
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Oh, you're still here? To be honest, I didn't think you'd still be reading this. We don't really have any other stories to tell. Wait, did we tell the one about your super fast bone healing?

I don't think so, but I don't think it's one worth telling.

You say that about every single story you tell!

Because I'm not an interesting person!

C'mon dude, you're a vampire, who works as a dance instructor, and can turn into a bat! Plus, you have super healing bones, so you're 'not interesting person' excuse is bull. Anyways, his super healing bones!

We were at work, and we decided that we would teach a bit of hip hop instead of our normal freestyle, so one of our dances included a left cross right, step, and flip. Now, we didn't know at the time, but we found out that when it comes to fast coordination, Jeongguk wasn't on top of his game that day.

It was a long night...

Sure man. Anyways, we got to the second verse of the song where we had to do the cross, and I look over and Jeongguk's just on the ground holding his arm, which I guess he landed on.

I tried to catch myself on my hand, but in doing so, I pushed my ulna into my humerus and shocked my clavicle.

So in other words, this kid's arm looked about three inches shorter. So we cut class short and went to the hospital, where they took an X-ray and found that all of his bones were pushed, but none of them were broken! So they just pulled on his arm and put them back in place-

Which hurt.

Don't interrupt. So we just decided to go home afterwards, but as we were leaving the hospital, he slipped on the steps and landed sideways on his ankle, which prompted us to go back inside for another X-ray to find his bones were completely fine, and we ultimately got kicked out of the hospital for trying to steal their pain medicine.

So that's the story of the second most embarassing day of my life. I discovered my super fast healing powers and got kicked out of a hospital.

Second? What's the first?

Getting hit with a notepad and falling into a glass of water.

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