
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

You know, I didn't think he'd parkour himself to the second floor!

So when he let me through the door, he was covering something on his neck. I didn't think much of it considering I just watched the kid Spiderman himself into a window, so we just made our way to the front desk, looked through the available jobs, suggested Jeongguk would be a good option for freestyle instructor, checked my schedule and saw there were no classes, and we left the same way we came in.

It wasn't until we got home that I saw he was covering blood on his neck, so I shoved him into the bathroom and cleaned up his wound. It didn't occur to me then, but looking back on it, his skin was really cold even then. So I patched him up, gave him some pain medications, and we went about our day.

Maybe it should've been more obvious then, but if you got really cold, didn't want to go out in the sun, and ust wanted to sleep all day and be active at night, I'd honeslty think you were just sick. Besides, it's kinda hard to look up 'symptoms of vampirism' on Google without getting trashy Twilight knock-offs...

Anyways, I decided to take him out for dinner to my favourite place which is this really good American restaurant that serves burgers and steaks and all things delicious and meaty. It wasn't until we got there and Jeongguk ordered a Victorian fillet mignon (very nice dish, I went with the porterhouse), and he noticed a burning sensation whenever he took the first bite. At this point we were both concerned and confused, so we ditched dinner, went to the hospital, and when they looked at his throat they said it was fine!

We decided to just end the day at home, relax with some television and mindless internet. It was...I guess it was around eleven when I decided to go to bed. So we said our goodnights, I showered and read a bit, and went to sleep, only to wake up the next morning to find my roomie in the exact same place. This kid didn't move at all through the night! When I asked him about it, he said he'd found some really interesting dramas on Dramafever and binged -ALL OF THEM-

Now, I'm all for doing what you want, it's not my place to judge you, blah blah; but when my internet bill is in the equation, I have to take a bit of action. And this is where it gets interesting...

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