
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

So maybe I go about things a bit differently, what about it?

Waking up the next morning felt like I was in a dream. For the first time in a long time, it wasn't the blinding rays of the sun that woke me, but the amazing smell of a western meal, I think they call it breakfast? Anyways, it smelled like eggs and fruit and bread and all things delicious. Now, Taehyung might like ot drag me a lot, but if there's one thing we don't argue about it's the way he can make a frozen meal taste like it was fresh from the farms. It's particularly the bread that I like, the smell of cinammon and raisins always reminds me of all the weird stuff my mom would get from her sister living in America.

After breakfast, we both decided to go to the studio to see if there were any openings. Not necessarily as an instructor, just a job. Hell, I was even willing to wax the floors on my knees if it meant any amount of money because let me tell you, you only need to be homeless once to decide that's just not something you want.

Anyways, when we got to the studio the front door was locked - probably had something to do with the fact that it was still morning, but whatever. Taehyung remembered that the back door was always unlocked since it's in a back alley that no one goes through, but something was wrong with the door so it wouldn't open.

Now, I told him that it wasn't that important and we could've just waited until noon or even the next day, but nope. Taehyung wanted to get in there then and now, and one trick I learned when I was a child  was climbing houses to see my friends. So naturally, I scaled the gutter, shimmied across the window pane, and made my way into what seemed like a storage closet, where there was a little bat.

To be fair, I am a child of the forest. When I was little, I loved going into the woods, climbing trees, going into caves, feeding birds, and petting bats. Anyways, when I went to pet this little guy, he woke up, flew around the room, sat on my shoulder and proceeded to take a small nip at my neck before flying away. Thinking nothing of it, I proceeded to make my way towards Taehyung and let him in.

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