
My Roommate's A Vampire (By Accident)

Y'know, there are a lot of things you don't want to hear: your parents are sick, you're getting evicted, Santa isn't real... Well, hearing that your roommate is a vampire falls in my top five things I never want to hear. The worst part is that this kid has nowhere else to go, and I'm not in the habit of disrespecting someone just because they're different.

So instead of just kicking this kid out because of our differences, I was one of those moments where you have to remove yourself from wherever the problem is, gather your thoughts, and go back to it. I didn't think it would take me an entire day to gather myself, but...Man, I don't even have any words for it, it was just shocking.

I guess for the sake of telling you, I'll just walk you through my whole thought process:

So Jeongguk told me he thought he was a vampire, and all I remember is going blank for a few minutes. There was no train of thought, no subconscious discussion, nothing. I just blanked. When I finally came to, my first thought was "Alone time, I need to be alone right now."

So after I went to my bedroom, I just kinda sat on my bed for a while. It's like when you get the news that someone really close to you is going to have a baby or was just in a horrible accident or something. So I sat there in my room for a long time, just thinking about what to say, what to do, just how to handle the situation in general.

After I felt confident enough to talk to him about his recent announcement, I went back to an empty lounge. Thinking Jeongguk was just still asleep, I made myself some tea and sat in an empty lounge, just listening to the sounds of silence and distant cars. To be honest, as much as I thought about what to say, I still wasn't sure I had processed fully. That's a horrible feeling too; when you have this new information and you just have no idea how to handle it, what to do with it, anything. So after a good two hours just listening to nothing, I called for Jeongguk so we could talk it out.

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