The [Other] Diary


This diary belongs to:

Mark Tuan

And was given by:

Mister Kim

Writing seemed to keep you calm, so I thought you'd like another journal.

In and out, Mark. You can do anything.

-Mister Kim


Mark sat upright as he took slow deep breaths, the needles in his arms keeping him hooked to the morphine in his drip bag. His hands felt clammy and were shaking as he dug for the journal in his bag, grabbing a pen and scribbling his thoughts:

Sunday, 15 January, 2017


Been here for two days now - mom hasn't gone home since I got here. Don't have a lot of people to talk to, should've grabbed the ring before leaving. I miss having a friend to talk to. Dad visits every chance he gets and Mister Kim was here earlier. Need someone, anyone. No, not anyone, I need Jackson. I want to talk to Jackson. I feel lonely, empty without him here.

I want my ring.

I want Jackson.

Mark layed back and closed his eyes, images of Jackson racing across the back of his eyelids as his breathing became erratic once more. His heart monitor began beeping loudly, sending a rush of nurses into his room.


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