Chapter 18

I Remember...


Knock Knock Knock

"PD-nim, are you okay in there?" I asked as I waited outside our bathroom.

Geez. What's taking him so long? It's already been 5 minutes and he hasn't come out yet.

"PD-nim? Hello? Are you in there?"

There was still no answer.

"Han PD-nim, I'm coming in!" 

I shouted as I turned the doorknob.

To my surprise, the doorknob twisted open easily. Why didn't he lock the door?

I poked my head inside the bathroom cautiously.

I mean, I don't want to invade PD-nim's privacy....WHAT THE HECK?

I slammed open the door and ran inside the bathroom. 


I ran back to where the kids were.

"Hey, you guys? I can't find Han PD-nim." I said in the calmest voice I could handle.

The sixteen of them ran with me to the bathroom and were met with the same sight that I had seen.

Seungkwan poked his head out the window. 

"HEY GUYS!!! HE'S OUT HERE!!!!" he yelled looking upwards.

I ran out the dorm and down the steps as fast as Mingyu's legs would carry me.

"Can't you go any faster? PD-nim might be in trouble!!!" I snapped.

"Shut up, will you? I'm going as fast as I can! It's not my fault that you're this heavy!!!" he shot back.

"Watch your mouth...or I just might try to smash your head open with my guitar."

He shut up and we were under the big tree by the kitchen window in no time.

"PD-NIM! WHAT ARE YOU DOING UP THERE?" Channie shouted from the bathroom window.

I saw him sigh. "This was all supposed to be part of the filming of the show, but I see that it hasn't turned out quite as we thought it would. COULD SOMEBODY PLEASE GET THIS SQUIRREL AWAY FROM ME???"

Seungkwan's face disappeared from the window and reappeared in the kitchen window.

He threw a handful of what looked like acorns towards the squirrel.

Han PD-nim managed to climb down as the squirrel was distracted with the acorns.

"Why do we have acorns in the kitchen?" I asked Mingyu.

"It's better for you not to ask, hyung...." he said climbing back up the stairs after Junghan.

We all gathered in the living room and decided not to ask what the whole entire bathroom-tree-fiasco was about.

PD-nim cleared his voice and started to speak. "Well, since Plan A didn't work, we'll just have to go with Plan B. You will be split into two teams. Throughout the day, you will have to complete a certain number of challenges at designated places. Whichever team wins the challenge will get a slip of paper. The paper will either have the word PASS written on it, or a punishment that a chosen member has to do. By the end of the day, the team with the most passed challenges will win a prize, which is up to the Leena PD-nim. Each team will have two self cameras and two VJ's following them. The first mission place will be told to you in the van. Now go! The van is waiting for you downstairs!" he shooed us out the door before we could even ask any questions.

What is this supposed to be? I don't get it...



I ran towards the door and down the stairs with my black hightops in one hand and my MCM bunny bag in the other.

I am not going to be last in the van....even though I don't understand a single word of what Han PD-nim just said.

I dove into the van and headed for the back. I sat down and shoved my Converse on as Meizhuan and Seungkwan ran in.

"" panted Seungkwan as he sat down in front of me.

I laughed. "I have no idea...but why are you so out of breath?"

"" he said wiping sweat from his forehead.

"Well what happened to Gyu Oppa?" I asked half-concerned about my brother.

"He pushed him back up the stairs and sprinted down after me." Meizhuan said giggling.


Hoshi plopped down on my other side as the other members started to trickle in.

"How did you get here so fast, Jihye?" he asked with a puppy pout.

"I was the closest one to the door and I grabbed my shoes without putting them on." I said with a shrug.

"Ayyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! That's such a good idea!!!!!! Ooh! That could be a good choreography point!!!" he produced a notepad from nowhere and wrote that down.

{Layout of bus}

[Dina, Aera, S.Coups, Woozi]

[Joshua, Junghan, Mingyu, Vernon]

[DK, Seungkwan, Dino, Wonwoo]

[Hoshi, Jihye, Meizhuan, The8, Jun]

The bus started to move as soon as everyone was seated.

Ding Dong!

Is that our first mission bell?

omg! i am so very sorry for not updating ㅠㅅㅠ

this is such a -ish chappie :(

i feel so bad :((((

i pinky promise that i'll update a better one later this week or maybe tmrw^^


~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel

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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)