You Are Still Meant For Me

Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories

Story for Joonies

Written by Iefa_San


You Are Still Meant For Me


“Come on, Minho. You have to come to the concert with me! I already said that I will bring somebody. It would be embarrassing if I turn up to be alone. Please, please, please?” Naeul pouted and making puppy eyes.


“I can’t Naeul. I’m sorry. You know I have practice this whole week. I’m sorry. I will make it for another time. I’ll promise,” Minho said.


“You will always say that but you never keep your promise,” Naeul mutters but Minho can’t hear it.


“I have to go now or I will be late. Jonghyun is waiting for me. I will call you, okay?” Minho smiles and waves at Naeul. Then, he ran to the field with Jonghyun.


“You don’t even kiss me goodbye, Minho,” Naeul whisper. She just looked at Minho’s figure until he disappeared.



“Hyuna, I think Minho doesn’t love me anymore. I think I wanna break up with him” Naeul talked to Hyuna over the phone.


“What?” Hyuna is practically screaming when she heard that.


“Why are you so shocked?” Naeul frowned.


“Of course I’m shocked. You, yourself know how hard to get both of you together. Jonghyun and I have to do a lot of things to make sure you guys are a couple. You don’t remember what Minho have done to save you? Because of that accident, he cannot play soccer almost for a year,” Hyuna babbling.


“Of course I remembered… I know I should give him a chance for him to play soccer again. He was injured last year tournament when he wanted to save me. I know this year is the last chance for him. But, he is too focusing on the soccer and he’s totally neglected me. I miss the old Minho. The injured Minho, when he has all the time for me,”


“Then you want him to be injured all the time? With no achievement in his life? And make him regret for the rest of his life quitting soccer? Is that what you want? I think you being selfish,” Hyuna said.


“No, I never mean that way. I just… want him back,”


“I think in relationship, communication is the key. So, I think you better talk to him. Let him know how you feel and then discuss. That’s the only way both of you can find the solutions,” Hyuna suggested.


“Wow, looks who talking about relationship here. How’s thing going with your crush, Mir?” Naeul asked.


“No luck. I think he still doesn’t recognize me yet. I’m planning to accidentally bump into him and slap him. Then I will pretend to take a good look at him and apologize for mistaken him with another person. I think that’s the only way he will recognize me. But that is just a plan. I don’t have any courage to do it yet,” Hyuna pouted.


Naeul laughed. “Silly Hyuna. You know, I think you should find someone else. Find someone who is interested in you. How about Jonghyun?”


“What? Yuck! He’s my cousin! Besides, we were practically growing up together since we were born so I have seen everything I should never see. That have lost my interest,” Hyuna said.


“But you are the one who said that he is cute,”


“Maybe I was drunk that time. Or overdose. Besides, have you forgotten that he’s already got a girlfriend? Se Kyung?”


“She is just his girlfriend, not his wife. You still can flirt with him,”


“What? Looks who talking. Solve your own problems first then you can talk about me,” Hyuna said irritated.


“Haha.. Okay, I’m sorry. I will talk to Minho… about you and Jonghyun. We will try to set you up together! Okay, bye-bye, see you tomorrow!” Naeul quickly hang up the call.


Hyuna, at the other side was yelling at Naeul but she was too late because Naeul already off her phone. She was cursing but at the same she smiles. Me and Jonghyun? Impossible.



Naeul is still waiting for Minho to call her. It was already past midnight. Should I call him? But he said he will call me. Is it something happened to him? I should right? So, Naeul decides to call Minho. She dials his number but she got a busy tone. Minho is in the line with someone else. Who is could be? Who is the person Minho could call in the middle of the night besides her? She tried to call again. Same, busy tone again. This the last time she would try to call. If he still on the line, she will not talking to him starting from tomorrow. Naeul dials his number again. She waits and then she heard a ringing tone and Minho answered it.


“Hello, Minho?”


“Naeul?” Minho said, surprised.


“Why are you sound so surprised? Do you expected someone else to call you?”


“What? No, I thought you have gone to sleep. I tried to call you but your phone was off,”


“Oh really? Sorry. I was avoiding Hyuna to call me. She was mad because I and Jonghyun. She called me several times so I decided to off my phone. Sorry,” Naeul said.


“It’s okay,”


“Who’s you talk to just now? I tried to call you but you were on the line with someone else,” Naeul asked.


“Huh? Oh.. It just my friend, from the sports club,” Minho said, hesitantly.




“Yeah. It’s late. You should sleep now. I will meet you tomorrow,” Minho said.


“Are you avoiding me, Minho?” Naeul getting angry. She smells something fishy here.


“No, Naeul. Please. I’m so tired today. Please don’t make accusation like that. I don’t have any energy to fight with you again. For once, trust me please,” Minho sound weary when said that.


“I always trust you Minho! But it seems you always misused my trust on you!” Naeul started to yell.


“If you really trust me, you won’t asking those silly questions! Enough, go to sleep, Naeul. I will meet you tomorrow. Good night,” Minho hangs up the call.


Naeul is still holding her phone on her ear. Slowly, she puts down her hand. Her eyes are watery. Minho was just hanging up her call. And he doesn’t even say ‘I love you’. Minho always said that at the end of their conversation. Sometimes, when he was in good mood, he’s even sang lullaby to her. Now, he’s forgot to kiss her good bye and said ‘I love you’. Are you really lost interest in me Minho?


Naeul tried to sleep but she can’t. Finally, she sleeps when it was one more hour for her to wake up to go to school. Even though she was asleep, she was having a bad dream. She dreamed that Minho said that he doesn’t love her anymore in front all the school’s student. The crowd was cheered for Minho and said that he make a right decision. Some of them were throwing eggs at her and she saw Hyuna and Minho holding hand, smirking at her. Is this the sign that something bad will happen?



Naeul is walking, still thinking about what happened last night and about her dream. She was praying that it will never happen. Even thought she was not a superstitious but this dream feels so real. Hyuna, who was running tapping Naeul shoulder. When Naeul turns to her, Hyuna screams.


“What? Why are screaming?” Naeul shocked.


“You! You look like a panda... no, Zombie is the right word!” Hyuna said while pointing at Naeul face.


Naeul touches her face. She takes out a mirror from her pocket. There are dark circles around her eyes and she looks so pale. Hyuna was right, she did look like zombie. But she doesn’t care anymore. She was too busy thinking about Minho for her to think about her appearance. If Minho doesn’t love her anymore, it was no use for her to dress up beautifully, she thought.


“Are you okay, Naeul?” Hyuna asked, worried.


“Yeah. It just about Minho. I kept thinking about him all night,” Naeul fixed her hair.


Hyuna puts her hand on Naeul shoulder. She hugs Naeul and start to walk together, “Everything gonna be fine. Just talk to him nicely. I know, he’s still love you,”


Naeul smiles. “Thanks,” but her mind suddenly remembered her bad dream last night.



Naeul looks opens her lunch boxes again. She wants to make sure everything is perfect. She is planning to give Minho a surprise visit. He is practicing right now, so she wants to be a good girlfriend, who gives him support and maybe try to fix their relationship. She can’t wait to see Minho face. It’s been a long time since she last saw him. He always has been busy with his soccer practice. Naeul takes out a mirror and checks her face and her hair. Then, she walks toward the field. She searches for Minho but he cannot be found. Naeul walks up to Jonghyun, asking him if he knew where Minho is.


“Minho? He already left 5 minutes ago. Maybe he’s at sports hall. He always continues practicing there,” Jonghyun said.


Naeul said thanks. Jonghyun asked her, “Is everything okay between you and Minho?”


Naeul stay silent. She doesn’t know how to answer that question. Should she lie? Or should she tell the truth?


“We’re good. We just don’t have enough time to spend together. He’s busy with soccer, and I busy something else. That’s all. We still good. Thanks for asking,” Naeul tried to smile.


Jonghyun looks like he doesn’t believe it but he tapped Naeul shoulder. “Minho still loves you. You don’t have to worry. I know him,”


Naeul was touched by Jonghyun concern. She wondered why Hyuna always mad when she tried to pair her with Jonghyun. Jonghyun is very nice guy. Hyuna always said the opposite.


“Thanks Jonghyun. Here, I made this,” Naeul gives him lunch boxes to Jonghyun. “Share it with your teammates,”


Jonghyun accept the lunch boxes from Naeul. “You made all this? Thanks!” Jonghyun looks happy. He opens and smells it, “Hmm… delicious. Thanks! I’m sure this will be gone in one minute. We are so hungry!”


Naeul chuckles. “Doesn’t your girlfriend, Se Kyung make a lunch box for you?”


Jonghyun suddenly silent, “Oh... She’s quite busy with her acting. She was auditioning for a TV drama and she was picked. I rarely seen her since she working as an actress,”


“Oh, I see,” Naeul nodded. Looks like we have the same problem here, Jonghyun, Naeul said in her inner mind.


“I’m gonna find Minho. Make sure you finish that, arraso? Bye!” Naeul waved at Jonghyun and the rest of soccer members at the field.


She walks toward the sports hall. When she arrives, she slowly opens the door. Seems like nobody is in the sports hall. Suddenly she heard a voice. She recognizes that voice. A voice that she’s longing to hear. Naeul walks closely at audience benches then she saw a man and a woman. They are facing their back from Naeul. They don’t realize Naeul is in the hall. From the body shape and hair style, Naeul recognize that is Minho. But she still doesn’t want to believe it is Minho. That woman is crying and puts her head on Minho shoulder. Minho is comforting her by hugging her shoulder. Naeul walks slowly in front of them. Please, don’t let it be Minho. Please, don’t let it be Minho.




Minho was shocked when he saw Naeul is infront of him. “Naeul? When did you get here?” Minho standing from the bench, releasing his hand from the woman.


Naeul looks at that woman. It was Krystal, the school cheerleader. Naeul is glaring at her and then at Minho. Naeul started to cry but she tried to hold it. She couldn’t believe it. Minho always said that she did not trust him. But now, this is the proof why she cannot trust him. He’s been cheating on her.


“Minho, how could you?” Naeul voice started to crack. She tried very hard not to cry in front of them.


“Naeul, this is not what you think! We were just talking!” Minho tried to defend himself.


“Talking? By embracing each other? Is that what you call, talking? Enough Minho. I don’t care anymore. I spend my sleepless night thinking about you, about us! But you are here, with another girl! Enough, I can’t be fool twice to let this happening to me again. Every man is the same! You and Joon are the same!” Naeul screams and run from the sports hall. Minho tried to chase her but Krystal stops him.


“She was mad right now. There is no use chasing her. Let her cool down a bit. I know. I’m a woman too,” Krystal said.


Minho looks at Krystal and then at the door. He chooses to trust Krystal and stay there. Secretly, Krystal is smirking when Minho listens to her.



At home, Naeul cried so much until her eyes becomes red and swell. She could not believe of what Minho did. She thought Minho loves her so much but it turns out Minho is the same with Joon. Naeul continues crying and dialing Hyuna’s number. She needs to talk to someone before she become crazy.


“Hyuna…” Naeul’s voices cracking and hardly comes out from .


“Naeul? Are you okay? What happen?” Hyuna starts to worry because she recognize Naeul’s crying voice.


“Minho…He… He’s cheating on me!”


“What?? How did you know? With whom?” Hyuna shocked.


“I..I was planning to visit him during his practice. Then, I searched him at the field but Jonghyun said Minho already left. He said to try searched Minho at the sports hall. Then, I went there and I saw him… with… with… Krystal,” Naeul sobbing.


“Krystal? The cheerleader? What are they doing there?”


“I-I don’t know. I saw her crying and she put her head on Minho’s shoulder and Minho was comforting her. And Minho doesn’t even chase me when I ran from him! Ugh.. My heart felt like it was ripped out when I saw them. He always said that I did not trust him but he’s the one who is cheating on me. Why Hyuna? Why? Why all the men are same?” Naeul continues crying. For the first time in her life, she felt so down, sad, disappointed and betrayed.


“Oh Naeul. I’m sorry. I… I don’t know what to say. I thought Minho is a nice guy. Jonghyun gonna get this!”


“Huh? Why are you blaming Jonghyun?” Naeul puzzled.


“Because he said Minho is nice. Remember when you asked me to find you a fake boyfriend and I suggested Minho? I talked to Jonghyun about that. I asked him about Minho and he said Minho is really a good guy. And when you both started going out together as a real couple, I asked Jonghyun again is Minho really loves you and Jonghyun said yes and he even said that Minho is the nicest man he ever know,” Hyuna explained.


“You asked Jonghyun to make sure Minho is not playing with me? Aww.. Thanks,”


“Yeah… I don’t want you to be hurt anymore. You had enough with Joon. So, I thought you will be happy with Minho but surprisingly Minho is just the same. Oh, I’m so sorry Naeul. I tried to protect you from being hurt but…”


“No, Hyuna. This is not your fault. Thanks for taking care of me. Thank you. Now I had enough with thing called love. I don’t want to think about him or any other man. I just wanna live my life to the fullest,”


“That’s the spirit, my girl! Yeah, we should forget about boys and enjoy. I will forget about Mir and will accompany you everywhere you go. We will always be together as friends,”


Naeul chuckles, “Thanks Hyuna. Yeah, you should forget about Mir and starts to think about Jonghyun,”


“What Naeul? No! For the last time please stop pairing him with me!”


Naeul cannot hold her laughs. It’s so fun to hear Hyuna mad. This release her tension a little bit.


“Hopefully tomorrow is better day for us…” Hyuna suddenly said.


“Yes… Hopefully,” Naeul answered and stared out from her window. She looked at the brightest stars on the sky. She always looked at that star when she on the phone with Minho. She will imagine that is Minho. Now, the star is still shining brightly but her heart is not anymore. She was hurt… again.



After soccer practice, Minho didn’t go home quickly. He keep remember about Naeul. What is she doing right now, how is she now, with whom she’s talking to and many more. His life has been miserable without her. He misses her so much. He misses her presence, her smiles, her voice and misses her soft lips that to be kiss only by him. He doesn’t want any other man to touch her. He knows he is a little bit possessive and jealous. He knows that what makes him and Naeul always fighting. But he could not pretend like he’s okay when she around another man. I’m his man and she is my girl, Minho thought.


Now, Naeul doesn’t even want to talk to him. She’s avoiding him at school and rejected all his call. When he tried to explain to her at school she will run away and Hyuna will told him to go away. It’s all my fault, he said. I didn’t spend more time with her and I was too focusing on soccer. If I spend more time with her, this never will happen. But Naeul should trust him and gives him the chance to explain. Krystal is nice and pretty, he admits. But Naeul should know him and trust him that no one else in his heart besides her. If there millions of angel come down from the sky search for him, he will still choose Naeul. Over and over again. He could not imagine his life with somebody else. He could feel it for long time ago, since he first saw her. He knew from the first time their eyes meet each other, Naeul is the one for him. Naeul is meant for him and still meant for him forever.


Minho walks to the school library. This is where they first met. He could never forget that day. The day he saw his angel. He closes his eyes. He could still feel her presence, her warmth. Then, he walked at the back of the school library. This is the place they met when she wanted him to be his fake boyfriend. He was so happy to finally met her and be his boyfriend even though it was for temporary. Minho determined to make it forever and he succeeded. Since then, they always wait for each other here and walk home together. That time was the happiest time of his life. He missed it so much.


Please Naeul, come back to me.




Krystal is holding Minho’s hand. She was restraining Minho from leaving her there. She’s crying and begging.


“Minho, please! I love you! Why you can’t accept me? Why?”

“I’m sorry Krystal but you already know that my heart belong to Naeul. She’s the one and the only for me. You know that. I told you before,” Minho said.


“But what’s that she has and I don’t? What are so special about her?”


Minho looks at Krystal’s eyes. Then he smiles, “Everything about her is special. Her eyes when she’s blinking, her nose when she crinkling it, her lips when she pouted, her soft voices when she laughs and calling my name and her heart that is so pure and innocent. Even her presence is special. If you want me to talk about Naeul, I can’t finish it in one day. But the important thing is she is really special when she is the only one in my heart,”


Krystal stops crying but tears still flowing out from her eyes. She’s lost in this battle of love. She lost to Naeul, an ordinary girl. She thought she could win Minho’s heart but no, she was wrong. Minho is already deeply in love with Naeul. There is no single thing that can change his heart. Not even her.


“I’m sorry, Krystal. I hope you will find someone. Someone that love you for who you are,” Minho said. He feels guilty making her crying but he has to tell the truth. There is no place in his heart for another woman. His heart belongs to Naeul.


Krystal didn’t reply anything. She just stands there, holding Minho’s hand and crying. She was touched because Minho is still being nice to her even though she already ruin his relationship with Naeul. That is why she loves him. That is what makes her falling in love with Minho. He is very warmth inside despite his cold image. He listens to all her problems and has been a very good friend. Only a fool will not like him. But now she realized, even how much the damaged she done, Minho’s love to Naeul is unbreakable.


“Are we still can be friends?” Krystal finally asked something.


“Yes, of course,” Minho smiles and wipes her tears.



Minho is been calling Naeul non-stop. But she never gives him the chance to speak. She will reject his call every time he called. She had enough with him. Suddenly, her phone ringing and she was ready to reject that call but she was surprise because an unknown number calling her. Should I answer it? What if it’s Minho? Naeul thought. After thinking about 30 seconds, Naeul decides to answer it.





Naeul is ready to fall asleep suddenly she heard something hit her window. At first, she thought it was her imagination and ignores it. But when she heard it again, she knows that she’s not imagining it. She gets up from her bed and look at the outside of her window. There she sees a man, a man that she been missing so much, standing still on the ground.


“Minho? What are you doing here?” Naeul panicked. She’s afraid her parents might wake up.


“Naeul, please. Let me talk to you. Just once! Please?”


“What? Are you crazy? We can talk at school tomorrow. Go before my parents wake up!” Naeul said, almost whispering.


“No, I need to talk to you, right here right now! Please come down!”


“What! No… we will talk tomorrow at school. Go home Minho. I will close the window now,”


“Fine, if you don’t want come down, I’ll climb up!” Minho is already at the wall, climbing up using a tree near Naeul room.


“What? Are you crazy, Minh? You could fall! You will be injured again! Get down now!” Naeul raised her voice.


“I don’t care,” Minho continues climbing up the tree until he reaches the highest branch that go directly goes to Naeul’s room. Naeul could see Minho shivers because of the cold weather. Suddenly, he holds out his hand for Naeul to reach. Naeul is hesitating to grabs his hand.


“Please? If you don’t, I will jump from here,” Minho threatening.


“No! Fine… Fine…” Naeul grabbed Minho’s hand and he jumps from the branch to Naeul’s room. He falls on top Naeul. Naeul left out a loud groans when Minho fell on her.


“Oh, Naeul! I’m sorry! Are you okay?” Minho quickly gets up and helps Naeul to stand. Naeul touches her head and shakes it. She felt dizzy a bit but then she nods her head and mutters “I’m Okay,”


Minho holds Naeul’s shoulder then he takes a good look at Naeul. He caresses her face and puts some strands of her hair behind her ear.


“You look so thin,” He caresses her cheek.


Naeul closes her eyes when she feels his hand on her face. She been missing that touch and suddenly she cries. She touched Minho’s hand that touching her face. Then she punches softly at Minho’s chest.


“Babo! You are a fool! Fool Minho!” She cried.


“I’m sorry Naeul. I’m sorry for making your life miserable. But give me the chance to explain! You are the only girl I love. There is nobody else in except you. Krystal and I are just friends. She had some problems and she shares it with me. It just that. Nothing more,”


Naeul is sobbing and her hand rest on Minho chest. Minho grabs her hand and holds it tightly. He kisses it and puts it on his heart.


“Feel that? Even it’s cold outside but my heart only warm whenever I see you, whenever I think about you, whenever I’m around you. I miss you so much. We never fought this long. My life been so miserable without you. I love you so much I can’t even live without you. Please Naeul, can you forgive me?”


“No, Minho…”


Minho surprised. He never thought Naeul will say that. He releases her hand and ready to get out from the room. But Naeul grabs his hand back.


“No Minho. I’m the one who should apologize. I never give you the chance to speak. I’ve been very bad. Krystal called me and explained everything. She said that she likes you but you rejected her because you really love me. She was regret with everything she had done. She said that she was touched by your love to me… and she asked me to forgive and accept you back. And if I don’t, she will not hesitate to make you hers.” Naeul eyes are still watery.


“And that is when I realize I’m the one who is guilty. I’m your girlfriend, I should understand you more. Not the other girl. I should give you the chance to explain. I should trust you. I should support you when you pursue your dream but I don’t. I never have been an understanding girlfriend as I should be. I’m the one that you should blame,”


Minho laughs. He was touched by her words. He pulls Naeul closes to him and kisses her on the forehead then he hugs her. “Then, we both should be blame. We both guilty in this case,”


Naeul rest her head on his warm chest. She doesn’t want to release from this hug. Never again. “I’ll promise I’ll be understanding. I will support you. I will bring you lunch boxes every time you practice. I will massage you when you feel tired and I will cheer for you every time you play,”


Naeul can feel Minho’s chest vibrating because he was laughing. It feels so good to be near him.


“Then, I promise that I will spend a lot of time with you. Whenever I’m not busy with soccer, I’ll be with you. I promise,” Minho smiles and kiss Naeul on the lips. She was blushing with the sudden kiss but kiss him back and whisper, “I love you,”




Minho and Naeul are on her bed, lying together. Minho is still holding Naeul’s hand. They listening music from Minho’s iPod. They sing together whenever they heard their favourite song.


“Hmm… This song is nice. What song is this?” Naeul suddenly asked.


“It’s Love’s Way from a band called SHINee. Have you heard about them?” Minho asked.


“Nope,” Naeul shakes her head.


“Really? You should. They are so good! My favourite member is the one name Minho,”


“Huh? Why?”


“Because he is the most good looking and more importantly we share the same name,”


“Silly Minho!”


They both laughs and Naeul snuggles to Minho’s chest and they sleeping in each other embraces until the next morning.



*Hello~! This Iefa_San! This one-shot is for Joonies. I hope you and other readers enjoy reading this story. Don't forget to comment! Thanks~~!!!

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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
<br />
awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..