
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Okay, so just to let you guys know, most of what Taehyung said is true. I'm not one to brag on myself, but yeah, I'm a pretty good dancer, my singing is unmatched, and this face? Irresistable. So, I'm pretty much golden through and through.

As for him "minding his own business", that's a very bold statement. If I remember correctly, he was practically begging to show me the ropes, something about not getting enough credit and all he does is intern stuff blah blah it's not really that interesting. What was interesting though was the way he went about getting my attention, this weirdo...

First of all, I'm not gonna beat around the bush: I've always had a burning desire to strive for perfection. Ever since I started walking, I've been dancing, and ever since I could talk I've been singing. There's just something about it that's not only therapeutic, but liberating. Also: I hated where I grew up and lived. Ever since I could remember, I dreamed about moving to Seoul and being a dancer and having people know my name. Call it a kid's fantasy, but damn I was ready to make it a reality. Anyways, back on subject.

After high school, I immediately moved out of my parent's country-side home and made my way to the city. The only problem was that I had no money, and no friends in Seoul, so I will admit I lived on the streets for a good month. After catching word of a dance program that worked with teens and young adults, there was no way that I could ignore that. So I went to the gym and got cleaned up, went to the studio, and that's when I met Taehyung. Now, I'm not saying Taehyung isn't cool, he's just...well, weird. This guy fell over chairs, ran into doors, and bumped into people constantly the first two hours I was there, and whenever I asked if he was okay, he'd just smile and lean on a wall. Weird, right?

Anyways, I guess he figured out I didn't really have anywhere to go, so - with the reddest face I've ever seen, I mean homie looked like a tomato - he asked if I'd like to stay at his house until I got on my feet. Now, after living on the street for a month, I wasn't one to turn down a roomie. So naturally, I said yes.

So THAT'S the real story, and my half of it. I'm fairly certain Taehyung wil try to tell you lies again, but don't listen to him.

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