A Moment to Remember

Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories



Written for violinsweetie

Written by SHINeeDreams

@ midnight-illusionsx.blogspot.com\




Jung Yunho and Lee Kyung Soon had been married for about 2 years already, and throughout their entire marital lives, they both believed that they were destined for each other since they were like 2 peas in a pod. But this only lasted...until Kyung Soon left Yunho.


"I hate you!"
"I hate you too!"
"If you hate me so much, why don't you just leave?!"
"Fine! I don't need you anyway!"
And that was the end of it; Kyung Soon just packed her things and left. It all went by so fast that neither one of them knew how it all started in the first place. It had been 6 months since the 2 of them hadn't spoken to one another and had been living their separate lives. It'd been a rough road for both, especially with the media wanting to get into every detail about everything since Yunho was the leader of the Korean boy group, TVXQ. Yunho and Kyung Soon thought that they were meant for one another all this time since they seemed to get along real well, and they both had similar taste and personality. But maybe it just wasn't their fate. Like magnets, they were 2 likes repelling from one another.
Kyung Soon and Yunho weren't divorced, but during their parted times, they hadn't spoken to each other once; they didn't even know what was happening in each other's lives. Yunho had tried so hard many times to think of ways to apologize for his mistakes, but thanks to his manly pride, he did nothing but wait for a miracle to happen; he just couldn't go through with his plans at all. Whenever he thought back at what happened the day Kyung Soon left, he felt guilt all throughout his body, remembering his accusations about her cheating on him as well as her hurt expression as she was trying to defend herself. Yunho knew that when Kyung Soon walked out that front door of (what was back then) their house, he was not going to be seeing her again, and he regretted not apologizing and stopping her from leaving. He didn't realize until later that he really missed her presence, and he blamed himself for everything.
What Yunho didn't know was that Kyung Soon also missed being with him, not only because she still loved him, but also because now she had a good reason for the 2 of them to get back together: she was now pregnant with their twins. While Yunho blamed himself for making those useless accusations, Kyung Soon was blaming herself for not controlling her anger, and she knew that a lot had to do with her hormones going haywire during her pregnancy period. Unfortunately, she had not known about it until after she left, so Yunho didn't know about the news whatsoever. Her due date was drawing near since she was now 6 months in, so she had to figure out a way to make up with Yunho in any way possible.. But she had many thoughts and concerns rolling in her mind: would he be willing to take her back after what she had done? Just because she herself wants it?
After much hesitation, Kyung Soon, unlike Yunho, decided she needed to throw away her own pride and ask for help. She called the one person she knew who was guaranteed to help her in this time of need: Shim Changmin, TVXQ's youngest member and one of her closest friends. She hadn't spoken to him since her and Yunho's separation since he was rooming with Yunho ever since Yunho moved back into the TVXQ dorm, but she really was seeking help; she now had no choice but to speak to him. She had no courage to get Yunho back on her own with her current condition, so she thought Changmin was pretty much her last resort.
"Changmin. I..it's me, Kyung Soon," she said with a soft voice.
"It's me...Kyung Soon."
Surprised to know that Kyung Soon was still even alive, Changmin immediately started blasting her with questions and demanded her to give him "her location." Kyung Soon, at first hesitant to give it to him, invited him over eventually to "discuss some issues" with him. She knew she wasn't going to be able to move around in her current state, so she gave in and told him her address; she also didn't want the media to be involved if they were to get caught meeting with one another in the open.
Noticing that she was talking in a weak yet serious manner, Changmin instantly changed his demanding tone to a concerned one and gladly accepted her invitation. Kyung Soon was relieved to know that Changmin wasn't hesitant to be meeting with her (even though the date was several days away since he was busy), but at the same time, she was nervous about how he would react the second he sees her grown stomach. Obviously, since she was 6 months in, there was no way of hiding it.
Kyung Soon spent so much time trying to organize her thoughts together that she didn't realize that time was flying by; it was already the day Changmin was supposed to go over. She quickly went around trying to tidy up everything when the doorbell finally rang.
Immediately when Kyung Soon opened the door, she was able to see a large grin on Changmin's face. She noticed that he was examining her from head to toe as if he were scanning her, and the minute he saw her stomach region, his grin turned into a frown yet he didn't look sad but confused. Kyung Soon knew it wouldn't help for the both of them to continue standing at the door front, so she insisted that Changmin enter the house. Then after planting him onto the living room couch, she rushed to the kitchen to prepare some food and beverages. And as she walked back to the living room, she had a sense that Changmin was going to ask a lot of questions regarding her current life, and not surprisingly, he did. He went straight to the point and asked, "Is it Yunho hyung's?"
"Please don't tell him. I know you guys are going through a lot right now, and I don't want this to be another addition to his stress."
"But Kyung Soon, he should know. It's his..."
"Please. Not isn't the right time. I know he doesn't want to see me, especially when I'm in this state," she said as she looked down at her stomach. She felt guilty for putting Changmin in the middle of all this, so she quickly changed the subject. "Anyway, how's he doing?"
It was obvious he was having such a hard time taking all this in, but he continued to converse with Kyung Soon as if nothing was the matter.
"Yunho hyung isn't doing well without you either. You should know that. Ever since you left, he hasn't really been himself; you have to take him back."
Kyung Soon really wanted to get back with Yunho, but she didn't know what was holding her back from doing so; it was such a tough decision for her because it'd been so long since the last time she even saw his face.
After spending time talking to each other, Changmin and Kyung Soon decided that they'd keep their meet a secret from anyone, especially Yunho. Kyung Soon wanted to keep her status a private matter for as long as possible.
Some time had passed since Changmin and Kyung Soon's encounter with one another, and they both had continued to meet while still keeping it a secret. Changmin felt guilty for continuously meeting with Kyung Soon without Yunho knowing, but he had no choice; Kyung Soon needed someone by her side, and she had nobody else to turn to. The two of them tried their best to cover and hide themselves because they didn't want the media nor the fans to know about the twins in Kyung Soon's stomach; she didn't want more rumors to spread about her and Yunho and, most importantly, false rumors about her and Changmin. It was bad enough that she hurt Yunho after leaving him; she wasn't willing to hurt him no his reputation even more.
But Kyung Soon didn't realize that the more TVXQ became popular, the more fans became more intimate; it was getting harder for Changmin to hide himself from them, and eventually, rumors about him and "a certain pregnant girlfriend" had been spreading all over. By this point, there were no more secrets to keep between Kyung Soon and him since Yunho was now indirectly involved.
Yunho had been yearning to get Kyung Soon back during the months they were apart, so he asked s what he could do to get her back. But even after getting advice and words of encouragement from them, he still did not have the guts to be "the man" and take the first step. Although he had a difficult time while all this was going on, he was glad he had a team to support him one hundred percent. And of all the members, there was one that he was able to depend on the most, and that was his roommate, Changmin.
The two of them had roomed in the dorm, and they told each other almost anything about everything. But one day, Changmin started to get a bit secretive about what he was doing and where he was going. When the other members would ask if there was anything wrong, he would try to keep away from the topic and tell them there was nothing wrong. All 4 of the other members began to get a little suspicious of his behavior, and they all wanted to figure out what he was up to.
"Yunho, do you know anything?"
"Yeah, did he tell you something? You're his roommate, so he should have at least hinted something."
"Does he have a girlfriend that he's not telling us about?!"
"He should at least tell us about it. We could keep a secret!"
Yunho was shocked by the fact that the other 3 members were so into Changmin's secretive business, and yet it was quite amusing that it made him chuckle a bit. Yeah, it was true that he was curious as well about what Changmin was up to, but he sure was not as curious as the other 3. Although he wasn't too curious, that last comment about him having a girlfriend made him think a bit. All his actions, in a way, did make him seem like he could in fact have one. When he had a phone call, he would go outside to speak, and he would never tell the other 4 where he was going. Yunho smiled to himself just thinking about it.
Surprisingly, it was not long before the rumors about Changmin and "his girlfriend" had spread even more, and all the members were in shock after seeing photos of Changmin with his arm around a pregnant girl.
"So this is why he's been acting weird lately?" one member would say.
"Is it even his?" would say another.
Nobody knew for sure what was going on. Who knew the youngest member in the group would be so good with hiding things from people?
Then that very same day, Yunho saw Changmin walk inside the dorm, quickly change into some comfortable clothes, and grab his cap and sunglasses to cover his face from the public (or at least try). It was obvious that he was going to go see his girlfriend again, so Yunho just watched him and laughed.
"Hyung, where are the other hyungs?" Changmin asked as he was getting ready to leave.
"They're in the room taking their naps. So, seeing your girlfriend again today?" Yunho asked with curiosity.
"What are you talking about?"
"We all saw the headlines this morning as well as the pictures. See?" And Yunho directed his point toward the computer screen.
"W..what is this? This is nonsense! You don't really believe this, do you?"
"Changmin, it's..." RING! Yunho's statement was cut off when Changmin's phone rang.
"Hello?" Changmin said as he excused himself to go to his and Yunho's room. Yunho, being the jokester he was, decided to follow behind and try to listen in, thinking it was the girlfriend. "Kyung...hey, I can't talk right now. All the hyungs are home, so do you want meet at the hospital then?....Okay. See you there then." Hearing a whispering Changmin just made a smile form on Yunho's face as he rushed back to the living room, not wanting the younger member to know what he was doing. The next minute, Changmin rushed out the dorm while quickly saying, "I'm going out now, so don't look for me!"
Changmin felt guilt flow all over because while Yunho was laughing at him cluelessly, Changmin was knowingly meeting with Kyung Soon. He always took her to the doctors for check-ups, and he was constantly by her side when she needed him.
When Changmin met with Kyung Soon at the hospital, like they planned, he saw that she was in a lot of pain. She was sweating and saying how her stomach had been hurting for a while. She was worried that her twins might be in danger while Changmin was reassuring her that everything was going to be okay. Kyung Soon was then called into the office with Changmin waiting for her outside. But when she came back out, her facial expression didn't seem so good.
"What did he say?" Changmin was very concerned by the way she walked out.
"It's probably because I've been stressing out. He said if I don't get enough sleep and food, it's unknown what would happen to my babies.."
"You really do have to eat. I haven't seen you eating enough lately." And the 2 of them left to get back home.
On the way back to the car, Changmin helped Kyung Soon out by holding onto her shoulders to assist her. But some fans must have seen them because there were people running over to take photos of them suddenly. At the sight, Changmin immediately covered Kyung Soon's face, and they both rushed into the car to drive off.
Changmin sighed from relief once he saw that the fans have disappeared from their sights, but it must have been all so overwhelming for Kyung Soon because she seemed to be in pain again. When Changmin insisted on taking her back to the hospital, Kyung Soon told him she was fine and that she didn't want to get "pummeled" by his fans again. Although she said it jokingly, Changmin knew it was only an excuse and was very concerned for her. And because she stubbornly kept wanting to just get back home, he eventually just took her home then went back to the dorm.
The minute he got inside, Changmin didn't hesitate to call up Kyung Soon to see if she was really doing okay. He first checked to see if the coast was clear then dialed her number in the living room. The phone kept ringing, but there was no answer even after calling several times. He was quite worried about her but tried to calm himself down by telling himself that she was tired and was wanting to give herself some rest. Trying not to think about it too much, he went to go take a quick shower.
Coincidentally, Yunho arrived at the dorm right as Changmin started his shower. Normally it wouldn't be a big deal that Changmin's phone was lying around in the dorm, but because he had his secret, it was quite something now. The worst part of it all was that Yunho was in such a curious mood to get a peek at some clues Changmin might have lying around. He opened Changmin's phone to get a peek at the contacts, but unfortunately, he didn't know the unlock key. But the minute Yunho was about to give up and put the phone back down, the phone started ringing. Nosy Yunho checked to see who it was, hoping to get some answers, and there it was! A female name! He was so excited to have maybe figured out the famous girl in the picture's name, but the minute he did a double take at the phone, his excitement quickly faded away. He could not believe what he was seeing..
"Hyung, when did you get back?" Changmin entered the room, startling Yunho.
"Uhh..earlier. I just came to...to..grab some things!" Yunho replied as he pretended to look for things to pick up. "Got it! Uhh, I guess I'll see you later...oh, by the way, your phone rang earlier," he said as he rushed out the door.
Changmin checked his phone after changing to see that he had a voicemail left from Kyung Soon. As he heard the message, Changmin ran out of the dorm to get himself to where Kyung Soon was: the hospital.
When arriving, Changmin saw her sitting down at one of the chairs of her assigned room in tears. He went over and asked what was wrong, and Kyung Soon replied by saying that there was a problem with her babies. Even after the warning, she continuously followed the routine of not feeding herself, which consequently led to this problem. And if she kept this up, as the doctor said, she might end up losing one or, at the worst case, both of the babies.
Hearing the news, Changmin knew it was finally time to tell Yunho before it was too late. He knew clearly how much Kyung Soon did not want it, but it was the right thing to do at this situation; there were 2 unborn babies at risk! Since Kyung Soon was asked to stay at the hospital in case of another emergency, Changmin allowed her to rest before driving back to the dorm to tell Yunho of the news. Fortunately, Yunho was back. Unfortunately, Changmin had bad news coming his way.
"Hyung, we need to talk.."
"Talk?" Yunho responded with a smirk on his face, "About what? About how you lied to me? and pretended to help me when all along you were sneaking around behind my back?"
"Don't even! I know you've been seeing Kyung Soon all this time!"
"You don't understand. I..."
"Don't understand, huh? Then I would love for you to explain to me. Why have you been sneaking around my back?!"
"She didn't want to scare you away with the baby!" Changmin was getting furious to see that Yunho did not believe him.
"Why? Because it's not mine?"
"They are yours! What are you thinking?! You know why she wanted me to keep it a secret? Because she didn't want to pressure you to come back just because of her condition! You don't even know how much she's been stressing out. She hasn't been eating or resting that she's at the risk of losing YOUR twins!"
"I...don't know what to say."
"I....I'm so sorry. It's just.. she's going through a lot right now, and she really needs you. Hyung, you know I would never do that sort of thing to you. I wanted to tell you earlier, but she begged me not to tell. I'm sorry, but she really needs you more than ever. She's gone in and out of the hospital so much, I can't even count."
Changmin tried hard to get Yunho to understand where he was coming from, but it wasn't an easy task. It was difficult to gain Yunho's trust when he's been keeping this a secret for so long, but eventually, Yunho gave in and decided to go see her although he still felt uncomfortable about all this.
When arriving at the hospital for the umpteenth time, Changmin knew Yunho and Kyung Soon needed to talk things out alone, so he just dropped Yunho off only before going back home. Yunho stepped inside, and he felt sick to his stomach from all the sights of patients here and there, knowing that Kyung Soon was in the same situation as they were. His footsteps on the way to her location were heavy; he finally came to the realization of what he was there for. Then when he got in front ti see her room with her name on it, he started choking up in tears, imagining what she would look like the minute he stepped his foot inside.
Unfortunately, Kyung Soon looked exactly the way Yunho had pictured her to look like; she was oh so weak and frail from head to toe, and she looked as if she wasn't able to make any sorts of movements. She was resting in bed, but it was obvious that she hadn't been in full rest for days just by seeing her face. After seeing this, Yunho was committed to staying by Kyung Soon's side no matter the circumstance, and that was literally what he did. He continued to watch over her and checked her status while she was asleep.
Then when she finally woke up, she was shocked to see Yunho asleep on the couch next to her. He looked as if he hadn't taken care of himself for days just by the way his hair and clothes looked. She broke down just at the sight of him being there for her, but wiped her tears away the second she saw him shifting positions and getting up to make eye contact with her for the first time in so long. They didn't know how long they were staring at each other, but the long silence came to an end with a warm "Good morning" from Yunho. Since that day, it'd been a bright day for the both of them. Kyung Soon was kept at the hospital still for the time being, but each day was filled with happiness just knowing that the 2 were going to be by each others' sides.
Unfortunately, this didn't last long when Kyung Soon was in the emergency room; she was giving birth to her 2 premature babies. Neither Yunho nor Kyung Soon knew what was going to happen, but the process took so long to the point Yunho got very impatient. They were constantly told that it wasn't guaranteed that both babies would survive, but they didn't know it would all come to this. The waiting process was long and painful for Yunho; he didn't know what to expect of the results, and he was frightened to know what was coming his way.
It must have been at least 12 hours before the doctor discussed the status of Kyung Soon and the babies. They talked for a while, and Yunho was not comfortable hearing the news, but he headed over to Kyung Soon to see how she was doing; he tried to look as if nothing was the matter so that he wouldn't worry her, especially because she'd already gone through so much.
"How are you doing, Kyung Soon?"
"I'm in pain," Kyung Soon said jokingly, "but you seem tired. Why don't you get some rest; you look like you need it."
"Don't worry about me. I'm fine."
"You sure? You really should.." *Knock knock* "Come in."
They were the nurses. "You want to see the babies?"
"Please come right in," Yunho said excitedly.
The nurses went into the room with the twins, both placed in incubators. Seeing that Kyung Soon wasn't shocked by the sight, Yunho knew she had already heard the news. The babies were placed right next to Kyung Soon's bed as Yunho slipped himself onto the bed, and the 2 parents just couldn't take their eyes off their children. Although they wanted to hold them in their arms, they just knew they couldn't do that.
Yunho and Kyung Soon watched as they saw the twins slowly fall into deep sleep. And as time passed by watching over their babies, the both of them felt the tears finally forming in their eyes and running down their cheeks; this moment was going to be one that they weren't ever going to forget, a moment to remember.
The moment soon came to an end when Kyung Soon felt herself closing her eyes with more tears forming until slowly.....
she too fell into a deep sleep in Yunho's arms.
Sorry for the long wait! I hope you enjoy it; I tried my best to write this using the plot and characters you requested.
Thanks for requesting at MI, and hope to be seeing you soon!
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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
<br />
awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a way..lol..
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..