with his dad. They argued about the smallest things as well as the big things, and Dongwoon was just sick of his dad not listening to anything he had to say, so Dongwoon eventually decided to run away from home, thinking he would be better off on his own. Surprisingly his thought was correct; he really was better off on his own. He ended up becoming the singer he had always dreamed of becoming, and he was quite happy. Now all he needed to do was find Eunjo, and his life would be complete. But before he could do that, he knew that he needed to keep his focus on his group for a while until one day, he would miraculously meet Eunjo again.
A few days later, Beast had their very first fan meet, and Dongwoon was really excited to see his fans in person for the first time. When they arrived, Dongwoon was surprised at how many people were there just to see them; there was an endless line of people standing inside, and he was very intrigued at this sight. It was pretty hectic though because so many fans were crowding around; he didn't even get to see each of their faces very clearly. But besides that, he enjoyed every moment of it.
All the Beast members received gifts that included food, clothes, and other goodies. After the 6 of them returned to the dorm, each of them didn't hesitate to look at all the gifts that they had received. Dongwoon was opening bags and boxes until he came across an interesting gift; it wasn't any different from the other gifts since it was from a fan, but something about it just made it stand out. He had discovered a letter, and on the envelope wrote the words: "To my dearest Dongwoon." He had a gut feeling that it was going to be something special even though he didn't do anything with it except stare at it. He opened the envelope to reveal what was inside, and it was a long letter filled with content that made Dongwoon burst into tears with emotion; it was a letter carefully written from Eunjo.
After learning that Eunjo was out there somewhere looking for him, Dongwoon decided to do the same in any way possible. It wasn't easy though since he didn't have much free time due to his busy schedule. But when he finally managed to find some time, he decided to to go down to his old hometown to look for Eunjo. When he arrived there, he was shocked to see how much it hadn't changed even after returning for the first time in almost 10 years or so; he was glad to be back. He walked around in search for his old house, but on the way, he tried to remember what it was like back then; he wanted to go back in time.
Dongwoon finally arrived at the house and rang the doorbell, expecting Eunjo to be there. Nobody answered the door, so he rang it until maybe someone comes to the door. But after ringing the bell multiple times, he decided to give up, realizing that nobody was going to answer the door. He was getting ready to leave when someone opened the door. Dongwoon looked the person straight in the eyes, and he was just speechless; there stood Eunjo, unchanged. They both looked at each other for a while, but then Eunjo broke the silence by telling Dongwoon, "You should come in; it's getting pretty chilly."
Dongwoon entered the house and was in complete shock at how different it looked, and yet he still felt like he was at home. He searched around the house, hoping to find something he was familiar with, and he came across some old pictures on one of the shelves; one was of two of them, and the other was of them with their parents. It brought him back so many memories, and it made him pretty emotional. He didn't want his sister to see him like this after seeing her for the first time in many years, so he held it all in and asked, "Where's mom? Did she go out?"
After learning about their mom's death, Dongwoon started to feel the emptiness that Eunjo must have felt all this time; it was slowly spreading throughout the whole house, and Dongwoon could not allow this to continue any further. He didn't want Eunjo to be alone again, so he invited Eunjo to go back to Seoul with him to live there. He knew of a place she could stay until she was able to find a place of her own. Eunjo was hesitant at first since she felt like she was abandoning her own home; this was her hometown and she didn't want to leave so soon. But she decided that going with Dongwoon was best for her; he was all she had now and she really didn't want to lose him again. And luckily, she didn't have to worry about the house; her friends promised to take good care of the place. Eunjo knew that even though it was a tough decision, she just had to move on.
After hours of driving back up to Seoul, Eunjo and Dongwoon finally arrived at the place Eunjo was going to stay. Oddly, she felt a good vibe from the place, like she had been here before. Dongwoon rang the doorbell and out came a lady, a very familiar lady.
"Mrs.Yoon! You remember my sister, Eunjo?"
"Oh, of course I do. Come on in!"
They went inside, and by that point, Eunjo knew exactly where she was; she was at Doojoon's house. Doojoon had been one of Dongwoon's closest friends for quite some time, and they got along real well, though Doojoon was the same age as Eunjo. She had a huge crush on him for the longest time back when they lived in the same town, but when she heard that he had to move, she thought she would never see him again. But now, she was able to see him because she was now staying at his house. She felt somewhat awkward because the two of them weren't very close but at the same time, she was quite ecstatic to be there.
"Eunjo, you can stay here for as long as you like. Besides, Doojoon won't really be around for a while so you can just stay in his room for the time being. Well, just until we are able to get a bed into the extra room," Mrs. Yoon told me.
"Doojoon isn't around?" Eunjo was disappointed to hear that she wasn't going to get the chance to see Doojoon for a while.
"Eunjo noona, I thought you said that you checked Beast's profiles... You didn't see him there? Doojoon hyung is the leader of Beast!"
"What?!" That totally made the situation awkward for Eunjo, so she excused herself and went to go unpack her bags in Doojoon's room. When she looked around, she was surprised to see how neat his room was. She admired his room, and the vibe that she got from the room was quite strange; she actually felt like she was at home.
A few days passed since Eunjo moved to the city, and it was obvious to Dongwoon that Doojoon had heard the news about Eunjo because Doojoon himself was excited and was asking Dongwoon about Eunjo. Dongwoon had known about Doojoon liking Eunjo, which was why Dongwoon asked Mrs. Yoon if Eunjo could stay with her for a while; Dongwoon was hoping for the two of them to get together since he knew Eunjo liked Doojoon back as well.
Dongwoon attempted to find ways for him and Doojoon to get some free time, but it was a challenge; they had such a tight schedule during the day, and when they got back to the dorm, it would be very late at night. Since it was hard for Dongwoon to get Doojoon to Eunjo, he decided that he needed to get Eunjo to Doojoon instead; he was going to get Eunjo to attend as many events as possible so the two of them could meet. Besides, Dongwoon needed to give something back to Eunjo for giving him the letter gift from before.
Eunjo ended up following through the way Dongwoon wanted, and eventually Doojoon was able to see Eunjo again. But now that the three were back together and were able to catch up, Eunjo was being her "motherly" self again. It was as if she completely became Dongwoon and Doojoon's manager because she would constantly check up on them, and on days they had schedules, she would remind them to attend while making sure they dressed "appropriately."
Because Eunjo was able to talk to Doojoon a lot more through this, they started getting along real well. And after Doojoon's confession, they became a couple, just like Dongwoon wanted. Strangely, instead of becoming one of those cute young couples that are always affectionate, they ended up becoming one of those loud arguing married-like couples. Doojoon would joke around obnoxiously while Eunjo would just nag and nag until Doojoon would just have to listen. The funniest parts though wold be when they would argue; they would start arguing about little things, such as what color shirt they should buy, and then the next minute, they would get all lovey dovey again. The most memorable moments of them all would probably be during their one month anniversary. As a joke, Doojoon gifted Eunjo with flowers, when he clearly knew that she was allergic to them, and Eunjo got angry when she saw that he was laughing at her feeling miserable while sneezing. She stopped speaking to him until Doojoon became serious again and presented her with her real gift, a white gold initialed necklace. She was so moved that she gave him a huge hug, and they made up. That was the end of that, and it was going to be a moment they would never forget because that's the moment they started growing closer.
Even with these, what Dongwoon calls, "bipolar madnesses," he enjoyed seeing the couple together; it made him happy even though he was single himself. Eunjo (the one who always took care of Dongoown) and Doojoon (the one who would give Dongwoon lots of great advices) were meant for each other. They all deserved to be with each other, and the three of them knew that as a fact,
Eunjo and Dongwoon were glad to have finally found each other to become one family again, instead of a split up one. They fought and fought until one day they were separated, but they pulled through and found each other again. Through this obstacle, they both learned so much; the most important lesson they learned was that family is family no matter what the circumstance.
The moment the two siblings were standing in front of each was probably one of the greatest moments Eunjo had ever experienced. She loved her brother so much. Doojoon may be Eunjo's "one and only love," but to Eunjo, Dongwoon was always going to be her number one. It was not only because he was her brother, but it was also because she knew how hard it must have been for him to be all alone; she felt that she was the one to have caused this, and she needed to make it up for the years she had caused him pain. And also, for her, the main cause of her pain was the fact that she was distant from Dongwoon for many years. The two siblings were never meant to be separated to begin with; they needed each other.
The moment Eunjo and Dongwoon were reunited, they knew right off the bat that they were never going to allow anything like what they experienced to ever happen again. They were going to stay by each other's sides forever no matter what happens because they were that special someone for each other.
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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
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awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a way..lol..
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..