White Light

I LOVE YOU..r money
Victoria was in the dark and pain was everywhere, especially her stomach and back. There were so many people talking and someone was calling out her name. Something warm pressed on her hand and her face, something wet fell on her cheek and someone was doing something to her stomach, sending excruciating pain through her whole body.
That was when a blinding light came through, someone were forcefully opening her eye. The blinding light flickered back and forth before her other eye opened and the same process repeated. In that brief moment, she could see who was looking down at her. 
It was a man with blue gloves, his hand was covered in blood and his face was grim. She wanted to call out for Nichkhun but she couldn’t move her body. 
“Her heart is slowing!” someone ordered. 
“Step back!” 
Victoria was left alone in the dark for a second longer before someone yelled out “clear”
A shot of electricity went through her and her body jumped. The process repeated two more times before the warm pressure returned to her hand. 
“Stay with me. Please” 
That was the last thing she heard before she sank back into darkness. 
Donghae watched on as they worked on Victoria, who lay lifeless on the floor as the paramedics work on her body. Nichkhun hovered close by, his eyes were red from tears. Donghae came in just in time to see Victoria collapsing and Victor was caught holding the gun. 
He pointed it at police but never got the chance to shoot when one of the police shot him right in the heart. A few more shots followed and Victor fell flat on the ground. Dead. 
“We have to take her to hospital. Now.” One of the paramedics said. The other nodded as they work together in transferring Victoria onto a gurney. 
“I’ll go with her” Nichkhun held onto Victoria’s hand as she was wheeled away, already wearing an oxygen mask. 
“Luna” Donghae whispered as he made his way back to balcony where he had last seen her.
His heart tripped and stopped beating when he saw what was in front of him. Luna lay limp on the ground, her hand fell short from her side, where darker patches of red appeared. There were also red on the carpet and her face was deadly pale. 
“No! No! Someone help me!” Donghae cried out as he ran towards the unconscious Luna. She didn’t opened her eyes and she felt so cold. Donghae gently slapped her face as he called out her name but she wasn’t responding. 
“please” he whispered as he gathered her into his arms. “Somebody help!” Donghae screamed and his heart lifted a little when he heard some shuffling of feet. 
A waitress gasped at the sight of his bloody form and a limp Luna in his arms. “get a paramedic, please” Donghae pleaded, desperation in his voice.
The girl nodded and quickly ran back to where she came. Donghae held Luna tight to his body as he rock them both back and forth. He called her name over and over but she never bats a lash. 
“I shouldn’t have left you, I should’ve stayed” he murmured to himself as tears clouded his eyes. he should’ve checked her properly and get her help instead of running off. if he was there, she wouldn’t have to end up like this. 
“Please Luna, please!” 
“Sir, I need you to step back and allow us to help her” Donghae looked up to see a few paramedics standing in front of him, two of them had a gurney with them, ready to take Luna away. Donghae cleared his throat and stepped away from Luna’s form and stood in the corner, clutching his hands to stop them from shaking as he watch the paramedics work on Luna the same way they worked on Victoria. But Luna never opened her eyes. 
Nichkhun watched the dried blood on his hands as he waited for the doctor to come out and say Victoria was okay. That she would live. 
She was already dead before the paramedics came, he could see by the sad looks the paramedics were giving each other but she came back to life after the CPR but her heart was barely beating. 
Nichkhun put his head in his hands as he forced himself not to cry. She saved him. pushed him away while he tried to save her. He could’ve—
“Nichkhun” a soft hand rested on his cheek, making him look up to meet his mother’s eyes. 
“if you’re going to say something about Victoria, I don’t want to hear it” he said tiredly as he pulled his face away from his mother’s hand. 
“No honey. I'm sorry. She truly did love you, and I’m sorry. I’m so sorry honey” the comfort of his mother was too much for him. so much that he started to cry. 
“No, darling. Nichkhun” his mother pulled him to her, slowly comforting him by smoothing out his hair just like she had when he was a little boy. 
“I don’t know if she’s going to be okay” he muttered against his mother’s shoulder, his body shaking with each breath. 
“She will be fine, Nichkhun. She won’t leave you” 
Donghae stood by the door of the operation room, he couldn’t make himself sit down but he felt like he would collapse at any moment. 
Just when anything couldn’t get any worst, his phone vibrated in his pocket. Tiredly, Donghae reached into his pant and answered his phone without looking at the ID. 
“Donghae” he stood frozen at the voice of his father, who didn’t hesitate to shoot at him. doesn’t care that he could’ve been killed. 
“what do you want?”
“I need you to be my alibi. Tell them I wasn’t at the ball tonight, clear my name. I’m at the police station and they know everything. You need to help me out of this. I’ll be jailed for life for this. Help me Donghae”
Donghae stood there, frozen. After all his father did to him, he still had the nerves to call and asked him to clear his name. Set him free. 
“you tried to kill me” 
“I knew I wouldn’t hit you” 
“did you know you’ll hit Luna? Huh, Dad?” angry tears stung his eyes as he tried to blink them away. 
“No, don’t ‘son’ me. As soon as you pulled that trigger, I’m no longer your son. Good luck with your life in jail” 
Donghae didn’t wait for his father’s reply as he hung up the phone. that was it. he no longer had a father. His father would pay for what he did and spend the rest of his days. 
He closed his eyes and tried to collect himself. His thoughts, when the door of the operation room burst open and the doctor walked out. for some reason, Donghae knew what he was going to say. Tears stung his eyes as he clasped his hands together, stopping them from shaking. 
“I know what you’re going to say” Donghae forced himself to say, the doctor looked at him and cleared his throat. His eyes were also a little glassy. 
“We did all that we can. She was too far gone as soon as she came in. I’m sorry”
Numbness spread all over Donghae’s body. 
I’ll meet you at the end of all this. 
A sob broke through Donghae. That was her last words. The last words she said to him. That she would meet him at the end of all this, but in reality, she left him. 
“Oh, God” Donghae covered his face in his hands as his legs gave way. The doctor tried to catch him but Donghae refused to be touched as he slid on the floor. His chest heaved as he tried to cover his cries with his hands. His breath hitched in his throat and his eyes burned as tears trickled down his face. No. no. no. 
“Are you a family member?” Donghae heard the doctor ask in a distance. 
“Yeah, I’m her boyfriend” 
It was the first time Nichkhun left Victoria’s bedside in a week. She never woke up nor did she stir. His heart dropped every time she was made to go through with another operation because her wounds were infected and her anti-bodies hadn’t been working as well as it was meant to. 
Nichkhun sat in the first row, with his mother and Donghae while the other aisle sat Luna’s parents and family. he comforted his mother as she sobbed against his shoulder. Nichkhun blinked multiple times, trying to clear the burning sensation in his eyes and swallow the lump in his throat. 
There were plenty of cameras waiting outside, but he was thankful they have enough respect to not barge into the church service. Donghae sat still as anything as his eyes stared unblinkingly at Luna’s black and white photo. A photo of a girl smiling and laughing at something behind the camera, her hair flowed behind her. his hands were balled into fists as they shook. 
Nichkhun couldn’t help it but to reach over and pat Donghae by the shoulder, letting him know that he wasn’t alone. Donghae looked down at the hand in surprise but broke into a grateful smile. 
There were tears all through the service and after she was lowered to the ground. Luna’s mother collapse after her daughter and tried to reach into the coffin but Donghae held her back. His mother sobbed and he couldn’t help but allow the tears to roll down his face. 
“No! No! My baby! My beautiful baby!” Luna’s mother sobbed as she leaned against Donghae to support. 
“oh god, Nichkhun, this is horrible. Utterly horrible” his mother whimpered. 
All Nichkhun could think of was, Victoria will not end up like this. 
Victoria was in the dark, she couldn’t speak nor could she move. It felt like she was tied up and thrown into the depth of the ocean. There was no light and no one. She was all alone in the pit of darkness. 
All of a sudden, all her senses attacked her. she could feel, she could move, she could hear. 
A warm white light appeared and she found herself in a long, narrow hallway. Warmth filled her mind and all the worries faded away. Nothing mattered to her anymore. No one mattered.  
Slowly, she found herself walking towards the soft light. A smile slowly spread over her face. She wanted to run towards it, disappear in it. 
“Victoria” the voice. That voice. Nichkhun.
Victoria turned around and on the other side of the corridor stood the man she loved. He wore the same suit from the night she was shot. In his hand was a bouquet of her favourite flowers. A warm smile pasted on his wonderful face.
“Nichkhun” she whispered as tears gathered in her eyes . 
“What are you doing Vic? Where are you going?” Nichkhun took a small step forward, worry filled in voice. 
“the light...its so calming, I just wanted to check it out. I promise I’ll come back” Victoria murmured distractedly as she started to walk towards the light, ignoring Nichkhun’s desperate plea.
“Vic, please! Come to me. Don’t go, you’re not going to come back” 
“I promise I’ll come back. I just want to see...it looked so calm” Victoria took a step forward and the more she did, the less she got worried about the problems. and more frighteningly, the less she cared about Nichkhun. 
“Victoria” Nichkhun whispered his last plea, it seemed like he couldn’t come any further. His hands were pressed against the invisible force and his eyes pleaded for her. 
“I love you, but I got to go” Victoria gave him one last smile before she headed towards the light, ignoring the pleading cries of the only man who she cared about. 
So, I tried to finish this ff on this chapter but i needed to added more detail so next chapter will be the LAST CHAPTER
I hope you guys like this chapter and let me know what you thought of this chapter! ^^
many of you commented about crying over the last chapter and it made me so happy (don't get me wrong, I'm happy that i could actually get some of you to cry over something I wrote, it's just sort of special to me)
i love you guys!! you are the best readers ever!!
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Thank you!
I'll be out all day today so the update might be alittle late. Sorry guys(T_T)


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Indahry #1
Chapter 41: Waahh... Good job authornim
I like it ..
lynjosh04 #2
Chapter 26: I love this story....congrats authorim!!!
Chapter 41: i love this fanfic why do you write so well? i hope i could have the same imagination you have and that really cool and nice way to write... :) keep writing author-nim
Chapter 41: You know authornim? Im smiling like a crazy and hold my tears when I read ur AMAZING story >< ILYSM authornim <3
Chapter 41: Wow so nice story its just wow good job and i love ur story
Chapter 41: Finally I finished it..
This is great! I love your stories.. The plot was unpredictable, the end was breathtaking.. You are such a talented writer.. Thank you for the beautiful stories you've made..
Sorry cuz I just read it now.. After long time ago you've finished it.. Glad to find your story when I search for Khuntoria fanfics..
Again, thank you! I love it! :)
Chapter 23: She want to make Khun or something with that drinks I guess.. Just hate it everytime he did it..
Chapter 22: I watch the uninvited too.. I have the DVD.. The story was just so unpredictable.. I like it.

And I like this chapter too.. It gave me a lil creepy things..hehe