Chapter 32

Let Me Sing For You


The next day, Taeyeon woke up and searched for his father. He stayed at his father’s house for the night since it’s already late when Mr. Hwang left.


He walks towards his father’s small office. Knock. Knock. “Dad? Are you there?”


“Yes! I am here.”


Taeyeon walks inside and saw his father reading today’s newspaper while drinking his coffee.


“Good morning, dad!” Taeyeon greets.


“Good morning, son. Hmm…it seems like you have a very fine morning.”


Taeyeon sits down on the chair. “Yup! I’m actually having a blast!”


Mr. Kim looked at his son and asked, “Why? What happened last night between you and Mr. Hwang?”


Taeyeon smiled. “I forgive him already. I know I don’t really have that kind of side but Tiffany taught me how to forget and forgive. At first, I don’t want to do it but then he’s the father of my future-wife so I guess it’s just right to forgive him.”


“That’s great, son. I must give thanks to Tiffany for teaching you how to do that.”


“I guess so?” Taeyeon and Mr. Kim laughed. “But you know what, Tiffany don’t know anything about this.”


“What? Really?” Mr. Kim exclaimed to which Taeyeon nodded.


“Actually, I told him that it’s better if he tells it to his daughter before she hears it to anyone else. Do you think Tiffany will understand him?”


“Hmm…based on Tiffany’s characteristics, I think she will forgive his father and I’m sure of that one.”


“That’s what I told Mr. Hwang last night but he’s still worried.” Taeyeon bows his head.


Mr. Kim tapped his shoulder, “Don’t worry son. I’m sure everything’s going to be fine.”






That morning also, Mr. Hwang is drinking his coffee in the dining room when Tiffany went in and saw him.


“Good morning, dear daddy!” Tiffany gives him a hug and a kiss on the cheeks.


“Good morning too, dear. Did you have a good sleep?”


Tiffany nodded and gets a cup of milk for her to drink.


“Are you leaving early today?”


“Nope, I might not go to work today because I told Jessica that I want to spend some more time with you.”


“I see.”


Out of the blue, Tiffany just asked, “Is something wrong or bothering you, daddy? You look a bit troubled today.”


“Ah…th…at….well…ah…no….there’s nothing wrong…”


Tiffany glared at him. “Nothing wrong? Then why are you stuttering?”


“Stuttering? Why? If I stutter then it would mean something’s wrong already?” Mr. Hwang tries to argue with his daughter.


“Yes!” She answered.


“I don’t think so.”


“Yes, something is wrong and I can see it in your eyes.” Tiffany got close to her father. “Come on daddy. Tell it to me, I’m your daughter so you don’t have to doubt on me.”


Mr. Hwang put aside his coffee and grabbed Tiffany’s hands and asked, “Just promise me that you won’t get mad at me.”


“Oh? Why would I get mad at you? You’re my father.”


“Just promise me you won’t.”


“Okay. Okay. I promise, I won’t get mad at you. Now, what is it that’s bothering you?”


He sighed. “After so many years, I’ve never told this to anyone. No one that the only person who knew about this is me and two other persons that are involved.”


“What is it, daddy?”


“Remember the day when we went back to the States while you were still young?”


“Yup. What’s the problem with that?”


“Try to remember that time, the day before we leave. I told you that we need to go back to the States because of the company.”

“Yeah, I do and even if I’m young at that time I know you’re serious about it.”


“Well, it was true that I wanted to go back to the States because of the company but I never told you other parts of my past before we left Korea.”


“What do you mean, daddy?”


“Actually, I wanted to get away from something.”




“Yeah something. Actually, that time the company is about to close down and I don’t know what I should so that it won’t close down. Out of nowhere, I just kidnapped someone and asked for some ransom money.”


“Kidnap? Daddy, how could you?”


“I know it’s bad but please don’t get mad. Remember I told you that I’m a business partner of Mr. Kim? Taeyeon’s father?” Tiffany nodded.


“Do you know why Taeyeon doesn’t want to see me?”


“Wait, don’t tell me!” Tiffany shouted.


Mr. Hwang bowed his head and said, “Yes, Taeyeon was the one that I kidnapped before and I asked a big amount of money from his father.”


Tiffany stands up and smashed her hands on the table. “DADDY! WHY DID YOU DO IT?! YOU COULD HAVE FOUND ANOTHER WAY TO NOT LET THE COMPANY CLOSE DOWN!” She starts tearing up and tries to walk away but his father pulled her back and hugged her.


“Daddy! Let me go!”


“I’m sorry, Tiffany. I’ve only did it because I promised your mom that I will give you a good life and I’m afraid that if the company closes down, I won’t be able to provide everything that you need.”


Tiffany buried her face on his father’s chest and said, “But still, it’s Taeyeon father. He’s someone that I love the most and now that I found out that he has a very bad past and it was all because of you, I don’t think I have the strength to face him.”


“” Mr. Hwang tries to comfort his daughter. “I went to their house last night and I returned the money that I got before. I also apologized to Mr. Kim for the very rude action that I did and got the chance to talk to Taeyeon.”


Tiffany pulls away. “You mean, you talked to Taeyeon last night? Are you the reason why his father called him last night?”


Mr. Hwang nodded. “Yes and we’re good now. Taeyeon forgive me already and I really apologized for the thing that I did before.”


“I don’t know daddy. It’s just that, I feel really bad for Taeyeon that he was the one you got and even if you returned the money back to them, you did something really bad. Mr. Kim can even sue you for it.” She walks away and stopped outside the dining room.


“I only did it because I don’t want you to suffer the same way me and your mom suffered before. I’m really sorry, Tiffany.”






“Good morning baby! How’s your sleep? Was it good? Me? I feel so happy today. So happy that I want to give you a kiss! Mwaaaaah!”


She looks at her phone and threw it away then she buries her face on her pillow and cries.


“Huhuhuhuhuhuhuhu! How can I face Taeyeon now if this is the problem??? I know it’s solved already but I’m sure Taeyeon suffered so much before. How could daddy do this?!!!!”


After a few hours, someone suddenly knocked on her door.


Knock. Knock.


“Who is it?”


“It’s me, Fany. Open up.”


“What? Taeyeon? Why is he here?”


“Come on, open up.”


Tiffany opened the door and pulled Taeyeon inside. She hugs him and buries her face on his chest then cries. “I’m sorry, Taeyeon.”


“Sorry for what?” He asks as he tries to comfort her.


“I’m sorry that you went through a lot while you’re still young and it was all because of my father.”


“Shh…shh….it’s nothing, Tiffany. After I heard about your father’s reason behind it, I forgive him already and it was you who taught me how to forget and forgive. You knew it so you should do it too.”


“I know but it’s just that knowing that he’s done something criminal in the past feels like it was all because of me. If I was not born, he couldn’t have done it. If only I was not there…”


“Don’t blame yourself, as a father he must know his responsibilities and also your mom passed away so it’s like he’s your mother too. Tiffany, you should try and understand him in any ways possible. He’s still your father and the only person in your life.”


Tiffany looks in to his eyes and said, “You’re the perfect man, Taeyeon. I never knew that you would forgive someone who has done something bad to you and your family.”


“I should thank you because you taught me how.” He smiled.


“I’m really sorry, Tae.” She then gave Taeyeon a kiss.

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Whew. I just remembered that I accidentally deleted my old youtube account. I'll just re-upload the finale video.


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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 37: TaeNy family 😘😍
Four_seasons #2
Chapter 1: Taeyeon became an artist
Chapter 37: These two are so cute <3<3<3
It's nice
Chapter 37: Yay! Happy ending for TaeNy~
Chapter 29: So I have a the first chapters tiffany said that the name of taeyeon seems familiar so it was obvious that she didn't recognize him, and when she broke up with him she said its because she doesn't want to ruin taeyeon's friendship, but when they made up she said she have always known that it was taeyeon?? Im kinda confused but i like the story
Chapter 37: Hi I was read the story in one shoot lol? And I like it, but there is one question, tae's father in the first place told sunny that he want her to be his daughter in law, why suddenly he agreed with fany? Thanks
I hope the pdf file will done soon~~ cant wait for it.. >_< fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 38: I finished this story in less than 2 days, got so addicted xDDD but the story was quite nice, I loved that you posted some links on songs ^^~
Still has to be one of the best fics I've ever read~. Galing mo talaga, author~!