Chapter 09

I Remember...

Oh my god, oh my god (oh ah) E O E O O E O, yeah going up
Yeah oh my god yeah oh my god
Oh my god oh my god (Oh ah) E O E O O E O, yeah going up
Yeah oh my god yeah oh my god, oh my god oh my god

A/N: mini-update once again. srry~ i pinky PROMISE that I'll update a full one tomorrow



JiYoung's number? My unni? But why would my unni be texting me threats?

This isn't making any sense to me.

"I'm sure it's not unni, Mingyu Oppa. Why would she be sending me these texts when I haven't been in Korea for 7 years?" I asked peeking at my phone which was still in his hands.

He stared at my phone for a second.

"The day she disappeared, I got a tet from her saying that she'd meet me after school at the ice cream shop that the three of us used to go to when we were little. She said that she had something to tell me, but when I arrived at the shop, she was gone and there was a note left in her place. Her kidnapper left it..." His voice wavered.

"It said that I'll never see her again, just like you....and that I was a terrible brother for not looking after my two sisters to my best ability. At first, I thought that it was a joke played by JiYoung, but the attendant behind the counter told me that a woman had come in left the note and taken JiYoung with her. The thing is....JiYoung went with he willingly....and that was the last of Kim JiYoung that we heard of." he hung his head in shame.

"'s not your fault! Don't beat yourself up!!! What if that woman was someone that JiYoung Unni trusted? What if she's someone that we least expected?" I asked trying to comfort him.

He refused to look up at me as his head bent even more forward with regret.

Ooh! I have an idea!

"Oppa, do you wanna go get some icecream?" I asked giving him a smile.

He looked up with big puppy eyes. "Really?"

"Yeah! Just the two of us." I said taking him by the hand.

"ASA! Let's go!!!" he dragged me down the hallway and out the practice room in a flash.

In no time, we were at the old ice-cream shop that the three of us had apparently gone to a lot.

"Hello! Welcome to Pledis IceCream! What would you like to order today?" asked a girl from behind the counter.

"I'll have a mint-chocolate chip icecream please!" I said with a bright smile.

"And....I'll have a double-chocolately chip icecream please!" Mingyu Oppa said after contemplating between the double-chocolatey chip and the French Vanilla.

"JINA!!! ONE MINT-CHOCO AND ONE DOUBLE-CHOCO FOR TABLE 2!!!" the girl yelled to someone in the back of the store.

"COMINGGGG!!!!" the other girl shouted back as she made her way out from the room, back-first.

"So, Mingyu Oppa! Don't worry about JiYoungie Unni, ok?" I said sternly.

"Arasseo Jihye-yah...." his voice trailed off as there was a loud clatter behind me.


"Mingyu Oppa???"

ahahahaha....*runs away*

im sorry for leaving u with a cliff hanger~

i'll update a real chappie tmrw

i pinky promise!!!!

~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel

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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)