
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

I don't know what it was, just something about doorways that really messed with me. I don't know if Taehyung mentioned it, but the same thing happened at the studio. I just kinda blanked...

Anyway, I was actually surprised I got some sleep during the night instead of my now usual nocturnal tendencies. We woke up kinda early the next day, sometime around eight or nine, maybe even seven. We had a relatively silent meal, then put on some music and just decided to work on form and rhythm for most of the morning. Afterwards, I felt like we really had to talk about everything that had happened, from the garlic to the sun to the late nights, I didn't think there was really any denying it. Sure, I may have sounded like some paranoid psycho, but it was freaking me out and something had to be said. Besides, ignoring the problems wasn't making them go away.

So we were watching some drama about a vampire who was a cop (maybe he was a prosecutor, I don't remember), and during the commercials, I just decided to come right out with it: I was eighty percent sure I was a vampire.

Taehyung just kinda looked at me like I had three heads for a while before going to his room. He didn't come out for a while, at first I thought he was angry or freaked out, so I just went to my room and didn't come out for the rest of the night. I was actually kind of scared he would kick me out, so to be safe I got out my dance bag and kept it open.

The night seemed to drag on then. It was the most heart-wrenching, nerve-pulling hours of my life. It's like waiting for test results where you're fifty percent sure you passed and ninety percent sure you failed, but that's the test you need to pass the class. In the morning, I was super terrified to see Taehyung again, so I stayed in my room all day. Well, I stayed in my room until Taehyung called me out to the lounge to talk.

By the way, getting a talk from your roommate that can kick you back onto the street at any time is just as terrifying as anticipating a talk from your parents because your grades are slipping. You know that feeling, right? The one where you feel your stomach in your throat, and there's that wave of heat that washes over you, and then you start trembling, and you just want to look everywhere else but at who's talking because you can feel the disappointment already, so the last thing you want is to see it. It's the worst. However, not as bad as potentially being back on the street.

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