Sweet Kiss

Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories
Story for baeunalurve19
Written by qwuin-tastic



"…but she's ugly!" a boy named Key exclaimed, while pointing his finger at Eunmi. Eunmi gasped.


"Yah! What did you say?!" Euna, Eunmi's twin sister, shouted at him.


"What? Don't act like you didn't hear me." Key crossed his arms, and walked away.


"Yah! I'm not done with you!" Euna shouted. She was about to run after him, but Eunmi stopped her.


"Euna…stop it, please? I'm fine, so don't worry." Eunmi smiled. But Euna knew she was hurt in the inside. Euna couldn't do anything but nod.


They continue to walk their way home. Throughout the walk, Euna was planning in her head how to get her revenge on Key. When they arrived at their house, Jonghyun, their neighbor, waved at them.


"Hi Eunmi~ and, uh, Euna." He said.


"Hi~" Eunmi waved. But Euna didn't wave back, she just stared at the pavement.


"Yah, what's wrong with you?" Jonghyun asked Euna.


"Urm…nothing. Bad day, don't want to mess with her." Eunmi explained, while pushing Euna inside.


"Yah, are you still bothered by Key?" Eunmi asked as soon as they entered their room.


"Yes." Euna crossed her arms. "He won't get away for what he did to you. And you can't stop me."


Eunmi sighed at her twin sister. Although they were twins, but they are nothing alike. Eunmi is smart, kind and is loved by everyone, meanwhile, Euna is lazy, hot-tempered and always wants revenges, plus over-protective. But they still love each other, very much.


The next day, Euna got scolded by the teacher for not finishing her homework. She had to stay in the principles office after one period. When she got out from the office, she flung her bag on her back and went to look for Eunmi.


Instead of finding Eunmi, she found Key. She evilly smiled and walked up to him. Key, unaware of her going to him, kept his books away.


"Cooking? Seriously? Cooking? What are you, a mom?" Euna saw the book he was keeping away and laughed then walked away. Everyone there heard her and laughed as well.


"Uhhh…I'll get you back, Euna." Key whispered to himself.


"Who are you talking to?" Jonghyun asked him but Key ignored him and went to his next class.


His next class was English Lit. When he entered the room, he saw Eunmi and Euna at their usual desks. Eunmi saw him, but Euna didn't. Key wiggled his eyebrow at Eunmi, and placed a finger on his lips. Eunmi was about to tell Euna, but it was too late.


"Yeobo~ sorry I didn't call you yesterday. I'm sure you were worried sick, right? But it's okay, I'm fine." Key placed his arm around her shoulders and winked at her.


The whole class saw them and gasped. There were even some girls glaring at Euna. Euna, who was confused, pushed away Key's arm.


"What? I'm not your...'yeobo'. Who would be stupid enough to be your yeobo?" Euna shouted. Everyone snickered when they saw Key's priceless expression.


"Well, you, of course. Who else would love me as much as you do?" Key evilly smiled at her.


"What?!" Euna slapped him. Key looked at her with a deadly glare. His face was red, and angry.


"Why, you…." He stopped when the teacher came in. The teacher looked at them weirdly.




"I know what will make her really mad." Key smiled, evilly.


"What?" Jonghyun looked at his friend. They were at their house - their parents had rent it to them - playing basketball.


"I don't want to play anymore, jjong. I wanna take a shower." Key didn't reply to him.


"Yah, at least tell me your plan!" Jonghyun asked, but he was ignored, again.


"Wow, he must really hate that girl." Onew said, staring at the door.


"Pfft, he's always like that." Minho exclaimed, while bouncing the ball.


"True." Onew nodded.


"I think they'll be together in the end." Minho said.


"Why is that?" Taemin asked, but Minho didn't answer him and dunked the ball.




"Yah, tell me. Is it true?" Eunjung asked.


"What is?" Euna asked.


"That you're dating Key!"


"Omo, really? You are?" Hyomin asked.


"Waah, he's so pretty. You've got good eyes." Boram said, while putting her both hands on her cheeks.


"Wtf?! No way! I don't like him." Euna gasped at her friends. Eunmi only giggled at her twin sister.


"Yeah, you don't. You better stay away from Key." One of their classmate threatened Euna than walked away.


Euna and her friends - including Eunmi, looked at her.


"Is she crazy?" Euna asked.


"I think you're crazy. To date Key!" Jieun exclaimed.


"Of course she is crazy. Crazy over me~" Key suddenly appeared from behind Euna, and hugged her.


Everyone in the corridor saw him and gasped. Some even whistled. Euna quickly removed his arm around her and kicked him.


"Ow!" Key jumped up and down, because he was unstable. "Sorry, yeobo. I forgot that you didn't want other people to know…ABOUT US."


"What?!" Euna shouted but Eunmi pulled her to the bathroom. Euna was positive she heard him laughing like a maniac in the corridors.


"Why that…..!" Euna punched her bag. Her friends and Eunmi looked at her in a weird way.


"You should accept that fact that he likes you." Jiyeon said.


"No. No..no, no! He does not like me. He's just doing that for revenge! But, I won't stop. I'll get my revenge too!" Euna exclaimed and ran out of the bathroom.


She was walking to class when she saw Key. She rolled her eyes and ignored him. But as soon as she reached him, he stopped her. She tried to break free but he was too strong.


Key bent down and went closer to her. Everyone was observing them. Now, Euna was breathing heavily. Key came closer and closer until her face. Euna sworn she had seen him smirk. What is he going to do?! thought Euna.


Key quietly laughed beside her ear. "Stupid." He whispered. He walked away, and Euna was left there, frozen.


She entered class late because of him. But the teacher was absent, so she was safe. Then, she saw Key sitting on her desk, laughing with her friends - including Eunmi!


"Yah, what are…?" Euna smacked his head. "Shouldn't you be in your Cooking class??" She said it out loud. Key scoffed and gave her a glare.


"Fine! I'll take cooking class, so our baby won't starve!" Key walked out, pretending to be upset.


"What?!" was the only thing that came out of .




More and more students keep asking Euna if she is dating Key, and the answer was always the same. "No." But no one believed her.


"Uh, I can't stand this anymore! Why is that freak doing this to me? He called you 'ugly' first, so I have the right to be angry." Euna expressed everything to Eunmi.


"Yeah, he called me ugly, not you. You have no right to be angry. I do." Eunmi sighed.


"But, I'm your twin sister. I'm only caring for you. Do you want me to ignore you all the time?" Euna asked in a soft voice.


"I know you care for me. But I can take care of myself. And I don't want you to ignore me, I want you to help me."


Euna didn't replied, instead she sat down, while drinking her milk. Eunmi smiled and played Euna's hair.


"Key likes you, you know?" She said.


"Yeah right."


"It's true. Just be easy on him, okay?." Eunmi asked her sweetly. After a pause, Euna replied "No."




After school, Euna had to walk alone. Eunmi had extra class  - well, she did too, but she was lazy. Euna walked by the pavement, listening to her MP3.


"Yah!" A boy shouted, making her jumped. She turned around and then turned back around. She continued to walk, ignoring the boy shouting her name.


"Euna-sshi!" Key shouted. He got off his bike, and ran up to her. He pulled her wrist closer to him.


"What do you want?!" Euna shouted.


Instead of replying, Key dragged her to his bike. Euna kept hitting him but he ignored it.


"Get on." He gave her his helmet.


"No!" Euna walked away, but Key pulled her again. "Get on!" Key put the helmet on her head.


Euna got on his bike, with her arms crossed. "Happy?" She asked.


"Yep." Key smiled, and got on his bike. At first, it was kind of wobbly but in the end is was a smooth ride.


 "Why are we slowing down?" Euna asked when she realized that they were slowing down.


"Because you're too fat!" Key stuck out his tongue.


"Yah." Euna playfully smacked his head. "Where are you taking me?" She asked.


"Somewhere." Key winked, and continued to paddle.


Soon after, they reached a park. There were people jogging, resting and also fishing. Key helped her get off the bike, and held her hand when they were walking.


Why is he holding my hand? Does he like me? So, what Eunmi said was true?? She kept her face down. Key smiled at her, and shook his head.


"Want some ice-cream?" He asked. Euna nodded and agreed like a child. He bought for her a chocolate, and for him, he bought a vanilla.


They sat on the warm grass and happily ate their ice-cream. Euna was eating it like a small kid. Her face was full of chocolate. Key laughed at her, pointing at the mess on her face. She rolled her eyes and punched his arm.


"Ow..-laughs- here, take -laughs- this -laughs-." He offered his handkerchief. Euna wiped the mess off her face, then she looked at Key.


"Is there anymore?" She asked.


"Yeah, there." Key pointed.


"Where?" She kept wiping her face, but nothing was there. "WHERE???"


"Haha, here." Key went closer to her and kissed her.


Euna dropped the handkerchief and kissed him back. Euna didn't know why she was kissing her enemy, but she liked it. What a sweet kiss. she thought.

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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
<br />
awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a way..lol..
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..