
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Okay, maybe I stretched the truth a bit. In my defense, one can only remember so much when you're extremely disorientated.

So anyways, I did invite him to stay with me, because if there's one thing I hate seeing is talent like that scrounging the streets. Before I go further, let me just say: this kid is weird. I don't mean makes funny faces and scrolls through the BigBang tag on Tumblr while making the sound of a mating chimp weird, but weird in the sense of everything is done backwards. Like just this morning I was doing laundry, so I went to ask him if he had anything he'd want me to wash, and everything on his bed was turned ninety degrees to the right. Pillows, sheets, everything. Also, he keeps all of his trash on his end table and throws it all out on Sundays. So I may be stretching truths, but at least I'm no alien.

Back to the story at hand, when we got to my place the first thing he wanted to do was take a shower, which I don't blame him for since he'd been on the street (Trust me, the metro doesn't smell as good as you'd think...). As he was showering, I washed his clothes, gave him some of my old ones, and fixed up his bedroom. Nothing special, just a desk, a bed against the wall, and an end table with a humidifier.

So after he got clean and thanked me for letting him room, he went to bed. I, on the other hand, couldn't get him out of my head. I'd never had a roomie before and I've never really lived with anyone who was a better dancer than me, but there was something in my gut telling me that it'd all work out and he'd be a really cool guy to live with. Thinking back on it, I'm pretty sure it was just the jajangmyeon I had for lunch...

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