
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

I don't know why he thought I would have something...oh, there was the deal with his passing out.

So it was about noon and I was just going to make us some light food because we were comfortable and didn't want to go out. I thought it'd be cool to fix him half of a steak and a small caper salad. I wasn't really that hungry, so I just had tomato with mozarella.

Anyway, when I told him his food was ready and he got up, he took three steps and just dropped to the ground. So instead of freaking out and calling the hospital like I probably should've done, I just dragged him back to his room, got him in bed, and put a cold rag on his head. Since I'd already made his food, I just put it on a hot plate and left it on the counter and went back to my own plate.

Stop judging me. I can feel you judging me...

He woke up about three hours later and went directly to his food, so I guess he just got tired since the sun was technically out, but when I asked him if he was okay, he just nodded and came back to the couch and finished watching shows with me.

Listen, I know what you're thinking: 'you should've cared more about your roommate!' and maybe so, but what happened happened and there's nothing we can do about it now. Besides, he got up and was fine in his own time so stop judging me.

Anyways, the rest of the day was pretty uneventful until about seven, when we had to get to the sudio, but Jeongguk couldn't figure out how to get his fangs to go away and didn't feel he was in the best shape to go to work. He called in sick and asked for the night off, which he got (lucky), so I had to go dance alone, which was kind of nice to be alone for once. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Jeongguk's company, but there are times where I just have to have my alone time, y'know?

Work was pretty uneventful, pretty much just people asking about Jeongguk and students complaining about repetition.

I got home at around midnight to find paper towels all over the couch and Jeongguk asleep on the floor. Normally I'd just let it go and go about my business, but I wanted to make sure he was okay before just abandoning him. So I managed to wake him up and asked him what happened. Apparently, he was watching a really sad drama when he literally cried himself to sleep. I say apparently because I'm still not willing to believe that story...

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