The Cake Shop.

Midnight Illusions Collection of Short Stories

SHOUTOUT to: Umeko

WRITTEN BY: Jadednite

CHARACTERS: Min Jee/Gennie (OC); Super Junior Leeteuk (main) and other members.


*|** : Are the names used for the cakes taken from AWFULLY CHOCOLATE. NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.

A/N: SUPERRR sorry this took so darn long :< My words software got a lil corrupted and all the files were wiped off cleaned thus i had to retype. DDD: Nvm because i prefer this version more:DD

I APOLOGIZE for any typo error in advance. Teehee.

UMEKO I really hope you will enjoy reading it even if it was nothing at all like what you imagined. Thanks:D



“Chocolate. Vanilla. Strawberry. Gah, which one will KangIn like?”


A maniac chuckle could be heard on the other line of the phone, “Anything related to food, he’ll like.”


“No, that’s Shindong.” The supposedly brunette had a cellphone plastered to his left ear as he held his oversized jacket tighter and pulled his beanie lower. His fringe was already poking into his eyes yet he remained unfazed and repeated his actions.


“Why do I hear shuffling? Hyung, are you pulling your jacket again?” the other party asked.


The brunette rolled his eyes, “That is essential. I feel like every stare I get seems to pierce through my pathetic disguise.”


“Hyung,” the younger started, annoyance and distress heard in his voice, “You’re wearing contacts, wearing a freaking blonde wig, and wearing front dentures to make your teeth practically pop. You practically look like Japanese anyways.”


“I swear the wig is falling off,” he responded, with his eyes still scanning through the cakes and with his back still slightly bent.


“Stop rolling your eyes Hyukjae I can hear them clink.” The brunette added.

“Just please, hyung, choose one freaking cake and get it over and done with.”

“No, it’s for KangIn a-k-a homecoming party.”

“It’s been over fifteen minutes! We’re on the phone for nearly half an hour.”

“Shut up Hyukjae, I called you to help me dec—”


“Hi, do you uh, need any help?” someone called from behind the counter.

“No, it’s fine, thanks.” Leeteuk mumbled.

“I didn’t wanna interrupt initially, because you were on the phone, but…I think that…” the person trailed off, leaving her sentence in midair.

Leeteuk slammed his phone shut leaving Eunhyuk taken aback and rolling his eyes.


“Yes?” Leeteuk looked up; prompting the salesgirl to continue.


“Well, you’ve been hanging around for quite some time. Need help choosing?” the salesgirl gave a nervous laugh.


Wow, she’s so pretty…


It wasn’t an everyday circumstance where a (or any) Super Junior member could get to see a pretty face.


Okay, correction.


It wasn’t an everyday circumstance where a (or any) Super Junior member could go so upclose to a pretty girl and interact with her without having to wrench free from their suffocating grasps.


“What’s your favourite?”

“I recommend the brownies or Dark Chocolate Ruffles*. They always sell out fast—”

“Do you like it?”

“No, not really, I actual—”

“It’s your favourite I’m asking not the recommendation.” Leeteuk grinned back.


“Oh,” the salesgirl started. “Well, my personal preference would be Chocolate Rum and Cherry**.” She smiled sheepishly.


“Alright,” Leeteuk started with a broad grin. “Give me one whole Chocolate Rum and Cherry and one separate piece please.”


She nodded then acted upon request.


The brunette nodded again as she kept her gaze on the cakes.

“Thirty-eight fifty altogether,” she smiled.

Leeteuk handed her the exact change as he flashed his pearlies. He retrieved the cakes as he handed the single piece to the brunette.


“Yes? Something the matter…?” she asked as she took the bag anyways.


“Nothing, just buying something for a pretty girl.” Leeteuk grinned.


The brunette’s face erupted into a form of mirth. Slightly cheesy but she didn’t mind. After all, heis cute. Just that he looked abit…queer.


“What’s your name? I’m Lee—Dae Jung. Kim Dae Jung.”

“Min Jee,” the brunette smiled.

Then, his face scrunched up into what seemed like slight annoyance. “Though I think just buying a piece of your favourite cake doesn’t really seem appropriate. What do you say I buy you a meal?” He grinned gleefully.


“Ah. And what do I owe you that honour?” She raised an eyebrow as she gave a lopsided grin.


“Just for being pretty. And helpful.”






“You are going to what??” Eunhyuk was practically screaming into his ears.


Either the younger was mad or...plain jealous.

Leeteuk gave him a devilish grin as he adjusted his collar in front of the mirror.

"You are totally not going to get past this. I mean seriously? I can't believe she fell for your disguise Hyung! She'd never found out?" Eunhyuk was obviously very startled by that fact with his incredulous tone.


It had been a week or so since their first meeting; the chat; and, the exchange of phone numbers. Leeteuk had been contantly texting or calling Min Jee ever since.

But, under the assumption of supposedly a person called Kim Dae Jung.

That, however did not stop the brunette from falling even more in love with the girl nor did he ever once considered on letting her on the whole truth. He was afraid of the pressure of certain committments that he could not make because of his identity, and he felt being someone else was more free. At least, mentally.

But physically, it was the load.

There were times where he could meet up with Min Jee when he was as free as a dove and not packed up with performances and schedules. However, because he did not want to even let Min Jee to even have the slightest consideration on his identity--that Kim Dae jung was a hoax-- he would go ahead with any premediated date that either clashed with a schedule or when time was not enough for him to prepare for his date. As a result, Leeteuk would be off the location running madly to the car park as he adjusted his wig in the car.

Despite all the hassle, never once did the leader complain; groan or dread it because he would be so tired physically.

It would be a rare sight to see Leeteuk not having his phone anywhere near his face(ear) where he would be whispering one minute, laughing madly the next second or his cheeks turning bright red the next moment.

Though this meant he spent much more lesser time with s; they all understood because "it was time'' that Leeteuk found his soulmate.


Eunhyuk slumped onto the one-seater sofa, his muscles all groaning with pain and weariness from their recent comeback that resulted in many last-minute and ultra packed schedules.


As Leeteuk, clad in a black long sleeve with white vest and a pair of pants in addition to a pair of glossy black boots, Eunhyuk smiled slightly to himself then looked into the full-lenth mirror, "You look great hyung, I'm really happy for you. Go enjoy your date!" Then he picked himself up and walked out of the room with the former beaming with delight as he headed for the front door.

As the front door clicked shut, Donghae peered from the kitchen then back to whatever he was doing.

Eunhyuk the entered the kitchen, extending his hand out to the fridge. "Why the glummy face Donghae-yah?"

To which, the former leaned against the table counter as the latter grabbed a can of grape soda then directed his attention to the raven-haired.

Donghae bit his lips--not of unertainity but slight annoyance--as he sipped his coffee. He drew a long sigh as he spoke, "I just dont think Leeteuk Hyung should do that. As in, fake his identity and stuff. I mean for the first few dates, that's fine, but it's been more than two weeks."

The latter, who was gulping his drink down noisily, had his eyebrow rosed. He did not quite get the raven-haired's concerns.

The expression on his face conveyed just that as the former went on, "I just dont want this love to be all a facade for him. Hyung really deserves somebody to love, and him to be loved back. I dont want him to, you know...fall head over heels hard. Then the relationship turns sour and he's gunna fall to pieces. Really, the identity part is just crazy."

At that, Eunhyuk erupted into a mirth of laughter--though it was totally inappropriate, "Why should you worry about the identity part? His disguise is pretty good. I mean hello, you know 'Hannah Montana'? All she had was a freaking blonde wig on but no one knew who she was." and the laughter continued.



One Year Later

"This is insane hyung! One year and your identity is still Kim Dae Jung to Gennie?" Donghae yelled as he hung the phone up.

The brunette came running down the stairs one early saturday morning, with his eyes still half shut and a raven-haired glaring him down immensely.

"Whhaaat?" Leeteuk attempted to stifle a yawn.

"Hyung, I told you. Tell Gennie who you really are! i cant believe she's so stupid not to have know about your disguise." Donghae rolled his eyes.

"Dude, what the hell happened?" Leeteuk asked, now that he's more clear in his mind as he sat on the couch.

"Your girlfriend called asking for a Kim Dae Jung. I told her there's no such person."

Dazed and confused, Leeteuk stared-wide eyed at Donghae. "What?"

Donghae let his shoulders drop suddenly as he rolled his eyes, "Hyung, this isnt right, one year has come and gone. You promised that you'll tell her your true identity. Look hyung, i dont want you to suf--"

"I am going to tell her. Tonight." Leeteuk interjected and his face was solemn whilst his voice firm.

Donghae only exhaled out deeply as he rose on his feet.

"Just before I propose to her," Leeteuk added.

Donghae looked at his leader at the exact moment with his jaws hanging wide opened. There was nothing he could say--at least nothing he knew of what to say. So he'd just stared and...walked off.


Leeteuk leaned back against the couch as he shut his eyes tightly, letting the chilly winds kiss his cheeks and hear his own composed breathing.



"What is this surprise all about? Didn't we just meet up yesterday?" Gennie smiled as her boyfriend escorted her into a classy restaurant with her their arms linked together.

"Can't I miss you? I want to see you everyday." Leeteuk grinned and Gennie blushed as she looked away.

Gennie sure wasn't buying that, but she remained silent as they walked towards an empty tablewith the waiter infront of them, in his hand two menus.

As they settled themselves down it the waiter filled their cups with red wine and handed them the menus. The restaurant besides it's sophiscated interior look, it also had the beautiful entrancing melodious tune playted by the painist who was right at the left side of the restaurant. It was also spacious; for the couples if they wished to dance, they could do so.

The duo then ordered their food and waited patiently as Leeteuk reached in deep within his right trousers' pocket and felt for the object he was looking for. He grasped the square-shaped object and held on tightly to it. He exhaled out deeply and looked at Gennie deep in her eyes.




The brunette was slumped onto the one-seater chair with his legs stretched to its maximum length and had his both hands clasped tightly together placed on his flat, six pecs abs. His expression was hard to read. It wasnt exactly solemn, but it could not also be described that he had happy; contented or even relief expression on either.

The blonde noticed that and went forwards to his leader and punched his arm playfully. "A penny for your thoughts, er." He joked as Heechul sat on the two-seater seat.

The leader smiled slightly and kept his silence. Only at the prompting of the blonde's then did he speak.

"So, how was date just now? You realised it's like 2 in the morning? And you're sitting here stoning." Heechul had one brow raised.

"Then what about you? Wandering in the house in the midde of the night?" Leeteuk grinned back. His face seemed tired; under the moonlight that shone through the windows.

A brief silence.

"She knows. Everything." He started.

Now, both brows were raised, "What? Everything? How?"

At this part, Leeteuk let out a hysteric laugh.

"She told me two weeks or so after she knew me, she'd known my real identity. She said, she had a sister who was a fan of Super Junior, but she never paid attention to korean groups and never gave any form of enthusiasm to her sister whenever the brief mention of the group thus her sister never shared about korean groups with her anymore. Only one day when she was packing her sister's room she noticed our album that was lying on the table. Just out of mere curiousity she decided to check it out.

No interest indeed she had so she just packed the CDs and arranged them properly. But, later in the day she was so bored and since her sister wasnt back home, she decided to just check out the album, listen to the songs and such. It was then she started liking the band and followed it. She told me she find this weird resemblance between me and the leader, which was after all me, and got really drawn to him. Then, somehow she deduced that we were the same persons and in order to confirm that hypothesis she did some stuffs.

Example deliberately meeting right after a schedule, ecetetra. One time, she managed to get into one of out showcases and then made me to meet her after that. She said then waited in the carpark and just like she assumed; there was no bodyguard, cept for one driver as she saw me running wildly towards the car. She confirmed it was me when she took noted the same lisence plate number. She knew it was me all along after that. But she never said anything about it."

Heechul listened attentively as he replied, "Wow. Gosh. Why? She just wanted you to tel her yourself?"

To which, the brunette nodded.

"Then why are you here stoning? I'm sure that she wasnt at all the least bit angry of you right."

The brunette nodded his head in agreement. "I just wished she would told me earlier. Then i could save myself all the heaps of trouble." He responded then laughed slightly.



Eight months later;  Leeteuk and Gennie got married shortly after the engagement , and soon after, Leeteuk was informed by his manager that he has to serve the army for 2 years since he hadn't done so.


"I don't want to ever leave you," Leeteuk said one night as they were both lying on the bed.

Gennie turned to her right, "Neither do I. But it's something you have to do Why, are you afraid I'll no longer love you?" she teased.

Leeteuk smiled as he caressed her cheeks.

She stared intently at him and a feeling of bursting passion seemed to overwhelm her as she inched closer to the brunette. Their lips meet gently as it started off slow, passionate and exploring. Moments later, the kiss began to become more intesned; hastened; and more domineering. Gennie was now already on top of the brunette and his hands trailed from her arms to her forearms to her smooth silky and toned-skin legs. their actions turned more immensed as she whipped off his shirt and glanced down at his perfectly worked out body.

The kiss was thus broken at this moment and Leeteuk asked, though rather breathlessly, "Are you sure Gennie?" The later smiled as she replied, "Tonight Leeteuk. Yes I am sure. you're leaving tomorrow already." Then, he helped her off her top as they liplocked again. She hooked her fingers at his trousers waistband as they writhed about on each other. The friction was delicious and tensing the air. Tables were turned and now Gennie was on the bottom as Leeteuk pulled the blanket over them, grinning devilishly.




2 years later...

He swallowed as he took a step forward and exhaled in deeply; inhaling the smell of fresh morning dew. He removed his cap and let the midday sun lap his skin and face to feel the warmth again. Leeteuk grasped his bag as he smiled contentedly. The cool breeze kissed his cheeks lightly as he continued walking; slowly. Finally, the day where he longed for has came..

The place where he yearned for all those 730 days.






For reading :D



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Update soon
@KPopTheSHINee -- Thank you so much! As long as we keep on getting requests, we'll be able to update soon! c:
@sohappilyalone26 -- Aw, thanks! I'm glad that you love them! :)
WOW! Amazing one-shots! Please update soon! >.<
OMG, love these one-shots~!
@Mistral -- Running a site is actually very hard, remember that we are all VOLUNTEERS, taking time out of our own lives to make you guys happy. We apologize that the author quit, she didn't even notify us that she was quitting until months later of not replying to our emails and before quitting she had told me that she sent you an email stating that she can't do your request, so we thought "Oh she's already informed" and so we had deleted your request. And we did not know your request was will on pending until you informed us on the chatbox. Also, instead of calmly resolving your issues with us on email, you took your action by making this public, which is not necessary. We have NEVER failed to do a request (unless we already informed the requester that we are unable to do their request). Remember, these sites are run voluntarily, meaning that we do not necessary HAVE to do it. Please understand from our point of view as well. We do have lives, we can't track down all our writers since they have their owns lives too. Sometimes, they take a while to reply to emails and that's the only contact we have. When even one staff member goes missing, the whole site is in chaos, so please try to understand from our part.<br />
<br />
awwww...yunho..u r so egostic..but in the end u went to see her after changmin knocked some sense 2 u in a
Thank you for the oneshot written! Hahaha. But I sort of expected more romantic stuffs right there and all. Like even maybe a kiss. Hahaahha
can I still request?
Just to tell, as this can happen to anyone - I requested long-long ago like in 2010, than author went on hiatus or resigned from the site, idk, but I was never informed, never suggested to choose another author, etc. Only when I noticed that my request is not listed anywere and contacted them first, I got "or, we thought you would not want it, request again". I will live without it, but it just feel bad to be disregarded like that. I don't have anything against authors, but management should do better! if you run the site, you should manage it. It'd have been nice at least to get the suggestion to request again after chosen author left, not after more than 6 month of waiting. As for requesting now - thank you, but no thank you. Who can garantee I will get it this time?
i want to request but i don't know what you want as the password..