
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

So when we got back home, Taehyung said I went into a trance at the door. What's weird is that it didn't feel like a trance. I just felt calm and anxious and lonely and loved all at the same time. I think I was just trying to figure out what I was thinking of. Let's just deviate from the path for a second...

I grew up with people around me all the time and when I became of age, I moved to a city where I had no one. There's no feeling worse than the feeling of bitter loneliness in a city so crowded with people. Then all of a sudden there's this random person, only a few years older than me, who's so willing to help me, someone he barely knows. He opened his doors for me and didn't even judge why I was on the street. If that's not a lesson in humility and kindness, I don't know what is.

Back to the story at hand: When I walked inside, I just got immensly tired and thought I made it to my bed. According to Taehyung, I made it to my door before just clocking out. I don't know what came over me. It's like I was wide awake when we got to the door, but when the door opened, I just got B-lined by the snooze cruise. It was super weird.

I remember waking up around six pm that night. Taehyung went out somewhere, so I decided to take this opportunity to find out what was happening to me, the only problem being that I was home alone and we hadn't made time to get me a key to the house, so needless to say, I was gonna get tothe bottom of this from the safety and comfort of home. I made myself some coffee, got comfortable, and that's when my three hour search on Google began.

Taehyung came home late, much later than usual. Apparently he went to the pharmacy to find something for me and my supposedly pale skin, but I've always had pale skin so I'm not totally sure what he was going to find.

Anywho, my three hour Google search turned up results only for paranormal romances and fanfiction (some of which were very good reads), so nothing that really helped me. Taehyung tried to convince me I just had the flu, so if we went to bed and looked for a solution tomorrow, we'd find something. I reluctantly agreed and went to lay down, but I didn't get much sleep. From two in the morning to eight I just tossed and turned in my underwear, paced around my room, and sat at my desk. It was the most uncomfortable thing that's ever happened to me. Usually I love to sleep, but for some reason my whole sleep schedule'd been out of whack. All I remember is thinking constantly about the fruit bat that bit me...

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