
Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories
Story for shinee-effects
Written by qwuin-tastic


"Oppa, oppa, let's go to the park and get some ice-cream~" said Sulli while tugging on Taemin's arm. "Opppaaaaa~"


Taemin just ignored her and pushed her hand away from him. "Leave me alone. I'm tired to go out. I want to rest. Bye." He waved his hand and walked away.


"But……" Sulli's smile faded. She sighed and looked down. "Why don't you like me, Taemin?" She asked to herself.


Sulli went home feeling sad and gloomy. All her members were sad for her. They all knew how much she likes Taemin. Sulli went inside her room and laid on her bed. She stared at the ceiling and within minutes, she fell asleep.




"AH! What?!" Sulli got up from her sleep with her eyes wide open. Her alarm clock had surprised her. She looked at it, and her eyes became even more wide. It was already 7.45, she's late for school!


She took a quick shower and put on her uniform. She rode her bicycle quickly and when she saw the gate, she shouted


"Wait! Wait! I'm coming!" she rode and rode, but when she arrived, the teacher closed the gate.


"Sorry. You should've come earlier." said the teacher.






Sulli sighed and looked down. I guess there's nothing I can do. She rode her bicycle and went to the park nearby. How am I going to tell my unnies?


As she sat down by the river, she her ice-cream which she bought on the way to the park. She sighed again and thought of Taemin. I couldn't see Taemin today. Sigh….


It was already 3pm so she decided to head back to her dorm. As she got up, a boy ran into her and she fell into the river.


"Ahhhhh!" Sulli screamed.


Sulli was drowning cause she couldn't swim. "Help! Help!" She shouted, but no one was helping her. She could feel the water entering her lungs. She felt like dying….


"Hold on!" someone shouted. He jumped into the river and saved her.


Sulli felt relieved because she thought it was over for her. She was afraid she won't be seeing Taemin anymore. As soon as she out from the water, she coughed out the water.


"Are you okay?" The boy asked, panting.


"Y-yeah…" Sulli said, trembling.


She looked up and was shocked. It was Wooyoung. They were in the same school but they've never really talked to each other. She was wondering what he was doing here.


"Wooyoung?" she asked.


"Yeah. Sulli, right?" he was still panting.


"Yeahh…what are you doing here?"


"What? Oh, nothing.."


Wooyoung helped her get back on her feet and placed his jacket over her. Her legs were shaking and she was cold. She felt sick, but she was glad Wooyoung came to save her.


He took her home but no one is home. She opened the door and he helped her lay on her bed.


"Stay here." he said.


After a few minutes, he came back with a bucket of water and a cloth. He soaked the cloth and placed it on Sulli's forehead. Sulli was too sick to realize it all.




"Yah, Taemin. Take this to f(x)'s dorm. Krystal wanted to eat my cooking." Key said to Taemin.


"Is she home now?" Jonghyun asked.


"Don't know."


"Oh, okay." Taemin said, while putting on his coat.


"Say hi to Sulli for me." Minho teased.


"Oh, shut up hyung."


Taemin walked to f(x)'s dorm with a big smile on his face. Even though people think Taemin hates Sulli, it's wrong. Taemin really likes her but he ignores her because he likes being followed.


He didn't see her at school today so he hoped she would be home. I wonder if she's mad at me…


When he reached her dorm, he knocked. After a few minutes, a man's voice said "Coming!"


Who's that? Taemin wondered. As the door open, Taemin was shocked.


"Wooyoung?" Taemin asked.


"Oh? Taemin, what are you doing here?"


"I should be asking that to you."


"Sulli fell in the river and fell sick. I just helped her to get to her dorm. I'm leaving now, anyway. You should take care of her." And with that, he left.


Taemin, who was standing there blankly, was suspicious. Is Sulli seeing him behind my back?


He placed the food in the kitchen and then went up to Sulli's room. But when he arrived in front of her room, he stopped. Should I really go in?


He decided to not go in. He went back downstairs and left. As he walked back to his dorm, he wondered. "Are they going out? Should I be worried? Why am I thinking this?"


The next day…


Sulli went early today and was at her locker. Someone tapped her shoulder so she looked back to see who it was. Wooyoung.


"Oh, hey. Why did you leave so quickly?" Sulli asked.


"Because Taemin came. I told him to look after you. You didn't know?" Wooyoung asked, puzzled.


"What..? Taemin…was there?"




Just then, Taemin came. His locker was right next to Sulli's. Taemin saw them together, and he felt..jealous. He glared at the both of them and opened his locker like nothing is happening.


"Taemin oppa. Did you come to my house yesterday?" Sulli asked him.


"What? No, why?" Taemin lied.


Wooyoung looked at him with one eyebrow raised up. Wooyoung knows he's lying.


"But Wooyoung said…"


"Maybe he's lying." Taemin slammed his locker close. He walked away before Sulli could stop him.


"I didn't lie." Wooyoung said.


"I..I don't know." Sulli looked down and walked.


"I didn't lie." Wooyoung repeated himself.




After school, Taemin was waiting for Sulli outside the school's gate. They had a schedule together and Key told him to take Sulli along.


Then he saw Sulli….with Wooyoung. They've gotten really close…


"Sulli!" Taemin called.


"Oh, oppa. Hello." Sulli said, giggling.


"What's wrong with you?"


"Wooyoung oppa just told me a joke. It was really funny. You want to here it? Tell him -"


"No, I don't. I just want you to get in the car. We have a schedule together, remember? Key umma wants us to ride together." Taemin said, sounding furious.


"Oh…really?" Sulli asked with a soft voice.




"I told Wooyoung about it, and he said he'd take me."




"Sorry…" Sulli waved and went with Wooyoung to his motorcycle.


Taemin furiously looked at them leave and then he kicked the gate. He got into the car and slammed the door close. He told the driver where it was.


When he arrived at the studio, he saw s with F(x) and Wooyoung. They were laughing hard. Taemin walked up to them and glared at Wooyoung.


"Oh, Taemin-ah. You're here. What took you so long?" Onew asked, laughing.


When he asked that, Taemin looked at Sulli and Wooyoung. "Traffic."


"Ah, Wooyoung. You are so funny." Krystal said.


"What is wrong with you people…?" Taemin said to himself.


"What, Taemin?" Key asked, laughing.




Throughout the recording, Taemin stayed still and quiet. Wooyoung was a guest and he was really funny. He made everyone laugh. Taemin was feeling really mad and jealous. He didn't want Sulli to fall in with Wooyoung. He regretted ignoring her.


"Taemin-ah…why are you so quiet today? You're always so cheerful." The host said.


"What? Oh, nothing…"


"Well, okay then. It's almost the end of this show, so why don't everyone say a few words?"


Everyone said a few words and soon it was Taemin's turn. He looked at the camera for a few minutes, breathing deeply. Everyone looked at him and wondered what was wrong.


"Taemin..what's wrong?" Key asked.


"….I have a confession to make." Taemin said while looking at Sulli.


"Oh?" The host said.


Sulli was looking at him with confusion. She looked at everyone in the studio, wondering if it was planned. Everyone did the same thing.


"I like Sulli…" Taemin said.


Everyone in the studio gasped, even Sulli. "What?" She asked.


"I like Sulli, since I saw her. I know I ignored her before, but it was because I wanted to keep cool. I like her." This time, he was looking at Wooyoung.


"I hope my fans can accept my confession." He added.


Sulli grinned from ear to ear. She was happy. She got her man. After the show, she met up with Taemin. Taemin tried to run away but his hyungs stopped me.


"Hey." Sulli said.




"You like me?"




"Why didn't you say earlier?"


"I..was scared."


"Pabo." Sulli laughed.


"Do you like Wooyoung?"




"Do you?"


"No, never. I only thought of him as a brother. Nothing more. I only like you Taemin." She smiled and so did Taemin.


Since that day, Taemin and Sulli got closer and went out on a few dates. They've broken up and made up a few times. But they still love each other.


hello! ~ i'm so sorry i took so long to finish your request, but i couldn't open my laptop >< and i didn't have time to write. i hope you like it (:


this will be my last request because i have to leave MidnightIllusionsx. Thanks for requesting, guys! ^^


comment please! :D bye~

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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
<br />
awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..