
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Oh man, if ever there was a time that relief felt amazing, this was the time. I know that doesn't really make sense, but- let me just pick up where he left off:

So I told him what I thought, and he had this kind of disconnect and went into his room. The next morning, I decided to start packing my bag and just leave (because who wants to live with a vampire or a lunatic?). That's when he called me into the lounge and sat me down to talk.

We spent most of our time just looking awkwardly at each other in silence, but Taehyung finally said he was okay with whatever I decided to call my ailment and whatever he thought was best for me he'd work around it.

I've never wanted to hug someone so tight in my life. To tell someone that you have something wrong with you and they accept you regardless is extremely humbling. Anyways, we decided that teaching the late classes on Friday and Saturday would be the best option to stay away from the sun, we threw out all garlic, bought blackout curtains for my window, and started buying a ton of meat (which even to this day I'm not a huge fan of. I mean, I enjoy a nice steak sure, but too much protein can lead to weight gain, and I dance, so...).

So the day went on like any other, except I stayed in my room most of the time. Well, I guess it doesn't really count since I still had my door open. Anyways, around lunch time we decided to go and get our work schedules changed so we were both working the night classes, but Taehyung thought it best if he still worked some days, which I'm cool with. We stopped at a small shop to get some more sunblock if I had to go out during the day, and we got a nice BB cream so I didn't look so dead. Small sidenote: how do women do the whole foundation, powder, bronzer, contour thing everyday? Sometimes I just give up and decide to look sick for a week because it's so tedious. Ladies, you're the real deal when it comes to makeup - literal goddesses.

That night was pretty uneventful as well: we finished watching a drama, had a small dinner of salad and hamburgers, and Taehyung decided to call it a night around ten thirty or so. As for me, I just kinda lazed around on the internet: looked for some new dramas, did some online shopping, played some video games, and watched quite a few contouring tutorials.

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