An Unexpected Visit

Decisions - A Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Fanfiction

No one knew about the poisoning incident, except for Soo and So, and those who instigated the event. Despite them knowing it was Queen Yoo, or even Yeon Hwa, they had no evidence, and as the days grew in number, it seemed that they would not get any evidence at all. They both decided not to tell the other princes, simply because it was still uncertain; they did not want others to worry needlessly.


The weeks following the 9th day of the 9th month, the King’s health grew increasingly worse. However, despite the urging of the ministers, he would not change his heir. This meant the ministers continued to pester So about divorcing Soo as his wife, and taking Yeon Hwa as his future queen instead. Regardless, So continued to refuse, and that only succeeded in making everyone else even more anxious. No amount of threats or warnings of how he would not have support of any of the ministers would deter him. The Hwangbo clan especially was getting nervous, and decided that they had to put something into action if they were to have their own on the throne.


So found himself at the astronomy tower again, the usual after court had been dismissed for the day. On certain days, Ji Mong would accompany him while the King was resting; today was one of those days. While So was reading over new proposals and complaints from the people, Ji Mong was working on another contraption of his. When So asked him what it was, Ji Mong replied it was a variation of one of his other contraptions: a helicopter. It was similar to an airplane but more compact.


Suddenly the sound of someone climbing the stairs to the astronomy tower could be heard. By the amount of silk that was being swept upon the steps, it could only be a woman. So and Ji Mong looked at each other before setting aside their work and standing up to greet whoever would come in.


To their surprise, it was Queen Hwangbo who ascended the stairs. Both bowed in response, but gave each other another look. Their thoughts echoed:


What was she doing here?


“I am sure you are surprised to see me here,” the queen said calmly.

“With all respect, your highness, but you have never been seen at the astronomy tower, so naturally we are surprised,” Ji Mong answered.


Her eyes scanned the tower disinterestedly, never stopping on anything in particular until her gaze settled on So.


“I never had a reason to come here until now. Ji Mong, leave us. I wish to speak to the 4th prince alone.”

“As you wish your highness,” Ji Mong said with a bow before leaving, but not before sending another worried glance towards So.


The room was silent after Ji Mong’s departure, and So met the Queen’s stare straight on.


“What can I do for you, your highness? I have yet to have the pleasure of you seeking my presence.”

“I will not waste time. I have come to give you this.”


Her hand held a parcel wrapped loosely in cloth, and So stepped up to accept the offering.


“You may open it,” she said as he stepped back towards his desk.


The sight that met his eyes surprised him, but he was used to controlling his expression, and hiding his thoughts from those he did not trust.


It was the blue silk-bound journal with peonies that he himself had gifted Soo. What was it doing in the Queen’s possession?


“You must recognize this, do you not?”


He glanced up coolly at the Queen, trying to read her expression. Surely she wasn’t going to do what he thought she was going to do?


“Of course I do; this was a gift I gave to my wife. It was lost recently, but I did not expect you of all people to return it. No one was told about it, so that makes me question why you have it in the first place.”

“You have a right to be angry at me; however, I did it out of concern. Have you ever read what your own wife has written? Or does she hide it away from you?”

“I have no need to read what Soo writes. She will tell me about her concerns; this journal is simply a way for her to gather her thoughts.”

“Perhaps you should take a look and see.”


So opened the pages and was not surprised to see the simple hangeul that Soo had taught him during their honeymoon. As he flipped through the pages, he found nothing out of the ordinary. It was just as he expected: Soo documenting her daily life.


“Whether it is the Chungju Yoos or any other strong family, they will try to tear this nation apart. Are you going to let Goryeo fall apart when you reign, 4th prince?”


He had to swallow in a chuckle as he continued to stare down at the page. Queen Hwangbo was simply too predictable. She must not have many accurate informants if she thought stealing this journal and giving it to him would change his mind about divorcing Soo.


“Your concern is excessive, not to mention treasonous; the King is still alive.”

“Your father worked too hard to build this country. He sacrificed so much; he did so much to protect it. That is the only reason why I worry.”

He looked back up at Queen Hwangbo, to see her expression had changed. If she was disinterested before, her expression could be determined now.


“That is why I cast my son out, and that is why I am offering my daughter up to you.”


She indicated to the journal in his hands.


“She writes in words that no one knows. Seeing what she does at Damiwon, she is not a normal girl either. She has no background, yet she has many weaknesses.”


So snapped the journal closed, and the loud sound made the Queen startle slightly though she did her best not to show.


“I do not care about such things, but I find I must correct you.”


He set Soo’s journal down before taking out a sheet of paper, and dipping his brush into the ink before swiftly writing a few words. After scattering some sand on top to dry the excess ink, he handed the leaflet to Queen Hwangbo. Her eyes widened when she saw what he had written.


“She may write in words that you do not know, but I do. We both decided to communicate in such after returning to the palace, to prepare for any such incidences like this. You may appeal to the King, however, he already knows of this.”


He gestured to the journal and then gave a pointed stare to the Queen.


“Soo has never been a normal girl, but the King thinks very highly of her, which is why she is the head of Damiwon. If we were normal, we would not be here, would we your highness?”


The look of fear could be seen creeping onto the Queen’s face, and So did his best not to smirk.


“Furthermore, Soo does have a background. If you recall, Ambassador Hae Sung Jin adopted her as his daughter, and as a part of the Hae clan she has quite a powerful background. Her father was Hae Sung Jin’s sibling, and too was part of the Hae clan. Despite the mishap in the past with the royal family, the Hae Clan has truly out deemed themselves in these past years and are considered great allies of the throne. They would be greatly offended to hear you think Hae Soo has no background. What other weaknesses do you see, your highness?”

“I was..mistaken 4th prince….”


Her gaze was no longer determined. She must have not planned this out very well.


Nor did she think this conversation would go this way.


“If you thought you could change my mind by reiterating what the ministers have continuously said, to which I have continuously rejected, you were sorely mistaken. I will not divorce Hae Soo, and I most definitely will not marry your daughter. It was useless of you to cast aside Wook while offering Yeon Hwa.”


He turned around and made to sit down.


“Now, if you are quite done, I beg your leave of me. I thank you for returning the journal, but will return anything else you have given me today, including your offering. Have a good day, your highness.”


He gave a low bow, almost as in a jest before taking a seat at his desk. He knew it was highly improper of him to do so before the Queen left, but what she had done today did not warrant his respect. He opened up another scroll and saw her leave the tower quickly from the corner of his eye.


After a few moments, Ji Mong returned and looked at So in question.


“What did you say to the Queen that left her in such a fright? It has been quite a long time since you have given up your “wolf-prince” demeanor, your highness.”


So gave a sigh and glanced over to Soo’s journal.


“She was trying to test my patience by attempting to play with my emotions, in hope that she could convince me to marry Yeon Hwa.”

“Well, that went swimmingly well, did it not? She must be horrified she would ever offer the princess up to the likes of you!”


So looked up at Ji Mong who was grinning, and he could not help but let out a chuckle. He knew Ji Mong was only joking, but he did have a point.


“I suppose I did scare her a little bit, but she was too confident when her arguments were too weak.”

“You may have deterred her, but what of the ministers? They will need a better reason if they want to cease their open-fire.”


Ji Mong’s tone had grown grim, and So was transported back to reality. The royal astronomer was correct; he would a much stronger and tangible reason for them to stop rejecting Soo. There was no doubt the Hwangbo clan had much power in the court. If they did not, the ministers would not have protested for this long.


“As always, you are correct Ji Mong. However, when will that reason appear?”


So looked again at Soo’s journal and prayed that that reason would come to them soon. Although he had been relentless in his refusal, he was afraid of what else they would do to convince him. The near poisoning was the first attempt, and Queen Hwangbo visiting him today was the second. What would be next?

Here's another update before I fly off to Seattle for another trip. Enjoy everyone and I hope you have a good week :)

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kuroihikari #1
Chapter 57: I greatly enjoyed this story. Thank you for this!
mikanMD #2
Chapter 57: Thank you for the update!! You stay safe and healthy as well author-nim
acsian88 #3
Chapter 57: Your fic is a much-welcomed escape during these times. Love your latest chapter!
mikanMD #4
Chapter 56: True love will concur all
mikanMD #5
Chapter 55: Finally, and I’m so glad Mu went peacefully
mikanMD #6
Chapter 54: Jung really made a tough decision here
mikanMD #7
Chapter 53: To live with guilt is never easy
mikanMD #8
Chapter 52: I'm so happy Wook made this choice of where he stands in the matter
mikanMD #9
Chapter 51: How did Jung and Baek Ah arrived so fast??
mikanMD #10
Chapter 50: I love it when they have some downtime to spend with each other, but then I also know that whenever these two get to relax a bit something is about to happen