
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Does he really think he can smooth talk out of running up my bills? Because he's good...

Jeongguk really did seem really calm and happy when we took our walk, which wasn't really a "park", it was the Cheonggyecheon stream which is more of a rec space, but it's still pretty calming at night. Anyhow, we stayed out until well passed two in the morning before we went back home,where Jeongguk just kinda stopped at the door and stared at me. I didn't know if he saw something or if he was wanting to go back out for whatever reason. I asked him what was wrong, but he didn't answer, just kept staring. I tried pulling on his arm to get him in the house, but he wouldn't budge. Keep in mind it's about a quarter until three in the morning now. I'm tired, cold, and all I want is a glass of water and some stretching time, but my roommate is randomly staring into the void, refusing to come inside.

At this point I decided to just let him stand there until he decided he wanted to come inside. I know that sounds cruel, but it was three in the morning and I was tired. I just wanted my bed. So I went to sleep, had what was probably the greatest sleep since I was a baby, and woke up to Jeongguk still standing at my door in a trance.

I've never been frustrated, but who stands at someone's door all night just staring? A weirdo, that's who. So I went back to the door, took a deep breath, said a small prayer for my patience, and kindly told him he was more than welcome to come inside. I don't know if it was the way I said it or the unexpected way I just swung open the door, but whatever it was he snapped out of his trance, smiled, and walked inside and imediately went to bed.

First of all, I'm not much of a morning person anyways, but hey: we all have a schedule. Secondly, what kind of weird creepo stands outside someone's door all night then falls asleep inches from THEIR bedroom door?! And all this, my friends, is just the beginning...

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