Chapter 20

I Remember...


The doorknob turned.

"Hyung, wouldn't the bell have sounded if the race started yet?" Haha's voice said from in front of me. Thank God there was a closet door and a trenchcoat separating us.

I heard footsteps walking away from the closet. Something rustled to my left and made its way next to me as Haha and JongKook chatted.

"Kiara? Is that you?" Dino whispered with a self-camera.

"Yeah....squat down, but SLOWLY." I whispered with emphasis on the last word.

We squatted low enough for me to crack the closet door open without them seeing us.

"Haha-yah, I don't think they're here yet. We should go hide and scare them when the race starts instead of wasting our time here." JongKook said from right in front of us.

I held my breath until the two walked out of the room and their chatter died off down the hallway.

Dino and I untangled ourselves from the trenchcoats and got out of the closet as Aera climbed down from the top closet shelf.

"I thought KwangSoo Hyung said it was JongKookie Hyung and JiHyo Noona." Dino said scrunching his eyebrows.

"I know, right? Let's contact the others." I said pulling out the walkie-talkie from my bag.

"Ki to team. Do you hear me?"

There was a lot of crackling and I heard a shout come from down the hall.

"AISHHH! HYUNGGG!!!!! Now we can't find out what Jihye was going to say!!!!" yelled a familiar diva voice.

The three of us poked our heads out of the room and followed the sound of Boo's voice down the hall.

We found Diva Boo's group in no time. The three of them were scrambling around the floor looking for the batteries to the walkie-talkie, which Mingyu Oppa had dropped.

I shook my head.

"Josh Oppa, I thought that you would have at least been holding the walkie-talkie." I said shaking my head with my hands on my hips.

"JIHYE-YA-----" Dino covered Seungkwan's mouth before he could attract anymore attention.

I spotted the last missing battery and picked it up. 

"Okay, you guys....we're in a lot of trouble right now. JongKookie Oppa and HaHa Oppa are looking for us and I think the Running Man cast, minus KwangSoo Oppa and JaeSuk Oppa, are here to oust us." I said shoving the battery into the walkie-talkie and passing it off to Josh.

"Where's the other team?" I asked worriedly as I heard a jingling noise pass by.

The six of us froze as we heard a girl's voice outside of the room. Mingyu Oppa got up slowly and closed the door quietly.

"Hide!" he hissed. 

"Where?" Aera asked panicked.

Dino took her by the hand and rushed off towards the closet in the corner of the room as Mingyu Oppa picked me up and carried me piggyback-style.

"We play Hide & Seek in the dorms a lot, so we know good places to hide." he said with a wink and a mischievous smirk.

"Gary Oppa! I think I heard something in here!!!" a voice said from outside the door that Mingyu had closed.

Gyu Oppa and I were hiding in some sort of alcove under a tiny desk in a forgotten corner filled with dusty boxes and chairs. 

We had picked up the boxes carefully and hidden the VJ under them. He had a good view of us since we made a little hole for the camera at the bottom of the box-igloo.

The jingling bells approached the door and I heard it swing open.

"Jihyo-yah, I don't think the Pledis kids are here yet. HaHa just told me that he and JongKook Hyung just checked this area and there was nobody here." Gary said as he entered the room.

"Oppa, SHHH!!! I think I hear someone breathing!" BlankJi said.

"Uh...JIhyo? That would be me..." Gary said fiddling with the bell tied on his sneaker.

I heard footsteps approach our hiding spot. My heart dropped into my stomach.

"There's so much dust in here! I don't think ANYBODY would want to hide in here!!!" Gary said as he coughed and swatted at the dusty air.

Jihyo sighed. "I guess you're right. Let's go check across the hall." 

The bell noise faded and after a safe five minutes, we crawled out of our hiding places and gathered in the room that we had been in before the Running Man cast had entered.

Dino climbed out from under some sort of dresser and helped Aera get out from a cabinet on top of the dresser. Josh Oppa slid out from a bottom locker and Mr. Best Quality climbed down from the locker above him.

"That was a close one." Josh said, his eyes wide with shock. 

"We NEED to contact the rest of the team." I said.

Just as I finished speaking, our walkie-talkies crackled to life.

"CODE RED. CODE RED. I REPEAT CODE RED. WE ARE BEING CHASED. AGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!" shouted the way-too-familiar voice of DK.

I looked up at the guys and we sprinted out of the room.

Just as we were about to run into the hallway, DK ran by with Hoshi hot on his tail. Wonwoo was running when he spotted us and swerved towards us, his eyes round with fear.

"" he panted heavily as Mingyu offered him his water bottle.

Wonwoo took it gratefully and downed a quarter of it. He wiped the back of his mouth with his hand.

"Speak again...and more slowly." I said yanking the guys into an office room and locking the door behind us.

"Sukjin Hyung found us when we were looking for the objects, and he started chasing us." he said looking over his shoulder nervously.

"But I thought that Sukjin Hyung wasn't fast?" Seungkwan said scratching his head in confusion.

"He isn't....but JongKook Hyung is!" Wonwoo said with fear.

"He found you guys?" Aera asked as we clung to eachother.

"Yeah, and then he started chasing us. I think we lost him, but we lost our walkie-talkie as we ran away because DoKyum was trying to send you guys an SOS message." 

Suddenly, my walkie-talkie and Josh's walkie-talkie crackled.

"Pledis children......we will find you. No matter where you hide, we will always find you. We know this building better than we know the backs of our hands, so don't think that you get away from us this easily." said a familiar menacing voice.

I glared at the walkie-talkie before summoning enough courage to pick it up.

"Well if you guys know this place that well, how come you've already missed us twice?" I retorted.

Josh tazered me with eyes as big as gumballs.

I heard a laugh come from the other end of our talkie.

"What do you mean? There was nobody in any of the rooms that we checked! Your bluffing." Ace said with Haha and Gary talking animately in the background.

"We aren't bluffing. We heard Gary Oppa tell you that it was too dusty to hide in the room that we were hiding in. And also, JongKookie Oppa and HaHa Oppa almost caught us, but they left the room because they thought it was empty." I said as I noticed Hoshi and DK wandering around outside of the office we were in.

I motioned for MIngyu to summon them in.

The two ran into the office and Mingyu locked the door safely behind them.

"We will find you. Just know that." the tiger growled.

I sighed.

"For now, let's just see if any of our objects are here." I said looking around the office room.

At that moment, I noticed a familiar orange logo on a pen on the desk.

"OMIGOSH!!! I FOUDN ONE!!!!" I squealed.

The nine of us gathered around to make sure that it was the right one.

We checked it off of our list and stuck it in my bag with bright smiles.

" gosh! I found a folder!!!" Josh said running over towards us excitedly after rummaging around in a filing cabinet.

We opened it and found song lyrics inside of it. That seemed about right-ish.

After scouring the room for another fifteen minutes, we left in a bundle and sprinted to the elevator to go find celebrity sunbaenims.

The elevator arrived and we piled on. 

As the elevator left the platform, we saw JongKookie Oppa run up to where we had just been a split second before, his face twisted with competitive rage.

"Mehrong~" I stuck my tongue out at him and waved cutely.

We may not have met properly yet, but I am SOOOOO sure that I will get to taste the sweet taste of victory today...and nobody, NOT EVEN KIM JONGKOOK, is going to stop my team from winning.


i'm so sorry for leaving y'all hanging like that last chapter. 

i made a little longer one today^^

i'll try to update tmrw bcos i have study hall ^-^

~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel

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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)