A Good Boyfriend?

Let Me Know That it's Over

"Hyung?" V whimpered softly. It felt like they were standing like that for hours in heart wrenching silence. The longer the seconds passed, the more the younger could feel his heart crumbling and his chest bunching up into a painful knot. He could already feel the tears starting to sting his eyes, but he didn't want to cry in front of his lover. He didn't want to show the other how much he was hurting. But despite how hard he tried to hold them in, the never ending quietness made it almost impossible. Taehyung could feel one hot tear fall down his cheek, before it was followed by multiple. 

"Tae, don't cry." J-Hope finally spoke up, pulling the younger into a hug. As much as V wanted to push the rapper away and get a straight forward answer, he loved the warmth that wrapped around his body when he felt his arms around him. He loved feeling the olders body pressed against his as he could take in the strong sent of the dancers sweat which he attempted to mask with some cologne. But why did he love it so much? Maybe it was because the simple affectionate things Hoseok did was what repaired his heart for a short amount of time. Or was it because when he did such actions, all the pain in his body seemed to disappear as if it never existed. 

But he had to remember everything. Everything that the older did. How he hurt him. How he neglected him. A shaky breath left the youngers lips before he placed both his palms on the others chest, pushing him harshly so he could break free from his embrace. "Y-You didn't answer my question," V tried to say sharply, but he failed as his voice sounded too weak and unstable. 

With that, J-Hope cupped the vocalists face gently before leaning in closely. Expecting a kiss, Taehyungs eyes fluttered closed, but he never felt the others soft lips come in contact with his needy ones. Feeling some pressure on his forehead, Vs eyes flickered opened to see the rappers head resting against his own. "Of course I do," he whispered softly, it was almost inaudible, but the younger didn't miss it. 

Of course he wanted to accuse him of lying and point out everything he's done until this moment, but just as he opened up his mouth, the managers voice boomed through the hallway up to the practice room. He was calling the pair, telling them to hurry up or they had to walk to the dorm. Not even waiting to hear what the younger was to say, Hoseok quickly pecked his lovers cheek and grabbed his hand. "C'mon, we have to go." He smiled before he started dragging Taehyung down the hall and into the van.


Taehyung burst out of his room with his rectangle grin playing on his lips. For once it was real, not forced like every morning. His routine even seemed to brighten up as all his actions seemed to be more exaggerated. "Hey, Kookie!" V sang as he sat himself down beside the younger before ruffling his hair. The maknae simply groaned before looking at the other. 

"You seem awfully brighter today," Jungkook pointed out before shutting his eyes once again. 

"I am~" the second youngest admitted, bouncing in his seat. He could feel all of the energy and happiness coursing through his veins, and hell it's been so long since he felt like this, it was the amazing.

"Why? Did Hoseok hyung finally your brains out?" the younger snickered. 

"No," he answered. "And don't curse, it really ruins your innocent image." Taehyung pointed out with a small pout. Jungkook simply scoffed at his hyung, about to give him a whole speech about how he was old enough to say whatever he wanted and how he wasn't a baby anymore. When the younger opened up his mouth, the rapper they were talking about entered the living room. 

V wasn't sure how to react to it. If the dancer was to ignore him like always, he would know for a fact whatever the Hoseok said last night was just so he could keep playing the younger with the palm of his hand. But if he sat beside him and they interacted, would that mean that his feelings were true? The younger wasn't dumb, he knew simple actions like that wouldn't mean much, but he was so desperate that anything would automatically meant the older loved him. 

Hoseok wasn't dumb either.

With a soft smile playing on his lips, J-Hope made his way to the couch where the two youngest were sitting before taking a seat beside his lover. Just by that, it got Taehyungs grin to widen. "What are you two talking about?" The oldest asked, then brought his arm around his boyfriends shoulder, bring him closer.

The sudden situation got the youngest somewhat confused. Yea, everyone did know about their relationship, but the two never bothered showing much affection in front of the members. They even kept small things like cuddling behind closed doors, so seeing this was a bit odd.

"Nothing much. But let's talk about you two, when were you guys into PDA?" The maknae asked raising a brow. "I haven't seen you guys do much for these past months. I thought you guys just did it when you were alone," he shrugged. 

"Hey, it's not like we're making out here. It's not even considered cuddling..." Hoseok pointed out.

"Yea, but still. I feel like you guys haven't even laid a hand on each other for the past couple of months," Jungkook shot back. That's how the morning chatter went silent. The main vocalist had a point there, and the couple weren't sure how to answer back. Especially Taehyung, who felt uncomfortable by the whole conversation to begin with. Realizing what he did, the maknae tried to cover it up so the awkward air could disappear. "L-like I meant, it's been a while since I've seen you guys together. I bet the other members have seen it a bunch!" He quickly said with a small smile, and a forced out chuckle.

"No, you're right Kookie. It has been a while since we've interacted to be honest." Taehyung finally spoke up looking down at his hands. Seeing there was no way to get the conversation back on track, the older decided the better go get some breakfast.

Aside from the painfully awkward morning, the rest of the day was practically magical. It had been nothing like yesterday. No, it was nothing like the past days in the last few months. Taehyung could say it was the best day he's had in a while, if it wasn't for the little voice in his head, telling him he was simply being played. But the times his mind wasn't saying such things, he was able to enjoy everything. 

V had finally gotten all of J-Hopes undivided attention. The whole day they goofed around together, teasing other members, teasing each other, turning a boring atmosphere into their own fun. This was all the younger wanted. It might be what best friends do in others eyes, but it was still something more in Taehyungs eyes. These interactions were what led the two to love each other to begin with. That was something the younger certain about for the both of them.


An annoyed groan left the maknaes lips as he stared at the overly fluffy couple sitting across from him. Of course it was none of his buisness on what the two did, but seeing the over affection was really getting to him. VHope didn't even seem bothered by the youngest as they simply chuckled and continued what they were doing. 

"Just let them be," Seokjin snickered, ruffling the youngests hair. Yes, the massive and sudden amount of PDA was a bit odd in the oldests eyes, but honestly it made him feel relieved, especially after the drama from yesterday. Now seeing them like this today was a definite sign the vocalist had talked to his lover. 

Jungkook simply scoffed as he looked up at the older. "We already know their a couple, jeez. Do they really need to do that?" he pouted, feeling somewhat jealous he had no one to cuddle and be cute with. 

"If you want, you can do that with me~" Jin sang before bursting into a fit of laughter. The main vocalist simply playfully glared at him before laying himself on his back.

"No, I'm good. I don't even get how their that close to each other after dancing so much. I'm all sweaty and gross, I definitely don't want to be touching someone else." He explained, fanning himself with his own hand. 

In front of the youngest and oldest of the group were the couple the two were talking about earlier. J-Hope seated himself against the wall as his boyfriend was lying on his back, head resting in the olders lap. Taehyungs eyes were closed as he could feel the rappers hand combing through his hair. "Hyung," he hummed, the smile never leaving his lips. "You don't have to do that, I know my hairs all gross with sweat and stuff."

"It's fine. It's mostly on you're forehead anyways," Hoseok assured before taking some tissues that were luckily beside him. With the tissue, he wipped the sweat that had glistened the youngers forehead. The vocalist simply chuckled at the action, before a small 'thanks' left his lips. 

After that, the two stayed silent, genuinely enjoying each others company and nothing more. "You know I love you more than anything, right?" V suddenly blurted out. The younger was lucky his eyes were shut, or else he would have shot right out of his seat and left the older there. But since he kept them closed, he wasn't able to see the dancers expression suddenly turn dark and unsure. 

"Yea, I know." J-Hope whispered, as his hand continued to make gentle and relaxing movements through his brown locks. Then came the silence once again, but it wasn't loving and calm. Instead, it felt uneasy and almost awkward. That was until Taehyungs eyes flickered open, then it felt simply uncomfortable. Before the younger could catch his expression, he smiled down at him.

"What about you hyung?" he suddenly asked, catching the older off guard. But frankly, he should have expected the question.

"Hmm?" the rapper hummed softly. "You were one of the best things that ever happened to me," Hoseok answered easily. But the response got the younger to frown a bit. 

It was a small difference, but he still noticed it. He wasn't sure if it was because he was just good at catching some words, or if it was the voice in the back of his head that kept him on the fence about this whole 'Hoseok being a good boyfriend all of a sudden' thing. But either way, he heard it. Most people would say V was being completely paranoid, but he noticed how his lover said were instead of are. Hell, as small as the problem seemed, he found a big meaning behind it.

Were. As in the past. He was the best thing he had. What about now? That thought was practically the only thing going through his mind, so the younger finally sat up. The action caused the older to pout. "Hey, what's up?" he questioned. Taehyung simply smiled at him.

"It's nothing," the one question lied. It didn't even matter though, because when he had gotten up to his feet, their choreographer had told them their break was over and to continue dancing.

After that awkward moment, V and J-Hope didn't talk much for the rest of the day. It led Taehyung to think he was really really overthinking things. Like it was only one word, it's not like he had avoided the question or anything. Feeling like an idiot, the vocalist found his courage to approach the other and act like nothing ever happened. Walking into the living room, he saw Suga and Jimin seated on one couch. From the looks of it Jimin was showing the rapper something on his phone, while his lover was on the other chattering with the maknae. Smiling softly, the vocalist made his to the dancer and sat beside him. The other glanced at him, looking unsure of what to say while the youngest looked almost annoyed, knowing that some sort of cutesy things were going to start once again.

V simply grinned at the two as his hand searched for the olders. When he finally found it, the rapper didn't flinch at all, so he grasped it securely. "So what were you two talking about?" he asked, wanting to join the conversation.

The two gladly told him, and they resumed to chatting about useless things. All the while the couple had interwined fingers, J-Hope even wrapped his arm around the youngers shoulder, causing the vocalist to snuggle closer to his lover. Only to recieve an almost annoyed look from the youngest. But it never bothered them, despite how much he complained and begged them to just get a room.

As they chatted through the night, Jungkook finally grew sleepy and decided to head to bed. V followed along as he himself was getting tired, as he headed back to his room, he could feel a presence behind him. Ignoring it, he continued until he got in his room. 

Taehyung turned off the lights before he shuffled to his bed, only to face plant into it. Thinking he was alone, the vocalist was about to doze off right then, until he felt hand grasp his sides. He would have panicked by the sudden intrusion, but the second youngest was quickly assured when he heard a husky whisper next to his ear. He recognized the voice in an instance.

"Mind if I sleep here tonight?" 

V chuckled softly at his boyfriends words. "Of course, you're always allowed in here." With that, the bed dipped down and he could feel Hoseoks warmth wrap around him when his arms circled around his body. 

It was offical. This was the best day of Taehyungs life. It was practically a dream come true, just being able to be with Hoseok from morning to night. Of course there were bumps along the day because of the annoying voice in the back of his head, but in the long run today was amazing. 

He dreamed well that night, for once it wasn't something heart wrenching where he would wake up in the middle of the night. It was almost unbelievable. But reality hit him hard when he woke up the next morning.


As if he went to bed that way, with no J-Hope.


Ehm. So I attempted to make it fluffy, but then I said it because I've never made fluff, so why start now? But either way I didn't want to make the chappie that depressing.

Now time for questions ^^ Why do you think J-Hope acted the way he did? And do you think the other members will catch on to VHopes faulty relationship?

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Chapter 25: My heartu and my Vhope feels, UwU, I love ur stories keep writing, ur amazing
V-HopeMin #2
Chapter 25: Oh man ! I love this story! !!!
fadhateen #3
Chapter 25: Its almost 3 years this story completed. I've read this more than 20 times and never once i not crying. Who just can not cry when its hurt so ing much
BR00KS #4
Chapter 25: "just already!" im crying rn this is so funny oh gosh wtf yoongi blunt much
BR00KS #5
jeonghangel #6
Chapter 25: Woohoo yes almost 4 and I read all of this and I gotta get ready for school in a couple hours :’)
I feel broken but happy w the ending
Chapter 25: I love j-hope but I'm not fan of vhope. Usually I'll ship him with jimin or jungkook. But I love this story! How you portray their love even it sorrow love~
Chapter 25: I'm already know this story is angst and I know I'll be crying if I read this...but I still read it and now I'm crying.. My friends are looking me weirdly as we have test after today... But I can't stop reading... Π^Π
Their live story is beautiful~
cb_614 #9
Chapter 25: That's was the best vhope fanfiction I have ever read (even if it didn't start well because it was too sad). It was truly amazing, your writing skills are soo-o good. I'm so thankful you wrote it. And thanks for the happy ending, thanks for everything, thank you. You're a great author you should keep writing fanfictions for vhope. Anyway vhope is perfect~~ ^^
Chapter 25: SPOILER: Tae is a better person than I am I would have slapped Jimin across the face THEN we'd think about forgiveness