
Same, but Different
“BTS! BTS!” The crowd chants as the boys go up on the makeshift stage in Campus Central, the square where all big events happen. 
“Oh look there’s your Rap Monster!” Soo shouts over the noise, pointing at the pink haired guy in the far left.
“Just watch your Jin,” I say, rolling my eyes. Soo had spent the whole of class earlier looking up Bangtan and is now totally captivated by Jin. She dragged me as soon as class ended and now I’m stuck in the middle of a suffocating crowd getting my feet stepped on every three seconds.
“2, 3. Bangtan! Hello we are Bangtan Boys!” Leader Rap Mon starts off the greeting and the crowd cheers. Beside me, Soo swoons at the sight of Jin.
“Oppa!” My eardrums almost split open at the cry of Minkyung who is standing some ten people in front of me.
“Tsk,” I roll my eyes and elbow the person who just pushed me. She glares at me but I stare her down until she backs away. The music suddenly starts playing and I recognise the song as Run. The boys kick into action as they dance and sing and just be charismatic in general. Rap Mon shines on stage as he raps his lines, emotions overflowing. The song ends with Hoseok and again, the crowd screams.
“Before we move on to the next song,” the emcee attempts to speak over the noise. “We’ll invite seven lucky fans up on stage for a round of games.” 
The noise is unbearable.
“I’ll be in the library,” I tell Soo, but I’m not sure if she hears me. Leaving my friend in the crowd of ear piercing screams, I push my way out of Central and head for the library.
It’s nice and quiet in here, just how I like it. Without thinking, I sit at my favourite corner and pull out my mp3, tuning in to my current favourites. I pull out my study materials and a notebook.
“Let’s do this,” I whisper to myself. I’d studied this last term and aced my midterm exams. I can do it again, I repeat to myself. I’m lucky I’m only in my first year of college. If I’d been any later, I would have a load of work to go through.
Why I’m doing this, you ask? I’ve managed to get through last term only through pure memorisation. I have quite a good memory, remember? But now that I’m made up my mind to continue down this path, I want to give meaning to what I’m doing. Not just memorisation of theories but actual application. And in order to do this, I need to go through what I’ve learnt again and make sure I actually understand what I’m doing.  
I lay out my textbook and lecture notes side by side. With a sigh, I start my study session.
My phone vibrates with a text message from Soo.
From: Soo
[Class is in 10. Where are you?]
I hurriedly check my watch. For how long have I been studying? I haven’t been tracking the time so when I see that it’s almost 3PM, I gasp. This is why I hate long lunch breaks… Throwing books and files into my bag, I jump in shock when an arm suddenly falls onto the table in front of me.
“Oppa…?” I shake the sleeping man I front of me. Rubbing sleepy eyes, Rap Mon wakes up.
“You’re leaving already?” He asks, sleep still in his voice until he notices his arm splayed over my side of the table. “Sorry,” he apologises before pulling his arm back.
“What are you doing here?” I sit back down while still keeping my things. Shaking my head, I change my question, “For how long have you been here?”
Rap Mon glances at his phone. “Since one something?” He stretches his back and looks around. Lucky for him – and me, the library is almost empty.
“You should’ve let me know that you’re here,” I say, finally zipping my bag close.
“You were so engrossed in what you were doing. I was waving in your face but you didn’t even notice me.”
I smile apologetically. “Sorry… But oppa,” I stand, carrying my bag. “I have class now.”
“Oh, right.” He stands too, rubbing the back of his neck. How uncomfortable must it have been for him to be sleeping like that? The table should’ve been a bit too short for his tall frame. “When do you end?”
“Hmm?” His question is so sudden. “Around five.”
“I’ll come back around that time,” he tells me as we walk out.
“What for?” I look up at him while he holds the door open for me. “Thank you.”
There are more people around here and Rap Mon looks around before whispering, “Let’s go eat fried rice.” He sends me a dimply smile and walks off towards the main entrance. I stay rooted for a moment in shock but my phone ringtone snaps me awake as I run in the direction of my next class.
“I’m on my way,” I tell Soo who’s rushing me over the call. I manage to reach class just in time with the professor coming in three seconds after me. Even as the lesson starts, I’m still trying to catch my breath and calm my racing heart.


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Banghimlo #1
Chapter 51: What am I going to read now? I've finished reading all of it. ^^
50 chapters are indeed long and I am very proud of you authornim!! :D
Banghimlo #2
Chapter 50: This is just so beautiful!!!
Now I know why you said this chapter is going to be different ^^
Thank you so much for writing this!!
I love happy endings
I'm looking forward to your new story ;) I love your style of writing <3 You have so many unexpected ideas and you described everything so well..I just love it!!
Banghimlo #3
Chapter 49: <3 You do too Byeol ^^
Poor Namjoon,he kept getting teased xD
I guess Yoongi had officially become her step brother since her father likes him too :D Byeol and her father talked about a lot of things that they become closer and can understand each other <3
Banghimlo #4
Chapter 48: But I love this story! All of your stories! I don't want it to end T.T

Dad dot com xD
Banghimlo #5
Chapter 47: Yes,your beautiful family :)
Banghimlo #6
Chapter 46: Indeed she is a hero <3 <3 <3
Banghimlo #7
Chapter 45: Byeol please be okay,please!
Banghimlo #8
Chapter 44: Situation has gotten worst!
Are they even fans? Can't they just be happy for their idol? What's so hard about that?

I'm sorry authornim,I'm just angry at the 'fans' for treating her like that.
Banghimlo #9
Chapter 43: Namjoon will be upset T.T but they have no choice