
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

So I thought it would be funny to have a couple costume kinda thing, sue me.

To be honest, it was really cool to go somewhere and not have to spend two hours putting on makeup (the fact that I got to drag Taehyung around by a chain was pretty fun too), and just to have people say my "costume" was awesome and so realistic was pretty bittersweet. I never was the tannest guy, but my complexion was pretty on point, and when you don't have any blood going through your veins, you start to look like you always have the flu. By the way, getting sick when you're undead is kind of annoying. It happens all the time now! Someone sneezes three feet away from you? You gotta cold. Someone coughs beside you? You got the flu. Neighbour bakes you some muffins and didn't wash their hands first? Norovirus. I'm telling you, you think being immortal it wouldn't bother you, but seeing as how you have no blood flow, your immune system just decides to go on strike. There isn't a day that goes by now where I don't have at least a sinus irritation. What was I talking about? Oh, the party.

I'd never really been to an "adult" party before. Not the kind with women and drugs, but the kind where you don't have to worry about the police showing up and arresting everyone and having to explain to your crying mother that the idea to steal alcohol wasn't your idea and you're not some crooked thug. Most of the people that were there were either students or instructors at the studio, but there were some people I didn't recognize too. There was a kitsune, Marilyn Monroe, a y cop, and someone even dressed as Piccolo!

So we were hanging out at this party, listening to music and talking to whoever was talking to us, when there was a spontaneous costume contest. I was just expecting a few familiar faces and a cute girl dressed as a y bunny was the judge. We went into the central city to some big corporate building where there were a good amount of people in costumes (I'm gonna guess around a few hundred people, actually), and four people in all black who were the judges.

Now, I'm all for lighthearted competition, but the amount of tension in the air with these people was the same amount of tension you'd feel between competing cosplayers at Comic Con, so you can imagine that the stakes got tremendously higher...

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