The Truth from that Night

Decisions - A Moon Lovers - Scarlet Heart: Ryeo Fanfiction

By the time Soo got to their chambers, her minds was buzzing with questions, but most of all she was worried about So. She still didn’t know why Queen Yoo told her about So’s past. What motive did she have for doing so?


Did she perhaps think that Soo would leave So for such a deed? Perhaps Queen Yoo knew the

influence Soo had on So, and if she really did leave, then that would make So powerless. Not so much in a political sense, though it would be affected, but it would destroy So mentally. Not to mention, Queen Yoo would also be rid of Soo, killing two birds with one stone.


Granted, the chances were questionable, but Queen Yoo must have thought it was worth a try.


“Your highness, are you all right?” Eun Bi asked.

“Yes, your highness. What did Queen Yoo say that made you so troubled?” Arang continued.

“It isn’t much really. She told me something about So’s past and I’m not sure if it’s true. I hope you don’t mind me protecting my husband’s privacy by not telling you two. You know I trust you both with my life.”


The both of them nodded understandingly and smiled reassuringly.

“Please don’t worry about us, your highness. We understand. If it is an unnecessary rumor, then the less people who know it the better,” Arang reassured.

“But if it is something serious, please do not hesitate to tell us!” Eun Bi urged.

“Of course. Now that I am settled here, you may leave to attend to your duties at Damiwon. I know it has been hectic with the baby.”

“Yes, your highness. We will take our leave. Please call for us if you need anything.”


Soo gave a nod and smiled before Arang and Eun Bi left the room. Shortly after, Jung was announced and he entered.


“Hyunsoonim, is everything all right?”

“Jung Ah, of course it is. Why would it not be?”

“I know the way my mother is, and if I am not mistaken, she was trying to provoke you earlier at the lake.”

“Did you hear what she said to me?”

“I did not, but I could tell it was something substantial by your reaction.”


Soo inwardly cringed. If she let something as little as this affect her, how would she fair if she had to face the royal court?


Not to say that she would, but she already knew what kind of cutthroat world this was, living in the palace. Steeling herself, Soo vowed that she would try harder to mask her emotions and feelings in front of those she did not trust.



“You are right, Jung ah. She did try to provoke me, but what she told me simply makes me more confused than scared. It also made more realize I should be wary of who I show my emotions to.”

“You know you can tell me anything, right? You know you can trust me? I have devoted myself to you since the day you saved me from those bandits trying to cut off my arm.”

“It is not you I am worried about, but rather…”



Soo nodded slowly and Jung shook his head.


“That I can understand, but not how my mother can be so loving towards me yet so cold and calculative towards everyone else. It is a mystery.”

“People act differently in different situations. Perhaps she saw you as a way to redeem herself.”

“If she truly wanted to do that, she would stop all this scheming and live a peaceful life. Our father is gone, and so is Yo, yet Eomoni still wants to control the throne.”

“I suppose she learned as a child that power is the only way to stay safe. Or perhaps because of her station, she grew greedy.”

“Your highness, the 4th prince has arrived,” the eunuch announced.


The doors opened and So arrived in a flurry of robes.


“Soo ya, what is this I hear about you meeting with Eomoni?”


Jung and Soo looked at each other before looking at the 4th prince in curiosity.


“How did you hear that hyungnim? I thought you were in court all morning?”

“Court was let out early today, and as I left Ji Mong came and informed me of the event.”

“It is amazing how much Ji Mong can see from his astronomy tower,” Soo said jokingly.

“Soo ya, you haven’t answered my question.”


Soo could see that So was very bothered by this fact, and she looked over at Jung apologetically. He quickly got the hint and smiled.


“I will leave first hyungsoonim. It seems that you and hyungnim need to talk alone. Please let me know if there is anything I can do to help.”

“I will see to that. Thank you, Jung Ah.”

“Hyungnim, do not worry too much. I am sure it was nothing. Hyungsoonim will know how to handle it.”


So managed a smile and nodded before Jung left, before turning back to Soo with a worried look on his face.


“Soo ya…”

“It really wasn’t anything, So ya. But if you insist on me telling you then, let me call for lunch first. It is about that time anyway, and I can tell you then.”


After sending for their meal, she led So over to the mirror and sat him down.


“Are you done with court activities for today?”

“Yes, for now.”

“All right. Let me put your hair down so it’s more comfortable,” she said before taking down his sangtu and brushing his hair gently.

“Did anything interesting happen in court today?”

“Just the same things that we were talking about yesterday. Thankfully we managed to come to a consensus and were let out early. I am a bit worried though.”

“Why is that?”

“Paeha seemed to be unwell, though I could see he was trying to hide it.”

“He…is not well? Should I pay him a visit?”

“I believe he is resting for now, though I have no doubt that he will call for you tomorrow.”


Soo grew worried. Although King Hye Jong had been in decently good health as of late, she wondered if he was getting a relapse. She was woken out of her reverie when the court ladies came with their lunch, and she quickly but neatly tied So’s hair into a ponytail. After they left, So changed out of his court robes before sitting down for lunch.


“Soo ya, I think you have stalled long enough.”

“And here I thought I had successfully managed to distract you,” she said teasingly.

So reached over to grasp her hand, and he gave her a look.


“What are you trying to hide from me?”


She sighed and set down her utensils before speaking again.


“It is true that I met your mother today, but it was unintentional, at least on my part anyway.”

“What do you mean? She intentionally sought you out today?”

“It seems so. She said that she heard about me visiting the lake often, so she was there to see me, and Seol.”


The both looked briefly at their daughter, who was now sleeping peacefully in her cradle.


“Jung happened to be with her when I arrived at the lake. It seems he was escorting her.”

“What else happened?”

“Nothing really after that, she just asked to have a closer look at Seol, and mentioned how she looked like me. But then as she left, she told me something that had me quite confused.”

“What did she tell you?”

“She said…”

“Tell me.”

“That you once killed an entire temple of monks before burning it down.”


The sound of chopsticks dropping on the ground could be heard throughout the room due to the silence. Soo looked up to see So withdrawing his hand from hers and his countenance clouding over before he stood up quickly, knocking his chair over in the process. The sound woke up Seol, who promptly started to cry. With an anguished look at Soo, So rushed out of the room before she could stop him.


Sighing, Soo turned around to soothe Seol before calling for Arang and Eun Bi. She had expected a reaction, but not to this degree. It seemed like So was still ashamed of his past, and was scared of what she might think of him if she found out.


Furthermore, because of his reaction, it seemed what Queen Yoo told her was true, and if Soo could surmise anything from that, it was because So was trying to protect his mother from something.


Soo was able to calm Seol down and fed her before her ladies arrived, and instructed them to watch over her before calling for the court ladies to clean up their untouched lunch.


Before they left however, Soo asked one of them to pack finger food in a basket, so she could bring it to So. If her intuition was right, she knew where to find him.


After the court ladies left, she quickly changed into lighter and more comfortable robes. By the time she finished, a court lady was back with her picnic basket, and Soo thanked her gratefully before setting out towards the lake once more.


True to her prediction, So was hiding on his favorite boat, hidden behind the foliage of the trees and leaves. The view was similar to years ago when she found him after the disastrous rain ritual, and she set the picnic basket down on the boat before carefully stepping on. However, due to the imbalance of another person entering the boat, it rocked dangerously, and Soo could feel herself fall. Luckily, So had opened his eyes to see her in time and managed to get ahold of her hand. As a result, Soo fell right into So’s arms like she did years ago as a Damiwon court lady.


Unlike last time however, she stayed in his arms and pulled him closer to her.


“Ya, how could you run away like that? I wasn’t even finished speaking.”


“You should have nothing to say. You overreacted again!”


So was silent before he spoke again.


“How did you know where to find me?”

“I knew you would be here, since it’s your most favorite place in the palace. Don’t you remember telling me this?”

“That is true, but I haven’t been here in a very long time.”

“Well, I found you, didn’t I?”


She pulled out of his arms and sat up to open the picnic basket. He too followed suit, and Soo handed him the food the court ladies had packed for them.


“Just for running away, you have to eat all of this before I will speak to you again.”


Soo never saw So eat so fast, and she had to stop him in the middle, afraid that he would get indigestion.


“I’m just kidding! Don’t hurt yourself. I just want you to eat properly before we start talking, okay?”


So nodded and gave a small smile before he continued to eat. Soo held in a chuckle and continued to finish her food as well. Eventually, the cleared everything in the basket, and cleaned up before preparing themselves for what was to come.


“So, as I was saying before you so rudely left, your mother told me what she did, but that doesn’t change my opinion of you.”


So’s eyes widened as she said that, and she rolled her eyes at his reaction.


“Do you have so little faith me that you got scared enough to run away? I told you before that your past doesn’t matter to me! Besides, did I run away from you that night when I found you at the prayer towers? You had the blood of others on you that night, yet I stayed. There’s no reason why I would turn from you this time. Seriously, I should be the one getting mad at you, but here I am comforting you.”


She crossed her arms and turned her head away from So, disappointed in him.


“Soo ya, I’m sorry. I know that you wouldn’t think less of me, but my emotions got the best of me. I just feel so ashamed of my actions.”


Soo turned her head and looked at So from the corner of her eyes.


“Really? It wasn’t because you were scared I would turn my back on you?”


“I wasn’t scared of that. I was scared of my past coming back to haunt me. You know I regret many things I’ve done in the past.”


Soo turned back to fully face So and reached out to hold his hands in hers.


“You can’t change the past, but you can change the present and the future. And you have done that! Look at where you are today. I can say for sure, and so can everyone else around you, that you’ve changed for the better. Yes, you may have done some things in the past that you’re not proud of, but so has everyone else. It’s okay!”


“Yes, and don’t you dare think otherwise.”


So smiled and looked down at their intertwined hands. Soo could feel him squeeze her hands tighter in affection, and it was a moment before he spoke again.


“It was to protect my mother.”

“Queen Yoo?”

“Do you remember the day of the ritual? When all the masked assassins attacked?”

“Of course I did. I have no idea why I followed you into the woods. Nearly got myself killed.”


So managed to laugh and reached up to tweak her nose jokingly before taking her hands again.


“I found out those assassins were the monks living in a temple up in the mountains. Their tongues were cut off as punishment for previous crimes before being sent to live in the temple.”

“Did you find this out by examining the corpses you found that night?”

“Yes, and I found out my mother was supporting that temple. As soon as I did, I went to…destroy the evidence before the Crown Prince and Ji Mong could get there.”

“Because if they did find out, then your mother would have…”


Soo didn’t need to finish the sentence. She knew exactly what would have happened, and So had prevented that by staining his hands with blood. All for the love of his mother, something that he never got.


“What did your mother say?”


So let out a dry laugh and shook his head.


“When I went to visit her, all she did was look at me in disgust and send me away. I was foolish to think she would ever praise me.”


Soo couldn’t believe it. So had sacrificed himself to protect his mother, and she didn’t even show one ounce of gratitude. As the years went on, Soo found it harder and harder to find any redeeming qualities about Queen Yoo. If anything, she was at least caring towards Jung, and somewhat partly towards Yo. However, that did not make up for all her sins in this life. She hoped that in the future, the reincarnation of Queen Yoo would choose to live a more upstanding life.


“Why do you think she told me that today? Do you think she has any underlying motives? Surely she doesn’t think that that would make me turn my back on you.”

“I don’t know. But the fact that she told you means she is planning something.”


Soo the hairs on her neck stand up, and she knew that she could never expect any amount of peace to last in the palace. Just when she thought things were settling down, something was brewing in the distance. And by the look that So had on his face, she knew it wasn’t something good.

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kuroihikari #1
Chapter 57: I greatly enjoyed this story. Thank you for this!
mikanMD #2
Chapter 57: Thank you for the update!! You stay safe and healthy as well author-nim
acsian88 #3
Chapter 57: Your fic is a much-welcomed escape during these times. Love your latest chapter!
mikanMD #4
Chapter 56: True love will concur all
mikanMD #5
Chapter 55: Finally, and I’m so glad Mu went peacefully
mikanMD #6
Chapter 54: Jung really made a tough decision here
mikanMD #7
Chapter 53: To live with guilt is never easy
mikanMD #8
Chapter 52: I'm so happy Wook made this choice of where he stands in the matter
mikanMD #9
Chapter 51: How did Jung and Baek Ah arrived so fast??
mikanMD #10
Chapter 50: I love it when they have some downtime to spend with each other, but then I also know that whenever these two get to relax a bit something is about to happen