
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

He says he doesn't believe me, but that's really what happened! I don't remember the name of it, but it was a Chinese drama where this girl was really poor, but she loved playing piano, so she played piano for the upper class so she could afford the medicine she needed for her sick mom, and this rich guy hired her for really lavash parties, common gatherings, and everything in between so he could spend time with her, and they ended up falling in love. When the pianist found out her mom died in her sleep, she decided to fufill her dying wish and go to music school in America, but the rich guy didn't want her to leave because he wanted to marry her, but she insisted that she wasn't the best for him and gave him her necklace and left for Julliard, it cuts to five years later and she'd just finished playing a really lavash concert and there are people throwing flowers, taking pictures, and giving her a standing ovation, and in the front row, dead centre, it focuses on his face and her necklace around his neck, and they look at each other and- oh, it's making me emotional just talking about it!

Anyways, when Taehyung left there wasn't much to do. It'd been a little while since I was home by myself, so I wasn't sure what to do with my time. I lazed around on the internet a bit, picked around the kitchen, did some laundry, got a shower, watched more makeup tutorials, and decided to watch that drama.

I will say, taking a shower was really strange. Not because of anything weird, but I never realized how awkward it was to get out of the shower, wipe off a mirror, and see no reflection. You never realize how much you take your reflection for granted. Even if you hate the way you look, you still have something to look at. Maybe it's wondering if oyu have something in your teeth or if you're fixing your hair, even if you're just brushing your teeth! It's even harder when you're trying to see if your bronzer is caking or you've blended enough and you can't see your face. Extremely frustrating...

The only thing I can tell you about being asleep is that I cried and fell asleep. It was that kind of crying where you cry so hard for so long that when you finally calm down you feel so drained that you just have enough energy for water and sleep.

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