Chapter 06

I Remember...

Hold on girl, don’t ever fall for someone else
I’m gonna get jealous
Hold on girl
From now on, I’m gonna call you mine
I may be shy but I’m very careful
From now on, look at me my lady



Is Mingyu my brother?

I stared at Mingyu's face for a long time. He started to shift and squirm in his spot uncomfortably because of my gaze.

I tilted my head one way and then the other.

He really did look the guy from my memories though....

"What's wrong Jihye?" he asked as he watched me watch him.

I squinted my eyes and leaned forward and did the tilting head thing again.

"YOU'RE KIM MINGYU, right?" I asked.

"Of course I am!" he said defensively with a pout.

I've definitely seen that pout before.

"OMG! YOU'RE....Kim Mingyu...." I face palmed.

KIM MINGYU. I've definitely heard that name before!!!

"Are you okay, Jihye?" Mingyu asked with a concerned expression.

"Kim Mingyu. Kim Mingyu. Kim Mingyu...." I muttered trying to think back to where I had heard his name.

Mingyu waved his hand in front of my face. 

"Kim Jihye--" Mingyu's voice faltered as he said my name.

And then it clicked. The realization hit us at the same time.

"Mingyu....oppa?" I asked cautiously as we stared at eachother.

"Jihye-yah......." we stood there staring at eachother in disbelief.

Mingyu wrapped me in a bear hug and I hugged him back tightly.

Tears started to make their way down my cheeks as I buried my face into his chest.

"Oppa.....why did you leave me? Why didn't you come when I called?" I bawled into his chest as he hastily wiped away his own tears.

"I did, Jihye! I really did! I followed your voice, but when I got there you were gone..." he hugged me even tighter than before.


We stood there hugging and crying with eachother for a good 15-20 minutes before Josh Oppa found us.


"Yah....are you two okay?"  

"Jisoo Oppa. Mingyu Oppa's my brother....the one that nobody would talk about...." I said in between tears.

His mouth dropped as he looked from me to Mingyu.

"No way.......Halmoni & Halboji said that he died though...." I heard Josh whisper under his breath.

"Jisoo Oppa....was I adopted?" I asked him as I clung on to Mingyu like a koala bear.

"What?!?! I don't know! I mean.....I'm pretty sure you weren't! Your parents moved to LA when you were 7, and they said that you wouldn't remember any of us because of some accident you had when you were like 5 or 6." Josh said with a thoughtful expression.

As Joshua was speaking, Mingyu's face hardened. "My sister went missing at the age of 5 on April 16, 2007. Just one day before her birthday. The three of us were playing hide-and-go-seek at the playground near our house when she disappeared."

"How do you know that she disappeared?"

"She called out for me to help her before she was taken. I heard her....and I couldn't do anything to save her...." Mingyu looked at me with a guilty expression.

I gave him a reassuring pat on his hand before telling Josh my flashback.

The three of us sat on the hallway floor analyzing the events of that fateful day that I had lost my memories.

"So....on April 16, 2007 you," he pointed at me, " Mingyu, and your twin, JiYoung, went to the playground near your house to play hide-and-go-seek before dinner."

We nodded our heads in confirmation.

"Mingyu was the counter, and you and JiYoung were the hiders."

We nodded again.

"You found a good hiding place and was scared by a spider so you called Mingyu."

I nodded my head and yawned.

Mingyu checked his watch. "Hyung, we don't have that much time left before we have to get back."

Joshua sighed and got up. "Okay...we can talk and walk."

"So Jihye fell out of the tree because she lost her balance, and then she hit her head and was found by a lady, my aunt, and was taken to the hospital. But, when Jihye woke up, she didn't recognize my aunt because she wasn't her mom. My parents told me that my aunt and uncle had always wanted a baby, but they kept on having miscarriages until you...but I guess even that wasn't true."

"Yup! But what I still don't get is what happened to JiYoungie Unni...she's the same Kim JiYoung who was supposed to debut in a group at Pledis, right?" I asked Mingyu.

"Yeah! She was supposed to debut in a group called D1amondZ with Lee SunMi, the secretary at Pledis, and Im Sumi, the girl who auditioned with you today." Mingyu said enthusiastically.

"But why did she disappear? And right before she was about to debut too!" I said as we rounded the corner of the hallway.

"She was kidnapped." Mingyu answered simply.

I did a double-take. "W-what?"

"JiYoungie was the most popular in her group, and there was a group member that started to blackmail her. She told the sasaeng fans our address, she put death threats in her locker at school, she even went to the extent of giving her caustic soda to get rid of her." Mingyu said with a deep sigh.

"I felt so guilty because I was supposed to walk her to school that day, but I forgot and I was at the dorm with the guys filming for Seventeen TV." he said looking down at his shoes.

We entered the room that the madhouse had been in to find it sparkling clean again.

"See? We cleaned it ALLLLL up!" DK said twirling around the room with a feather duster.

Hoshi bonked him on the head with a Bbyong Hammer (heaven knows where he got that from) and shoved him towards the stairs.

"Let's go Seokmin-ah...I think you've had TOO much fun today..." he muttered as he pulled DoKyum down the stairs.

I found Mr.GrumpyCat sitting in a pretty pink dress in between the China Line.

"Don't ask." he said darkly with a scowl.

Jun burst out laughing and The8 patted Woozi's head.

Mingyu, Joshua, and I made a last round to make sure that everything was spotless and put back in its original place.

As soon as we finished, we raced down the stairs and towards the subway as fast as we could.

I saw their fans shriek and pull out their cameras as we zoomed by.

After going through at least 3 different subways, we were safe from the paparazzi and on our way home.

"So Jihye, did you have fun?" Hoshi asked as he sat down next to me on the subway.

I grinned. "Yeah...and I found out something." I announced to Seventeen as a whole.

Mingyu and Joshua nodded their heads since they knew what was coming.

"Is it a good thing?" Channie asked from beside me.

"Better than having to wear a pink dress all day long?" grouched Woozi from in between the China line (again!).

I stifled a laugh. "Yes!"

"What is it? Spill!!!!" Seungkwan said widening his already big brown eyes.

"Today, I found out that Joshua Oppa isn't my real cousin."

"WHAT?!?!?!?!" they shouted in unison.

"Shhhh!!!!! You're attracting attention!" I scolded wagging a finger at the eleven who had yelled.

They bowed their heads in embarassment.

"AND....I found my brother." I said with a huge smile at Mingyu.

"No way....." Dino breathed as his eyes widened making him look more like a dinosaur.

"Where was he? How did you find him?" DK probed inching closer.

"He was right here all along! I just didn't remember him up here." I pointed to my head.

"Who was it???" 

The boys were getting all antsy-pantsy because I wasn't telling them.

We arrived at our stop just as I opened my mouth to tell them.

"Ooh! Look! We're here! We better hurry before Manger JinHo gets back." I said as I rushed out of the subway only to be pulled back in by Junghan.

He ran carrying me bridal style all the way to the big tree outside of the kitchen window. 

To our dismay, the window was shut and Manager JinHo's silhouette was seen searching for the fourteen of us.

We ran towards the van waiting for us in the front and boarded on as fast as we possibly could.

Just as Woozi climbed in with his pink dress, Coups got a phone call from Mangaer JinHo.

Mansae Mansae Mansae yeah
Mansae Mansae Mansae yeah
Mansae Mansae Mansae yeah
Maeil neoreul kkum kkuji woah

"Yeoboseyo?" Cheollie Oppa answered putting the phone on speaker.

"Choi Seungcheol! As the manager of Seventeen, I demand to know where you dimwits are right now. This instant!" he roared into the phone.

"Hyung....we've been waiting in the van. You promised us gogi, remember?" Cheollie Oppa lied motioning to Woozi to take the sparkly dress off.

"Oh really? Is that why the kitchen window was propped open with one of Junhui's special measuring cups?"


"I HOPE YOU DIDN'T TAKE THAT OUT!!!!!" he added with an evil glint in his eye.

"Uh.....I'll be right down guys...." and with that, Manager JinHo hung up.

I looked at Dino and cracked up as soon as the phone call ended.

Soon the whole van was full of laughter. 

" are we going to explain Jihoonie Oppa's dress?" I asked wiping a tear from my eye.

This started another round of laughter with Woozi threatening to bash each Seventeen member's head in with his guitar.

Manager JinHo found us laughing at Woozi and taking pictures of him in the pink dress.

He just shook his head and drove us to the meat buffet.

When we arrived at the meat buffet, I got a notification on my phone.

Invitation to Group Chat: Seventeen +Jihye

I pressed the accept button.

Joshua: Hey guys! Jihye's finally here!!!!

Dino: JIHYE-YAH!!!!!! 

Woozi: I hate you all. I can't believe you made Manager JinHo believe that idiotic lie of yours.

The8: Annyeong Jihye!

Jun: Hi JiHYE

Seungkwan: Yo! My name is Seungkwan! Hi kee ah ra!

Mingyu: Hey dongsaeng

S. Coups: Welcome to our crazy group chat Jihye!!!

Vernon: What's up with not telling us who your brother is....

DK: YEAH! How come you didn't tell us yet???

Hoshi: Come on guys! Give her some space...but really though....who is it, Jihye?

Junghan: As the official angel of Seventeen, I demand you tell us who your brother is. Shame on him for abandoning you!!!

Jihye: Sheesh! Calm yourselves! Just looking at him, I can already tell that he feels uncomfortable, so why don't you tell them Mr. Shame-on-you-older brother!!! >.<


Jihye: *facepalm* he's not some random stranger in the restaurant Channie....

DK: I don't believe her! I bet she's just saying that because he IS a "random stranger"

Hoshi: Look for a guy that looks like Jihye. I bet he's here somewhere near our table.



Jihye: Here's a helpful hint! STOP LOOKING AT RANDOM STRANGERS AND FOCUS ON YOUR MENUS! Manager JinHo's wondering what you guys are doing under the table on your phones.

Woozi: I think that her brother is one of the members....maybe Wonwoo? He hasn't said anything yet.

Wonwoo: Wait, so just because I didn't say anything, you think that I'm that brat's brother? That's a load of sh- 


Vernon: Yasss Mama Jisoo! #drinkwater

S. Coups: Hey guys, where did Mingyu go? He disappeared and I swear he was right next to me a second ago...

Jun: He went to the bathroom. He said something about Jihye's brother not being a stranger or something....

DK: HOLD UP! Mingyu knows who Jihye's brother is???

Joshua: Yeah, so do I. We were there when Jihye found out.

Hoshi: Jisoo Hyung, please tell me!!! I'm sitting right next to you!!!!!

The8: I think it's Mingyu Hyung. If he and Joshua Hyung know who Jihye's brother is it could only be one of them.

The8: and it can't be Joshua Hyung because he was Jihye's cousin.

Jihye has left the chatroom

Seungkwan: HEY! JIHYE COME BACK!!!!!

Joshua has left the chatroom

Mingyu has left the chatroom

Junghan: I think MIngyu's her brother. Otherwise, he would have said SOMETHING before leaving the chatroom. TT^TT

Dino: HYUNG! HE DID WRITE SOMETHING!!!!! HE WROTE Hi dongsaeng to Jihye earlier

Hoshi: Then does that mean that they're siblings? 

S. Coups: It could just be that they grew close. Like oppa-dongsaeng relationship.

Vernon: All this thinking is hurting my brain. I'm out.

Vernon has left the chatroom

S. Coups: Peace

S. Coups has left the chatroom

Wonwoo has left the chatroom

Woozi: I think you guys are all just over-thinking it.

Woozi has left the chatroom

Junghan has left the chatroom

Dino has left the chatroom

Hoshi has left the chatroom

DK has left the chatroom

The8: How do you leave this thingy?

Jun: The top left corner button.

The8 has left the chatroom

Jun has left the chatroom

Seungkwan: Hey! Where did everyone go? I only left for a couple of hours because I wanted to eat! Come on guys, don't do this to me!!!

5 hours later

Seungkwan has left the chatroom

ta da!!!!

i feel sorta bad bcos this update wasnt that very good TT^TT

but i shall update tomorrow since it's the start of the weekend^^

Tell me what you guys think about it so far!!!


I got like 4 comment notifications when I checked AFF at school today and I was just so happy:)


and to subbies who havent yet....COMMENTS ARE APPRECIATED!!!!
~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel


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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)