
Decisions - A Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Fanfiction

So walked into his tent tiredly, setting his sword down by the make-shift table. He lit the candle and the light revealed an array of scrolls and papers on the desk before he quickly organized them and packed them away. It had taken a few days longer than he had wanted, but they had wrapped up the problems that were taking place at the border. He had already sent a messenger to the palace earlier today, letting Soo and the others know that he would be setting out the following morning. If he and Ambassador Hae rode fast enough, they would make it just in time for Seol’s birthday celebration. He packed up the remainder of this things before flopping down on his cot and falling quickly asleep.

The next morning, they set off early. Within a few days, they had arrived at the palace. However, when they arrived at the gates, something felt off to So, who rode even quicker to the entrance. As he arrived, he saw Jung rushing towards him. He dismounted and was about to greet him before Jung’s expression registered to So.


“Hyungnim! Did you receive our message?”

“Message? I have been traveling the past few days.”


Jung looked crestfallen.


“Of course, the messenger must have missed you. We sent the word just two days ago.”

“What is the matter Jung ah? Is something wrong?”

“Soo hyungsoonim has been taken.”


A cold shock came over So. His worst fear had come true.


“Taken? By who? To where?!”

“What is this I hear about my daughter?!”


Ambassador Hae had dismounted and made his way over to the princes, a worried look on his face.


“We were walking to her quarters two days ago, when a group of intruders attacked. There were so many, and we tried to defend ourselves. But after some time, one of them managed to knock her unconscious and took her away. As soon as she was taken, everyone else withdrew and followed.”


Ambassador Hae could not believe the 14th prince’s words. 


“And where were the guards during this time? Are you saying that you were all left defenseless within the palace walls?”


Jung’s face was grim as he answered.


“They had all been dealt with prior to the attack. We took a perimeter of the area after they escaped and found them all laying unconscious at their posts.”


Whoever had done this had a lot of power, and there was only one person So could think of.


“Have you found out who it is yet? You said it was two days ago. And what of the search parties?”


Jung shook his head sadly.


“Baek Ah hyungnim and Woo Hee hyungsoonim are on the search party now. They have been out for a few days while I have kept watch at the palace. We have found no traces of her yet.”

“And what of Seol? Is she safe?”

“Yes. Thankfully Soo’s ladies in waiting had also heard the commotion and took into hiding with Seol. I am also keeping watch of Seol during my time here.”


Jung dropped his head dejectedly and crumbled to the ground on his knees.


“I am so sorry hyungnim. It was my fault that Soo hyungsoonim as taken away. I should have done better...I have no right to be here.”


Although So was worried for Soo, he knew that Jung must have felt even worse. So reached out to grasp his brother’s shoulder with a sigh.


“It is not your fault, Jung Ah. There is only so much you can do with a few people, and you were dealing with forces stronger than we know. You did your best with your abilities, and I appreciate that.”


Jung still kept his eyes on the ground, still ashamed for not being able to protect his sister-in-law.


“You would have never allowed Soo hyungsoonim be taken away…”

“But I have many years of experience over you. I have seen things I wish to have never seen. Having less experience does not make you weak.”


Jung smiled half-heartedly before he erased the expression from his face.


“I must get back to my duties. Perhaps there will be more clues I have not found. We will have a meeting tonight. Please join just after you freshen up from your journey hyungnim, Ambassador Hae.”


Jung got off the ground quickly, and with a stiff bow, he left. So frowned as he saw the departing figure of his brother. He remembered being at that age, and he could tell that Jung was very disappointed in himself. However, So could not blame him. They had to have faith that Soo would be okay, and that they could get to the bottom of this plot soon.


“Jung must be feeling a lot of guilt,” Ambassador Hae said quietly. So nodded and turned to him with a frown.

“I am afraid we cannot rest much now that we have heard this news.”


Ambassador Hae sighed.


“You are right. However, we have both just come from a long journey. It would be best to take a little rest before starting. It would do no good to be out of energy later on when we most need it.”


So agreed and after bidding his father-in-law goodbye, he quickly went to his quarters to wash up. As he washed off the dirt from his travels, he thought about how much he had changed. If this were only a few years ago, he would have rushed off blindly to find Soo. Now, he was calm and collected, thinking logically of his next move. That wasn’t to say he still didn’t have the urge to rush off, but he knew that it would be more effective to think about it logically; besides, Baek Ah and Woo Hee were already searching for Soo currently, and he took comfort in that.

Jung said that the intruders had retreated immediately after they had Soo. Did that mean that they did not want to harm him? The guards were also spared, simply being knocked unconscious instead of being killed in cold blood. Although he was thankful his brothers were spared, he wondered if it really was who he thought it was behind the attack.

Despite wanting to take a rest, he found that he could not rest so he promptly left his quarters after washing up. As he did, he realized the absence of his usual guards, and made a note to question that later. Finding Soo was important, but he knew that he would have to greet the King and ask his permission to continue being absent from the court to do so. His eldest brother would have already heard about Soo’s absence, and So hoped that his request would be granted.

What he did not expect, however, was to run into Yeon Hwa on his way to the throne room.




So’s eyes widened slightly at her happy tone in greeting him. Although he knew that Yeon Hwa held some feelings of affection towards him, he had expected it to have died down as the years passed. Still, she always seemed excited to see him, and it made him wary. He gave a slight bow in greeting.


“Yeon Hwa…”

“I did not realize you would be back so soon! What has brought you here?”


Did Yeon Hwa not know about the disappearance of Soo? 


“I finished business at the border with the Khitan and came back as soon as I could. It will be Seol’s birthday soon.”

“Ah yes, I did hear about that. Strange that I have not seen Hae Soo around. I would imagine that she would want to be part of planning the celebration.”


So could see a sudden shift in Yeon Hwa’s expression and tone, though he was sure she was not aware of him noticing. This always happened when the topic of his wife came up between them.


“The palace is quite large,” he said nonchalantly. “I wouldn’t imagine you being around Damiwon much either.”


Yeon Hwa let out what would seem to be a dainty laugh to others, though it usually got onto So’s nerves whenever he heard her laugh this way. It always meant that she knew more than she let on.


“Yes, I suppose so. Though it almost seems as if she wasn’t in the palace at all!”


Why would Yeon Hwa say that unless she knew what was happening? So immediately grew suspicious of her and said his next words carefully.


“I am sure that is your imagination. Besides, when did you care about her whereabouts? I know you are not fond of my wife.”


It gave So a bit of satisfaction to see a flicker of anger on Yeon Hwa’s face. He knew that he had picked at a soft spot in her armour. Still she recovered quickly and flashed a pretty smile.


“Whatever do you mean, Oraebeoni?”


So gave a smile and shrugged.


“Just my ramblings. It happens often nowadays ever since I’ve gotten married...anyhow, I must be off to see the King. Good day.”


He did not wait for her to respond before he walked past her. Before he could make it very far, she spoke up.


“It is not too late, Oraebeoni. You can still obtain support of the Hwangbo clan…”


He paused for a bit before he forced himself to keep walking. Why was she still spewing about that marriage nonsense? Did they really think he would give up Soo simply for power? How many times did he need to repeat himself?

Still, her words at this point in time only further pushed his suspicions. Whoever was responsible for Soo’s disappearance was someone he knew very well. And if he was right, So knew that it would take a lot more than a simple search party to find her. Still he had faith that as long as they thought they could sway his decision, they would keep her alive and well. With that silver lining, he quickened his steps towards the throne room.

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kuroihikari #1
Chapter 57: I greatly enjoyed this story. Thank you for this!
mikanMD #2
Chapter 57: Thank you for the update!! You stay safe and healthy as well author-nim
acsian88 #3
Chapter 57: Your fic is a much-welcomed escape during these times. Love your latest chapter!
mikanMD #4
Chapter 56: True love will concur all
mikanMD #5
Chapter 55: Finally, and I’m so glad Mu went peacefully
mikanMD #6
Chapter 54: Jung really made a tough decision here
mikanMD #7
Chapter 53: To live with guilt is never easy
mikanMD #8
Chapter 52: I'm so happy Wook made this choice of where he stands in the matter
mikanMD #9
Chapter 51: How did Jung and Baek Ah arrived so fast??
mikanMD #10
Chapter 50: I love it when they have some downtime to spend with each other, but then I also know that whenever these two get to relax a bit something is about to happen