Chapter 16

Let Me Sing For You


Tiffany stopped moving and gave Sunny a very confused look. “True?”


Sunny laughed hard and said, “I’m just kidding, Tiffany. I’m sure Taeyeon wouldn’t do that to you because just what I said, he really, really loves you.”


“I know but if ever it will really happen, it just means that we’re not meant for each other and he’s just human, he can commit mistakes.” Tiffany explained.


Sunny smiled back and continued eating.


After eating their lunch, Sunny thanked Tiffany for coming.


“Thank you for coming, Tiffany. It may be a short time that we are together but I enjoyed talking to you.”


“I enjoyed this one too and it’s really nice meeting you, Sunny.”


“Me too. I have to go now, let’s just meet each other again next time. Bye!” Sunny rode the car and left.


Tiffany sighed, “It feels weird being invited by her.”  


On her way home, she sent a message to Taeyeon.


“Hi Tae! Hmm…have you eaten your lunch? Me? Yup! Sunny-ssi invited me for lunch. It’s so nice meeting her even if I feel kind of weird being with her since it’s the first time meeting her. Do well on your work today! See ya!”




Taeyeon was on his way home with Sooyoung when he received the message. Upon reading, he put down his phone and was very uneasy.


“Are you okay? Who sent you a message? Media?” Sooyoung asked while driving.


“Nope, it’s Tiffany.”


“Tiffany? Then why is your reaction like that? Did something bad happen?”




“Sunny? I thought it was Tiffany who sent you a….” Sooyoung was cut off by Taeyeon.


“She invited Tiffany for lunch without even telling me. What is she doing??”


“Eiiih. Why are you so worried? Maybe Sunny just wants to be friends with Tiffany. What’s wrong with that one?”


Taeyeon looked at Sooyoung. “Ya! The whole week, my name and Sunny’s name never disappeared on the news or everywhere. Tiffany knows about that one and I’m worried with what Sunny told her.”


“If you’re worried then why don’t you give her a call? We’re still quite far.”


Taeyeon dialed and called Tiffany.




“Oh, Tiffany.”


“Oh? Isn’t it time for you to shoot the show?”


“Ahh. No, I was about to appear but while I was waiting, I felt a bit dizzy and doesn’t feel too well so we had to go home.”


“Omo! Are you okay now? Do you want me to visit you and bring something for you to eat?”


“Oh no! I’m fine. I’ll just have some rest. Don’t worry about me, I’ll be fine.”


“Just make sure you’ll get some rest, okay?”


“Yeah, I will. Uhmm..regarding your message, Sunny did really invited you for lunch?”


“Yes, she did. In fact, it was a short time being with her but it was fun talking about stuffs.”


Taeyeon took a deep breath and asked, “Except for those things, did you talk about anything else?”


Tiffany did not answer back. “Tiff? You still there?”


“Oops. Sorry, I’m still here. Ahh…she mentioned…the…issues about you and her. Well, she just told me that those are not true and I have nothing to worry.”


“Ahh.” Taeyeon chuckled. “I’ve already told you before that those are not true.”


Tiffany laughed hard. “Yeah and I won’t believe those because I trust you. Always remember that, okay?”


“Yeah. I love you so much, Tiffany.”


“I love you more! I got to go now. I just arrived here at home. I hope we can meet soon, Tae. I miss you so much! So much bigger than the pacific ocean.”


Taeyeon smiled, “I know, I know. Yeah, I’m sure we can meet each other again soon.”


Taeyeon put down the phone. He then bowed his head down and feels so sorry to Tiffany which caused him to cry.


“Oh? Why cry right now, Taeyeon? You just spoke with your girl.”


“I feel so sorry towards Tiffany…We can’t even meet every time we want to meet. I can’t even bring her out to the public.” He then looked at Sooyoung. “Would it be a big problem if I announced to the public that she’s my girl?”


“Hmm…not really but you said you want to keep Tiffany’s privacy that’s why you don’t let this news out.”


“Yeah but…”


“You know what Taeyeon, it’s not me who can answer but you must talk to Tiffany too regarding this one. It’s all about decision making, Taeyeon. Both of you is only the one who can solve those problems. I’ll just be behind you to support you and to help you when both of you are in need of any help.” Sooyoung tapped Taeyeon’s shoulders.


“Thank you so much, Sooyoung. You don’t know how thankful I am to have you as my friend and manager.”


Sooyoung smiled at him and continued driving.






“Oh? You’re back?” Jessica asked.


“Uhmm. Have you eaten your lunch?”


“Yup! So what happened? What lies did she tell you?”


Tiffany glared at Jessica. “Ya! Lies? She was so nice! Also, she told me that those issues are not true and that I shouldn’t believe in any of those.”


Jessica smirked, “If I know, this is just the start.”


Tiffany give Jessica a hit on the head. “Ya! What is that for?”


“That’s for straightening your mind. You think too much, Jess.” She then went straight into her room.


“Eiih. Why won’t she listen to me? I’m sure that Sunny girl is up to something.”






Another week has gone by. Taeyeon have decided to visit Tiffany this time before going to his schedule.


“TAEYEON-AH!” Tiffany ran towards him and gave him a big hug. “I missed you so much!”


Taeyeon smiled, “Me too. I missed you so, so much!”


Tiffany let go and looked at him, “But wait, why are you? You have some schedule today, right?”


“Am I not allowed to see my love before I leave for work?” Taeyeon joked around.


“Eiiih! Just make sure you won’t be late.”


“Yeah, I won’t. Well…”


“So now that you saw me already, why won’t you leave?”


“Well…that…I want to talk to you about something.”


“Sure? Do you want to go inside?”


Taeyeon nodded and they both went inside.


“Jessica left already for work. I told her I don’t want to go to work today so I’m staying here at home. So, what do you want to say to me?” Tiffany asked with a smile on her face.


“This past two weeks…I’ve been all over the news.” Taeyeon can’t look straight into Tiffany’s eyes. “I’ve done everything to stop this but…it just won’t. I’m really worried that if this continues, you’ll be in pain even if I tell you that it’s not true.”


Tiffany grabbed Taeyeon’s hands and said, “In the past two weeks, have you seen me bothered by all those issues about you and Sunny-ssi? No, right? Then why would you worry that I’ll be in pain when I don’t even mind those things.”


Taeyeon pulled up his head and looked at Tiffany, “I know but I wanted all of these to stop but I’m still thinking if I should do this.”


“What do you mean? Okay, what do you want to do?”


“I wanted to…” Taeyeon held Tiffany’s hand tight. “I wanted to make release to the public our relationship but I’m worried that the media will ruin your life and I don’t want that to happen.” He cried in front of Tiffany which made her cry too.


“I love you, Tae. If this is the only way to stop all the issues about you and Sunny, I won’t mind if my life and privacy will be ruined by the media.”




“Tae…I love you and I will do anything for the sake of our relationship.”


“Thank you so much, Tiff.” Taeyeon and Tiffany hugged each other.

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Whew. I just remembered that I accidentally deleted my old youtube account. I'll just re-upload the finale video.


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kidleader_tae #1
Chapter 37: TaeNy family 😘😍
Four_seasons #2
Chapter 1: Taeyeon became an artist
Chapter 37: These two are so cute <3<3<3
It's nice
Chapter 37: Yay! Happy ending for TaeNy~
Chapter 29: So I have a the first chapters tiffany said that the name of taeyeon seems familiar so it was obvious that she didn't recognize him, and when she broke up with him she said its because she doesn't want to ruin taeyeon's friendship, but when they made up she said she have always known that it was taeyeon?? Im kinda confused but i like the story
Chapter 37: Hi I was read the story in one shoot lol? And I like it, but there is one question, tae's father in the first place told sunny that he want her to be his daughter in law, why suddenly he agreed with fany? Thanks
I hope the pdf file will done soon~~ cant wait for it.. >_< fighting!!! ^^
Chapter 38: I finished this story in less than 2 days, got so addicted xDDD but the story was quite nice, I loved that you posted some links on songs ^^~
Still has to be one of the best fics I've ever read~. Galing mo talaga, author~!