
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Oh if he only knew about the lack of immune system...

So yes, I got my ears pierced at this really cool parlour, but to be fair, I was willing to tell the woman that I was a vampire, but Taehyung was the one that wanted to make all the excuses.

I was only looking out for you! Wait you don't have an immune system?

I don't have any blood flow, so why would I have an immune system? And if you really were looking out for me, then you could've let me answer myself! Wait why are you here, this is my chapter! You're gonna throw off the readers!

No I'm not, they'll know who's talking. I'm pretty sure we have coloured writing. Anyways, quit stalling and tell them about your bat freak out already.

No way man, that's super embarassing and you promised you wouldn't bring it up again. Plus it's not really an interesting story.

Are you kidding, it's a hilarious story! I think they'll really like it. I know I did anyways. Do you want me to tell it?

Don't you dare, Taehyung!

I'm doing it: So after we left the parlour, we went exploring around town and saw an obscure restaurant- actually I think it was an American restaurant?

I don't know, I think it might be a London thing? It was the Hard Rock Cafe, so wherever that is.

I think that's American. Anyways, we stopped in to get a small bite to eat befoe heading home, and Jeongguk saw they had milkshakes, which apparently he loves, and he got so excited that he was bouncing in his chair, and in the middle of this restaurant, he just turned into a bat!

That's not the whole story!

Well if you want me to tell the whole story, don't interrupt me! So rude...anyways, here's this tiny little bat with gold studs in his ears, sitting on a chair, when the waiter comes over, screams at the top of his lungs, and starts beating Jeongguk with his notepad. Jeongguk, who was squealing at the top of his little bat lungs, stumbled over the table, fell into my water, and made his way out the door and onto the roof. I got my laugh of the day, and the waiter apologized and offered a discounted meal for me and my "partner", but I just laughed it off and asked for a check, helped Jeongguk off the roof, and we settled on a takeout of Chinese and rice cakes.

You prmised you wouldn't tell anyone! You broke a promise, you jerk!

I technically didn't tell anyone, I just wrote it and people happen to be reading it, so...

Some days I hate you so much...

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