Chapter 11

I Remember...

I just might know
I’m changing a little
I’m a bit late
for you I will wait patiently
so I can go to you
so we can smile together
forever together, Good Love
(INFINITE~She's Back)


On the ride back to the Seventeen dorm, I sat in between Wonwoo and Seungkwan.

"What exactly happened?" I heard Hoshi whisper to Mingyu not-so-discreetly.

"I can hear you SoonYoungie Oppa." I said loudly hearing Mingyu's answer cut-off midway.

"OOOOOOHHHHH!!!!!!! HOSHI HYUNG~~~~" Dino shouted from the back of  the van.

As soon as we talked, all silence disappeared.

"But what exactly happened?"

"Why were you back at the old playground?"

"Do you remember your past now?"

"Is that why you were crying?"

The questions were shot at me coming from all directions.

I sighed and made a face.

"Here. This should help somewhat." Wonwoo said giving me a candy.

"Thank you~" I said happiliy popping the candy into my mouth.


I hid a smile as I pretended not to hear him.

"Wonwoo Hyung~~~ask her why she was cryinggggggg" Channie whined from the back.

He pretended not to hear them and pulled out his phone.

"Can you at least tell me why you were crying?" a voice whispered into my ear.

I turned around to find my face inches away from Seungkwan's.

"WOAH!!!!" I fell backwards into Wonwoo, who had already been prepared for the impact, as the van swerved into the driveway of the Seventeen dorm.

"Arasseoyo Seungkwannie Oppa." I sighed as we jumped out of the van.

"But only through text! I don't want Soonyoungie Oppa to eavesdrop." I said giving Hoshi a knowing look. 

He acted like he was hurt and jumped onto DK's back.

"Tell me too!" a deep voice said from above me.

I looked up to find Wonwoo standing behind me.

"Fine." I sighed. "But don't tell ANYONE. Only Mingyu Oppa and me know." I said as we followed the guys into the dorm.

I took my shoes off and headed to my room, only to find it locked.

That's strange. Nobody should have been in my room.

I took a bobby pin out of my hair and jiggled it in the doorknob.

There we go! 

The door swung open, revealing Hoshi, Junghan, DK, Channie, and Joshua scramblng around to find a hiding place.

"I cannot believe this." I said with poison dripping from my voice.

I pointed an accusing finger at Josh Oppa.

"YOU! Of all people, I bet this was your idea." I said as he hung his head low in guilt.


And with that, all five of the guys zoomed past me and out of my room to hide from me.


He walked past my room with an evil glint in his eye as he held the guitar in a different position.

"I've been waiting to do this ever since that day on Seventeen TV..." he said cackling evilly.

I heard more scrambling and a frantic DK ran into my room to hide behind me.

"Pleasepleasepleaseplease don't let Woozi know I'm in here. He's going to murder me." he begged on his knees. "I'm really sorry. I didn't know what we were suppposed to be doing. Hoshi Hyung just dragged me and Dino in here after he talked to Shua Hyung." he said with sweat dripping down his terror-stricken face.

I laughed and let him hide in my empty closet.

Not even 5 seconds later, Channie ran into my room and shut the door behind him panting heavily.

"Jihye-yah, pleasepleaseplease---"

I cut him off. "Closet." I said pointing to DK's hiding place.

"Thankyousomuch. Iwillforeverloveyou." he said giving me a quick hug and diving headfirst into DK as he pulled the closet door to close it.

I settled down on my bed and pulled my phone out. 

Sending invitation to BestQuality_Boo and Wonwoo.

BestQuality_Boo has accepted your invitation.

Wonwoo has accepted your invitation.

Wonwoo: Hey! How come Seungkwan gets a special name? I want one too~

Bbyong: le sigh. fineeeeeee

Bbyong has changed Wonwoo's contact to Mr.Coldie

Mr.Coldie: Mr. Coldie? Really?

Bbyong: HEY! Be thankful I even gave you a nickname!!!

BestQuality_Boo: Mine is the best. *flips hair*

Mr.Coldie: How are we even in the same group....

Bbyong: lel. Since when did u have long hair Kwannie Oppa

BestQuality_Boo: Ever since I turned into a girl for Vernonie

Mr.Coldie: no comment....but Jihye, why were u crying earlier?

Bbyong: You guys have to keep this a secret...promise? Josh Oppa knows the first part, but not what happened right before you guys came.

BestQuality_Boo: I promise.

Mr.Coldie: Me too.

Bbyong: Well, I found my brother...

BestQuality_Boo: OMG! WHO???

Bbyong: Mingyu Oppa

Mr.Coldie:....I see the similarities....wait....that means that you're JiYoung's sister?


Bbyong: That's the other part...we found JiYoungie Unni today...

Mr.Coldie: Is that why you were crying when we found you two?

Bbyong: Yeah...and also because the people who had kidnapped JiYoungie Unni were the same people that I had thought were my parents....they never died in that was all a stage...

BestQuality_Boo: OMG!!! r u ok, Jihye? 

Mr.Coldie: Is that couple Shua Hyung's aunt and uncle?

Bbyong: Yeah....that's why I was crying....

Mr.Coldie: Jihye-yah, I think the three of us need to talk about this in person. I'm coming over to your room.

BestQuality_Boo: Yeah, me too.

Bbyong: WAIT!!! Channie Oppa & DK Oppa are hiding in my closet rn bcos Hoonie Oppa's chasing them, Josh Oppa and Youngie Oppa with his guitar.

BestQuality_Boo: youngie....oppa? YOU'RE GIVING FRICKIN YOSHI A NICKNAME?????

Bbyong: Is it a problem to give my oppas nicknames? I call you Kwannie Oppa! Tch!

Mr.Coldie: WHAT ABOUT MEEEEEEEEE????? I'm hurtㅠㅠ

Bbyong: le sigh. I'm unlocking my door. Let's talk in the kitchen.

I got up from my bed and opened up my closet door to find DK and Channie Oppa clinging to eachother in fear.

I laughed. "I'll be back soon. I need to talk to Wonwoo Oppa and Kwannie Oppa, okay?" I said as I threw a blanket for them to hide themselves under.

"WAIT, JIHYE!!!!" I heard Channie screech as I closed the closet door.


"Can you please bring us something to eat???" DK begged.

"Fine." I sighed.

Instead of going to the kitchen to get their food, I invaded my snack stash that I had hidden in a box on the other side of my room.

I returned to the closet holding 2 Banana milks and 2 쌔우깡 bags.

"Here. Now don't complain or make any noises. You have your phones and there's an outlet on the other side of the closet with my charger plugged in if you need to charge your phones. STAY HERE." I commanded them as I shut the closet door again.

This time, I was able to leave my room in peace.

"Psst! Jihye! Over here!" I heard someone whisper as I came out of my room.

I turned my head and saw Wonwoo dangling Seungkwan from a branch outside of the living room window.

Oh My Gawsh.

I ran over to the window and yanked it open, ready to yell at them when Seungkwan put a finger to his lips. 

He pointed downwards and I saw Mingyu Oppa waving up at me.

"What the heck are you three doing? It's the middle of the night and I thought that we agreed on meeting in the kitchen!!!" I whispered angrily at the two who were nearest to me.

"Mianhae Jihye-yah. I wanted to take you somewhere and they insisted on tagging along." Mingyu said as quietly as he could from under the tree.

"Well, I'm not going to climb down the tree like you guys. Unlike you DOOFUSES, I'm gonig down the NORMAL way." I said emphasizing the words 'doofus' and 'normal'.

"nonono! Jihye! You can't go down that way!!! Manager JinHo guards that area all night long after Shua Hyung and JungHannie Hyung got caught coming back from Hongdae that way last time." Wonwoo said nervously as his eyes darted back and forth from holding Seungkwan's wrists to the entrance of the dorm.

"Arasseo. I'll climb out on my own. I'm sure you're having enough trouble with Kwannie Oppa anyways." I said clambering out the window and on to a lower branch.

The three of us finally made it down safely to Mingyu Oppa.

"Let's go!" Mingyu Oppa whispered as he pulled his hood over his head and slipped a black mouth-mask on. He passed me a white one and the other two black ones.

We slipped on the masks and followed Mingyu Oppa like baby ducklings down the street.

He led us to the subway and we sat down as we waited for him to come back with our tickets.

"What did we have to talk about in person?" I asked the two who were sitting on both sides of me.

"Kim JiYoung...was our sunbaenim. She was in a group called D1amondZ and was supposed to debut, but she disappeared right before their debut. All their activities were canceled and we pretty much replaced their debut." Seungkwan explained.

"We still see the ex-members of D1amondZ here and there from time to time, but the only person we haven't seen was JiYoungie. When you came and acted like you didn't know us, I was pretty hurt...because...well...I was kinda dating your sister when she disappeared." Wonwoo said studying his shoes.

"I completely forgot about JiYoung because we've been so busy with our comeback. I'm sure the other members forgot about her too, until Shua Hyung brought you home. When he introduced you to us, we had to hide our surprise because we thought you were JiYoung." Seungkwan said as he looked around to make sure that Mingyu Oppa wasn't coming.

"The thing is, Sumi was the closest to JiYoung out of all the members of D1amondZ. But during the last few weeks before their debut, JiYoung and Sumi weren't talking and it seemed like they had gotten into a major fight. Not long after that, Sumi requested a break to go back home and JiYoung disappeared. Pledis had to get back their lost money somehow, so they created Seventeen TV and aired that to get fans hyped up for a new boy group." Wonwoo said as he leaned back on the wall.

"That worked and then we debuted with Adore U. But, after our debut, we kept on getting letters and packages from a girl who signed everything IS. They were about JiYoung's disappearance and how if we didn't do certain things for her, she would make sure that our group was ruined. So, Hoshi hyung would work hard on choreographing the Adore U dance to do the things that she wanted us to do discreetly. Mingyu Hyung has no idea about the letters or the packages because Dino's the one who goes through all the mail. But one day, we received a package from IS with other things...things that we didn't know about." Seungkwan said watching Mingyu walk from the ticket counter to the food court.

"IS started to send us things about an unknown girl. She would send us pictures of that girl walking or going to school. At first, we thought that it was all a prank until we finally saw the girl's face. They were current pictures of JiYoung in a place that wasn't Korea. IS sent us pictures of JiYoung going out with her foreigner friends and getting he hair colored and all sorts of things. But then, we got a picture of her in Korea again...or so we thought. We went and held fanmeetings in Busan, Daegu, and all sorts of other places to look for the place in the picture, but we never found it. By that time, I lost hope in ever finding JiYoung, so I gave up and told the others who were in on finding her to stop." Wonwoo said kicking a pebble.

"Who else in the group was in on this?" I asked pulling my mask higher.

"Channie, Soonyoungie Hyung, JiHoonie Hyung, and Seungcheollie Hyung." Seungkwan said sighing.

"But we found out that the girl in the pictures, wasn't one person." Wonwoo said straightening up.

"What do you mean? How is the girl in the pictures not the same--wait....were they pictures of me?" I asked as realization hit me like a bus.

"We figured out that the girl in the pictures was actually two girls when she sent a different picture by mistake. It was stuck to the back of a picture of you. You were smiling with a group of foreigners and wearing a turquoise peacoat. You had long reddish-brown hair like you do now. But, the picture stuck behind yours was definitely not you. It was the same face, but the girl had a darker look to her. She wore dark make-up and had dyed her hair blonde with a pink streak down the right side. Both pictures were taken on the same day and at different times. They were an hour apart and the girl in the second picture had shorter hair than you." Seungkwan said quietly as he spotted Mingyu Oppa walking towards us.

Blonde streak....why does that sound so familiar?

" hour apart? Blonde hair with a pink streak... Omigosh! I saw her!!!!" I said widening my eyes.

"Wait, what do you mean? How could you have seen her?" Wonwoo asked alarmed.

"I had been out with my friends that day at KCon in LA. We saw a girl with long blonde hair and a pink streak on the right side. She gave me this pretty keychain and ran off saying something about how I had to be careful of those around me. There was a short Asian girl who was trying to follow her with a camera....thinking about it, I feel like I've seen her somewhere too...." I said scrunching my nose.

"Whatcha talking about?" Mingyu asked as he walked towards us with 4 churros and  2 Double-chocolatey chip frappucinos, 1 Americano, and 1 Vanilla latte from Starbucks.

"Nothing much. They were just filling me on what it's like living in the Seventeen dorm." I said quickly lying and grabbing a churro from Mingyu.

"Your welcome. Sheesh!" he said frowning at me and passing out the rest of the churros.

"We're going to the old playground tonight. JiYoung said that you never--aw frick. I wasn't supposed to say that." Mingyu said covering his mouth.

"They already know about us and JiYoungie Unni." I said chewing on my churro.

"Oh...ok. JiYoung said that you never texted her when we got home, so we decided to meet at the old playground tonight." he said taking a sip out of his Americano.

"YaY~~~" I said jumping up and grabbing my double-chocolatey chip frappucino from the cup holder that Mingyu was holding.

"Oh! We have to board in a minute! Let's go find Platform 17!" Mingyu yelped in panic after taking a look at the time on his phone.

The four of us raced towards Platform 17 just as the doors opened.

"One. Two. Three....wait, where's Seungkwan?" Mingyu asked as he counted us.


smh. what a diva.

ta-da!!! here's a long update for ya since i wasn't able to do a double update yesterday.

plz plz plz leave a comment below on what u think of this story so far.



~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel

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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)