
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

He says I called it a night...I tried to, but there was just something bugging me. Like a weird sense of dysphoria or something.

I just couldn't stop thinking about how this all happened. Jeongguk claimed it was a fruit bat he saw in the closet, but fruit bats don't bite people in general, let alone aim for the jugular.

I decided to spend my morning looking into the history of vampirism over eggs and orange juice. Turns out, it's held out for a long time that the curse does in fact come from vampire bats. However, most vampire bats live in Mexico, Central, and South America, so it wouldn't make sense that one would be all the way over here in Asia. I decided to just let it go and focusing on helping Jeongguk as best as I could.

After I made sure Jeongguk was okay by himself, I decided to head out to the studio to get our schedules reworked, and that's when I ran into an instructor who invited us to a small Halloween party. Of course I didn't want to seem rude, but I also didn't want to bring Jeongguk to a party he didn't know about, so I told him that I'd be there, but I wanted to make sure about Jeongguk- this is the most domestic thing to talk about...

So on the way home, I picked up some makeup and sunscreen for Jeongguk, and since I didn't feel like cooking I just picked up some jajangmyeon from this restaurant a few blocks from the house. When I got home, I was surprised to see Jeongguk out of his room (all the curtains were pulled closed of course), watching some American programing about an annoying sponge and a starfish. I told him about the party and gave him the option to go, which he got incredibly excited for and happily agreed to go without makeup and just be a zombie. I kinda didn't want to go, but Jeongguk convinced me to go as his 'victim'. Y'know thinking back on it, I'm pretty sure it was just a ploy to pull me by a chain...

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