Chapter 20

Let Me Sing For You


“We’re here, Miss.” Yuri said.


Jessica looked out the window and asked, “Where are we actually?”


Yuri smiled. “We’re home.” Then he went out his car.


“Home? Home?”


Yuri opened the door for Jessica and she slowly went out with a blank expression.


“What’s with your expression? Anything wrong?” Yuri asked her.


“Nothing’s wrong, it’s just that I’m curious why we’re here.” Jessica looked at him with a very curious face.


Yuri slightly tapped Jessica’s cheeks to comfort her. “You don’t have to worry, Sica. This isn’t actually my own house but my family’s house.”  Yuri placed Jessica’s hands on his arm and started walking.


Jessica’s eyes opened wide when she knew that it was Yuri’s family house. “But…”


“I told you, it’s going to be okay.” Yuri comforted her again before they enter the house.


Someone opened the door inside and greeted. “Good evening, Mr. Yuri.” The maid assisted them to the living room where they waited. “Mr. Yuri, your father told me to let you stay here for a while.”


“Okay, just tell them we’re here. Thank you” Yuri looked at Jessica who is pale at the moment due to excessive nervousness. Yuri smiled and grab a hold of her hand that is really cold. “Why feel so nervous when I’m going to be by your side all of the time.”


Jessica looked at him. “It’s just that I really feel nervous and this kind of events never happened much with me.”


“What do you mean?” Yuri asked for clarification.


Jessica sighed. “Well...I know we’re not dating…”


Yuri cut her out, “Who told you we’re not dating?”


“Eh? I mean, you didn’t actually ask me out.”


“So you think of this as a friendly dinner, like that?”


Jessica nodded.


Yuri chuckled and said, “Well…I don’t usually tell the girls that we are dating but when I ask someone out for dinner, it’s a date for me. I just don’t tell them because I’m afraid that they will say no.”


“Eiiih! Who’ll say not to a handsome guy like you?” Jessica covered right after speaking which made Yuri laugh so hard.


“Why cover your mouth after saying a true fact?” Yuri asked while laughing.


“I don’t know. I did not even intend to say those words. Wait, so you mean, we’re dating? I mean, not just simply having dinner outside?”


“Yup!” Yuri answered without hesitations. “Now, back to what you’re saying. You said this kind of events did not happen much to you. Why?”


Jessica cleared . “I mean, out of all the guys I dated…”


“Welcome home my precious son!” Yuri and Jessica looked behind and saw Mr. Kwon approaching them.






“Wow! That was the best kiss I received from you, Tiffany.”


“Of course. Since you made this day really special, it’s just reasonable to give you a very special kiss.” Tiffany gave him an eye smile.


“Oh! No! My knees! They’re falling! I’m melting!” Taeyeon joked around.




“You know aegyo is my weakness and those eye smiles, I consider them as a very deadly weapon that’s why I’m losing my strength right now.”


“Do you want more?” Tiffany did not even wait for Taeyeon to answer instead she just showed a very powerful eye smiles to Taeyeon which made him kneel on the floor and made Tiffany laugh so hard.


“Ya!” Pointing to Tiffany. “I’ll get my revenge someday, Tiffany Hwang!”


Tiffany still laughing lend out her hand to help Taeyeon stand up. “I’m sorry, it’s just that you’re very cute when you get weak.” Taeyeon then held out Tiffany’s hand but instead of standing up, Taeyeon pulled Tiffany towards him on the floor. Tiffany fell down on Taeyeon’s side while his arm is wrapped up to her back and their faces are inches away.


They are looking through each other’s eyes as if like their eyes are talking to each other.


“Aegyo isn’t my weakness, Fany. You’re the only reason why I get weak.”


“And that’s why I love you.”


Tiffany and Taeyeon gave each other a short kiss and then Tiffany lied down with her head on Taeyeon’s chest then they both looked at the sky full of stars.


“I love you, Taeyeon.”


“I love you too, Tiff.”


The next day, again Taeyeon is the first one to wake up so he prepared some breakfast for Tiffany but this time he did not bring it up to the room instead left it up on the table with a note…


Tiffany woke up and saw Taeyeon’s not beside her so she went down and saw the food prepared on the table. She picked up the note…


“Tiff! I’ll be out for a while. I’ll go jogging and I actually wanted you to come but you’re still asleep so I did not wake you up. Instead, I made breakfast so eat it after you wake up and I’ll be back home before you know it. Love, Taeng”


Tiffany’s lips curved into a smile. She sat down and started eating her breakfast then after a few minutes, Taeyeon arrived back home and was holding 3 pink roses.


“While I was jogging around, I passed by a flower shop and bought these beautiful pink roses. I hope you like it.”


“Of course, I like it!” Tiffany stands up and gets a vase and placed the roses there. “Thank you!”


Taeyeon returned a smile. “Now continue eating.”


“How about you?”


“I’ll just the yogurt inside the refrigerator.”


“Oh no. Eat this.” Tiffany takes the spoon full of rice and put it inside Taeyeon’s mouth then let him take a bite of the hotdog. “Now, chew. I told you not to just eat yogurt in the morning. I always told you that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.”


“Yes, Ma’am. I’ll eat my breakfast everyday.”


“But while you’re here with me, I won’t eat my breakfast if you’re not with me, okay? Is everything clear, Kim Taeyeon?”


“Wow! It’s very odd of you to call me by my full name. Yes, Miss Tiffany, everything is clear as water.” He then smiled.






Sunny on her way back to her house can’t stop thinking about what Mr. Kim told her at the restaurant.


“…I’ve always wanted you to be my son’s wife in the future…but he really is like his mother. He always follows what his heart says and I can’t do anything with that one…”


Sunny said to herself. “He rejected his own son but still respect his son’s decision in life. Now, he wants me to bring Tiffany to him. Does he think it will be easy if Taeyeon is always around?”


Ring. Ring.


“Hello? Oh? Hyoyeon?”


“Where are you?”


“I’m on my way back home, why?”


“Don’t go home yet. Come with me and let’s buy some gifts for Christmas.”


“Christmas? It’s more than a week before Christmas.”


“Who told you it’s more than a week? It’s just 5 more days before Christmas. Don’t you have any plans on buying gifts for your friends?”


“Well…I do have some plans but I can’t go there wearing a dress. I don’t want to go shopping wearing something like this.


“Okay. Okay. Go home, change your clothes and I’ll wait for you here at the mall, okay?”


“Yes, Manager.”


Sunny hang up and still think about Mr. Kim.


“…Would you please help me meet Tiffany…”


She smirked and said, “Let’s see…”

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Whew. I just remembered that I accidentally deleted my old youtube account. I'll just re-upload the finale video.


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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 37: TaeNy family 😘😍
Four_seasons #2
Chapter 1: Taeyeon became an artist
Chapter 37: These two are so cute <3<3<3
It's nice
Chapter 37: Yay! Happy ending for TaeNy~
Chapter 29: So I have a the first chapters tiffany said that the name of taeyeon seems familiar so it was obvious that she didn't recognize him, and when she broke up with him she said its because she doesn't want to ruin taeyeon's friendship, but when they made up she said she have always known that it was taeyeon?? Im kinda confused but i like the story
Chapter 37: Hi I was read the story in one shoot lol? And I like it, but there is one question, tae's father in the first place told sunny that he want her to be his daughter in law, why suddenly he agreed with fany? Thanks
I hope the pdf file will done soon~~ cant wait for it.. >_< fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 38: I finished this story in less than 2 days, got so addicted xDDD but the story was quite nice, I loved that you posted some links on songs ^^~
Still has to be one of the best fics I've ever read~. Galing mo talaga, author~!