Chapter 07

I Remember...

I woke up, even in dreams, baby
I still dream of chasing you, what should I do?
There is no other girl like you
Seventeen can't control these feelings
I'm just like that, yeah yeah, I'm just like that, yeah yeah
There is no other girl like you
Seventeen can't control these feelings, baby baby


How did The8 figure it out?

All this time, I thought that he didn't understand much and that he needed Jun to translate everything for him, but he figured it out....




"Are you okay? You should have watched where you were going!" Seungkwan scolded me as he rubbed my head.

I glared at the pole that I had just run into.

"When did that pole get there? I swear it wasn't there before...."

Seungkwan sighed and shook his head.

"Come on. We have to go to the practice room tonight, so we're going to drop you off at home first." he said helping me up.

"Practice room? I wanna come!!!" I said excitedly.

"No. You're not coming." Wonwoo said coldly as he walked past us.

"But whyyyyyyyy~ I wanna see you guys practiceeeeeee~" I said doing aegyo to Seungkwan.

He looked like he was about to explode.

"Arasseo....I'll ask Coups Hyung if you can come." he said as Dino kicked Wonwoo in the .


Why is Wonwoo Hyung being such a jerk lately?

He's been so mean and cold to me ever since Jihye appeared. What's his problem?

Does he like her or something? Is he jealous that I'm closer to her than he is?


I turned around to find Jihye on the ground in front of a metal pole.

"When did that pole get there? I swear it wasn't there before...."

I shook my head. That is so typical of her....

My ears perked up as she said, "Practice room? I wanna come!!!"

"No. You're not coming." Wonwoo Hyung said coldly as he walked past them.

ARGH! He's just making me so mad!!!

Even when Jihye isn't around, he 's always glaring at me and talking meanly to me.

I stomped over to him and kicked his .

"YAH! LEE CHAN! WHAT WAS THAT FOR???" he yelped as Mingyu Hyung started to laugh at him.

I felt hot tears forming in my eyes.

"Why are you always ignoring me? Why are you being so mean to me? What did I ever do? You're being so unfair, hyung!" I let the tears fall down my cheeks.

Wonwoo hyung didn't know what to do, but Mingyu hyung saw everything.

"Chan-ah, it's okay...don't cry. It's not your fault. It's just that Wonwoo's going through some hard times and he doesn't know how to vent." he said pulling me into a quick hug and patting my back.

I wiped the tears away from my eyes and sniffled. I wonder if my act is working...

1 hour before....

Mingyu Hyung: Chan-ah! Can you help me?

Lee_Chan: What is it, Mingyu Hyung?

Mingyu Hyung: Wonwoo Hyung's been acting really mean to Jihye all today....

Lee_Chan: IKR? He's been doing that to me, too!

Mingyu Hyung: He has? 

Lee_Chan: Yeah! He's been doing it ever since this morning when Jihye came!

Mingyu Hyung: Hmmm....can you do me a favor?

Lee_Chan: Sure hyung!

Mingyu Hyung: Act like you're extremely hurt by Wonwoo Hyung's actions. You can cry if you need to, but do something that might surprise Wonwoo, so that he'll know that he's hurting know what I mean?

Lee_Chan: Kinda.... 

Lee_Chan: So you're telling me to act like Wonwoo Hyung really hurt my feelings today?

Mingyu Hyung: Basically....yeah.

Lee_Chan: OK! But on one condition.

Mingyu Hyung: What is it?

Lee_Chan: You have to tell me if you're JIhye's brother or not. If you don't want to text it, just stay if you aren't and leave if you are.

Mingyu Hyung has left the chatroom

Lee_Chan: OMG...

Wonwoo Hyung awkwardly walked over and stood by Mingyu Hyung.

"Ch-chan-ah...I didn't mean to hurt your's just....that....." he sighed and ruffled his hair.

I took a peek at Mingyu hyung's blank expression as he played with my short, choppy, duck hair.

He gave me pouty face and motioned for me to turn around towards him again.

"Chan-ah....don't be like this to Hyung....please....I didn't mean to hurt your feelings......Hyung's sorry." he tried apologizing again.

I tilted my head up at Mingyu Hyung who subtly shook his head.

I stayed in the position that Mingyu Hyung had pulled me into.

When will Wonwoo Hyung give up?

"YOU GUYS!!!! JIHYE'S COMING WITH US TO THE PRACTICE ROOM SO PERFORM WITH YOUR BEST ABILITIES!!!!" Mangager JinHo yelled from the van where he was waiting.

I heard Wonwoo Hyung run towards the van, all apologies forgotten.

Mingyu Hyung sighed as he released me.

"Well....that didn't go as planned." he muttered under his breath.

"What do you mean, hyung?" I asked as I put my cap on my head and a mask over my face.

"Wonwoo was supposed to keep on apologizing until you accepted his apology, like he always does...but I think he's been acting mean just to maintain a cold image in front of Jihye. Otherwise, he would be his happy normal self, you know?" Mingyu Hyung said ruffling my hair as we walked towards the van.

"I CALL DIBS ON SITTING NEXT TO JIHYE!!!!" Seungkwanie Hyung shouted as he ran towards the van with Jihye in tow.


Seungkwanie Oppa is such a sweetie~

I sat next to him during the car ride to Seventeen's practice room and he told me all sorts of dirty little secrets about the Seventeen boys.

"Oppa, do you know about Channie Oppa's sleeping habit?" I whispered as Hoshi Oppa sent us suspicious glances.

"No, what does he do? I sleep in the other room." he whispered back shoving Hoshi Oppa away as he leaned towards us.

"He's got this habit where he hugs anyone or anything near him as he sleeps. And it's not even just gently hugging, he pretty much suffocates whatever it is that he hugs." 

"No way....." 

Hoshi leaned in towards us again.

"What are you two whispering about?" he whispered as Manager JinHo took a sharp turn and cursed under his breath.

"Is it true that Dino suffocate-hugs things in his sleep?" Seungkwan whispered to Hoshi as Hoshi switched seats with him.

"Yeah....most of the time it's JiHoonie who gets suffocated, but he never notices because he's such a heavy sleeper." he whispered.

"What are you three whispering about in the back? You look like a bunch of high school girls gossiping about who likes who and all that sort of crap." Vernon said from the front.

"How would you know what high school girls talk about?" sassed Seungkwan as he flipped his invisible hair.

"Uh....I have a sister?" Vernon said sarcastically.

"Whatever. It's not like we were talking about you." Hoshi said examining his nails.

"Oh no! My nails are chipped!" he feigned as Seungkwan burst out laughing.

"Stop fooling around back there! I'm driving!!!" 

"Nae....Sorry Manager JinHo...." Seungkwan and Hoshi said exchanging annoyed glances.

They whipped out their phones and motioned for me to do the same.

Not even five seconds later, I got an invitation to a group chat.

Invitation to Group Chat: I hate Mangager JinHo rn

I stifled a laugh as I accepted the invitation.


Hoshi: IKR? Why are we not allowed to talk? Please. Tell me.

Jihye: Is Manager JinHo usually this strict about silence during car rides?

Seungkwan: Nope. Usually WE'RE the ones who are telling HIM to shut up. smh

Hoshi: Maybe he's doing this because he wants to look like a good manager in front of Jihye.

Jihye: What do you mean? Is he usually a bad manager, then?

Hoshi:'s just that he's usually more know?

Seungkwan: YEAH! He usually blasts his weird music in the car until Coups Hyung changes it to something else. It's NEVER quiet during car rides...EVER.

Jihye: Want me to request music, then? I hate awkward silences like this....


Seungkwan: What song is this, Jihye? I've never heard it before.

Jihye: It's Neon Lights by Demi Lovato

Hoshi: I should make a choreography to this song...

Hoshi: I like the beat.

Seungkwan: Jihye, why did you save us as just our names in your contacts? You gotta make it fun!!! Give me your phone.

Jihye has changed Seungkwan's contact to BestQuality_Boo.

Hoshi: Gimme her phone, Seungkwan.

Jihye has changed Hoshi's contact to NaegaHosh

NaegaHosh: Now my contact is perfect^...^

BestQuality_Boo: I'm changing Jihye's contact name.

BestQuality_Boo has changed Jihye's contact to ...

 ...: Really Seungkwan? ...? Why....

BestQuality_Boo: I couldn't think of a good nickname for you, yet!

NaegaHosh has changed ...'s contact to Bbyong

Bbyong: why did you have to name me after your beloved Bbyong Hammer?

NaegaHosh: Hey! It's better than what Seungkwan did!

BestQuality_Boo: My mind blanked! How was I supposed to think up of a nickname just like that?

NaegaHosh: Well I did, didn't I?

Bbyong: Why do I even bother talking to you two....


Bbyong: sure don't act like it....

Hoshi put me in a headlock.


He laughed as he released me and ruffled my hair.

"I was just joking Jihye-ah. Oh look! We're here! Let's go!!!" 

Hoshi Oppa helped me out of the car and raced me and Seungkwan to the entrance.

"Darn! You beat me TT^TT" I said as I arrived there last.

"LOSER GETS PUNISHMENTTTTTTT~~~~~" Seungkwan shouted joyfully as we entered the building with my head hung low in defeat.

"What happened to Jihye?" The8 asked as I followed Hoshi inside the practice room sulking.

"She lost in a race, so now she has to do a punishment from both me and Seungkwan." Hoshi said triumphantly.

"Meanie" I said sticking my tongue out at them.

"You guys are so childish." Wonwoo said rolling his eyes and stalking off.

"What's his problem?" Seungkwan asked pulling a face at Wonwoo's back.

"Don't worry about Wonwoo. He's had a bad day, that's all." Mingyu said as he styled DK's hair.

"You guys! We're practicing Rock and Mansae again today. We have to prepare for Inkigayo and Music Bank." S.Coups announced as he entered the room.

"....what?" I was genuinely confused.

"Oh! That's right! Jihye doesn't know our songs yet. We should perform our entire mini-album for her!" Woozi said enthusiastically.

"OR, we could act like she's the audience and perform in front of her, just like we perform on stage." Joshua suggested as he came back from changing into his practice clothes.

"That's a good idea!!!" Channie said jumping down from counter that he had been sitting on.

"Come on guys, let's start practicing." Coups Oppa said authoratively.

In a couple of minutes, the goofballs turned into serious idols. I couldn't help but fangirl at them.

As they started to practice Mansae after Rock, my phone buzzed.

1 New Message from Unknown Number

I opened it.

Unknown Number: Watch what you're doing. You may think that I've forgotten, but I haven't. Stop being so close to Seventeen as if they were your oppas. You don't deserve anything like this. So watch what you're doing....or I'll repeat what I did to you in the past.

omg im so very sorry

i meant to update this last night but i fell asleep TT^TT

so very sorry....

idk why this one turned out like this....

who do you think sent the message to Kiara?

leave a comment below!!!
~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel


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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)