Chapter 13

I Remember...


I kennot believe that girl dared to show her face in front of Jihye.

How could she? After ruining Jihye's life and making her forget everything all over again!

It's her fault that Jihye doesn't remember me. It's her fault that she didn't remember Mingyu Oppa!

That whole entire KCon incident wouldn't have happened if she hadn't found out.

Around two or three years ago, I bumped into Jihye at the airport in Korea while looking for Umma and Abba.

I remember the feeling of joy coursing through my veins at being able to find my baby sister.

But, she had no memory of me. No memory of Umma and Abba. No memory of Mingyu Oppa.

She seemed really creeped out that I knew her name, her birthday, her allergies, her likes and her dislikes, and her scar from when she fell down the stairs at Hong Ahjumma's house.

We went to a coffee shop at the airport to sort things out. I told her about how she had been kidnapped when we were younger. The more I talked about our past, the more she started to remember until finally, she realized who had kidnapped her.

We had no idea that her kidnapper would have been someone so close to our family. 

We talked all afternoon and I discovered that she had been living in LA for the past few years. By that time, I had just entered the trainee life as a maknae at Pledis Entertainment.

She told me that she wanted to be an idol really badly and I told her that I've always wanted to go to the US. 

I told her to come and stay with us since we finally found her again, but she politely refused saying that she had to go to the dormitory for International Student check-in's.

After that first meeting, we met up with eachother everyday at either Caffe Bene or the dance studio near my house.

We agreed on switching lives for a couple of years, so she taught me English and I taught her the dances and songs that I was learning as a trainee. We dyed our hair the same colour and cut it the same length. We started to dress in similar styles to make transition easier. Being identical twins, we shared a lot of similar talents, like learning things quickly.

I picked up English in a month and was able to speak it fluently by the end of the year. Jihye had picked up the dances and songs quickly and I started to send her to Pledis in place of me twice a week. Soon, we completely switched lives and lived the lives that we had always wanted. She got along very well with the members of D1amondZ and was able to connect with Sumi extremely well. 

But, as the day of my departure advanced, I started to get threats and blackmail from an unknown person. They said things like, "I know you're having an affair with Wonwoo." "Stop being such a fake. Nobody likes you anyways." "I know your secret. I know you have a twin sister, and I'm going to maker her life suffer, just like yours." 

Who was this Wonwoo? Why was this girl sending things like this to my personal e-mail? 

That was when I realized that I had to switch all my accounts with Jihye in order to make the full flip.

We agreed on meeting at the ice-cream shop near the old playground and decided to tell Mingyu Oppa about finding eachother.

She texted him saying that he was to meet her there. 

As I arrived at the ice-cream shop, I saw Hong Ahjumma go into the ice-cream shop and talk to Jihye. She left a note on the table and left with Jihye.

I couldn't go inside with Jihye gone like that! So, I made a run for the dormitory and packed all of Jihye's stuff into a suitcase. 

I told the school that I had to go back home due to family issues and was needed at home immediately. They reluctantly let me go and I scheduled a flight for LA the next morning.

When I got to the airport, I saw Jihye struggling against Hong Ahjumma as she dragged her onto the plane to LA. 

"AHJUMMA! What are you doing??? I told you, I'm supposed to debut next week! LET ME GO!!!" she shrieked.

She made eye-contact with me and as she squirmed and struggled, she discreetly made motions for me to sit behind her on the plane.

I boarded the plane wearing sunglasses and sat behind her. I overheard everything and understood that Hong Ahjumma thought that she had kidnapped me. 

When the plane landed, Jihye made a run for it and we switched jackets so that I would be taken instead of her. We switched carry-on bags and I gave her her passport and luggage number so that it would look like she just came back from Korea. I pretended to run towards the security guard when Hong Ahjumma caught me. 

Imitating the way Jihye had struggled, I got loose and ran into a crowd. Hong Ahjumma never found me.

I looked through the bag that Jihye had received from Hong Ahjumma. She had somehow gotten her hands on my passport and ID. There was some Korean money in a wallet, a credit card, some candy, a mini-journal, and a keychain that I had bought with her.

I opened the journal and found a note that she had writtten for me on the plane.

Dear JiYoungie Unni,
I'm so very sorry for having to switch places with you again. I know you wanted to live your life in America and to be successful here.
So, I am giving you a key to an apartment that I lived at when I wanted to get away from my "parents".
It's at 244 _______Rd. in Los Angeles. It's the big tan building
The key is inside the back pocket of this journal. I left my American credit card in the wallet for you. That's also unknown to my parents. 
Good luck living your lfie in America! I hope we can meet up sometime!
Love your little twin,
Kim Jihye (Kiara)

I wiped away a tear and caught a taxi to go to the apartment.

Upon my arrival, I was met with a cheery greeting from the landowner. 

"Kiara! It's so nice to see you again!!! Did you have a nice time back home in Korea? My daughter is really interested in Korean pop music and she told me that there was a girl in this group that looked just like you. I hope you stay here for a longer time though. We really missed you!" the lady said leading me upstairs to my apartment.

I stole a glance at her nametag. "I missed you too, Mrs. Jones! Is your daughter doing well?" I asked as I invited her inside Jihye's apartment.

"Emily? She's doing fine. She wanted to go study abroad in Korea to follow your footsteps, but you know how she is." she shook her head fondly with a smile. "She's only 9 years old and she wants to be a high-schooler already."

I smiled, pretending to understand how she felt. Who was Emily again? "Is Emily home right now? Or is she in school?" I asked as I shuffled towards the kitchen to get Mrs. Jones something to drink.

"She's at school right now. Oh honey, you don't need to get me anything this visit. I'm going back right now. There's a new girl who's moving in today and she'll be here any minute now. She's moving next door to you, so introduce yourself and get to know her if you get the time, alright? I'll see you later Kiara!" Mrs. Jones said as she stood up and left.

I sighed and sat down at Jihye's kitchen table and looked around her apartment. It was cute.




I liked the apartment. It was perfect.

I got up and went to her bedroom area to see what kind of clothes she had left for me to wear.

Surprisingly, there was a wide variety of clothing there. Clothes for formal events, parties, casual, and a couple of strange ones.

I changed into a casual outfit and grabbed a clutch to go out into the city. 


I stuffed the credit card and the wallet into the clutch along with an EOS and a hand sanitizer from the huge collection that Jihye had left on the bureau.

I locked the door behind me and made my way downstairs after calling a taxi. I looked at my phone. Does this seem like "Kiara's" style? 

I sighed and stuffed it back in my pocket as the taxi arrived.

"Where to, miss?" asked the lady in the driver's seat.

"Please take me to the Santa Monica beach." I said as I sat down inside the car. Driving by the city at this time of night made me stare at the city in awe.

"First time in LA?" asked the driver.

" sister always told me about how it looked like, but it's just BEAUTIFUL." I said as I gazed at the sparkling lights.

"Are you meeting her at the beach?" A little lie wouldn't hurt, right? 

"Yeah. We're supposed to meet up with eachother and go to a double-blind-date." I said as we neared the shore.

"Oh, really? That's nice. Well, you're here!"

I thanked the driver and paid her with the credit card since I hadn't had the chance to find the bank to exchange the Korean money for American money yet.

I slammed the door shut and walked towards the shore only to spot someone familiar.

I guess Jihye had the same idea as I did.

I snuck up behind her to scare her.


"KKAMJAKKIYA!!!! UNNI~~~~~~~~~~~~~" she squealed as she saw me.

We walked around the beach and the pier for a couple of hours, talking about what her life was supposed to be like in LA.

She didn't live very far away from the apartment and had often gone there to cool down whenever she needed a break from the world.

She told me that her English name was Kiara and to call her that whenever we needed to talk in public. We decided to switch places so that she wouldn't have to worry about answering all the questions her parents asked her about her studies in Korea.

I found out that a new thing called KCon was coming up in a couple of weeks from Jihye as we walked past a group of Korean girls who were trying to act like what Kiara called "fobs".

We agreed on meeting there to switch spots to let a Pledis group know that "I" was fine and doing well and to apologize for the disappearance.

However, things didn't go as planned...obviously.

I left the house wearing the same thing as Jihye, a turquoise peacoat and black leggings.

I packed a long blonde wig with a pink streak on the right side with lots of dark-toned make-up for Jihye to change into when we bumped into eachother.

I walked around with Jihye's friends and saw 4Minute Sunbaenim and Exo-M Sunbaenim.

I had to get away from these nice girls, as soon as possible. I texted Jihye in Korean to find our meeting place.

After searching up details about KCon, I had discovered that NU'EST Sunbaenim were here, so we had to go talk to them as soon as we got the chance.

Jihye: Unni, I'm near the NU'EST sign at the entrance. Where are you?

JiYoung: I'm coming. I was near Exo-M sunbaenim and 4Minute sunbaenim.

Jihye: Okay. I'll wait here.

I grabbed my bag. 

"Sorry guys. My parents are telling me to go home right now. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" I said waving at them with a sad smile.

This would be the last time they will ever see Kim JiYoung. 

I ran towards the bathroom to find Jihye fighting with a short Asian girl holding a camera.

"HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY SISTER?" I shouted as I shoved the girl away from Jihye.

"I know it's you JiYoung. You and your stupid twin sister. I may not be able to tell you apart, but just know this, YOU'RE BOTH SCREWED." and with that, the b***h stomped off.

I sighed as we walked towards NU'EST Sunbaenim.

"Annyeonghaseyo sunbaenim! JiYoung imnida." I said stepping forward to talk to them

"Oh! JiYoung-ah! Where have you been? You've been missing for such a long time. Why haven't you come back?" Aron Oppa asked.

"Well, you see, we're actually twins and we've been rotating roles for a while now, but JiYoung Unni was supposed to be kidnapped by this ahjumma and I got kidnapped in place of her. So, JiYoung Unni came after me to save me and even went on the plane to LA." Jihye said stepping forward next to me.

Their eyes widened as they looked back and forth from me to Jihye. We explained the situation to them and they slowly began to understand. Then, Ren Oppa started to cry saying that he was lonely back at Pledis because there was nobody with long hair that understood him anymore.

That would have been a hilarious memory if it hadn't been for the b***h.

She yelled out Jihye's name and charged towards us with he camera in hand.

I threw the wig to Jihye and made a run for it. Jihye ran the other direction.

Sumi had seen Jihye slip the wig on, so she chased her.

I somehow managed to find Jihye's friends and rejoined them saying that my parents had taken care of the problem.

Jihye ran past us and "bumped" into me mumbling an apology and slipping a certain keychain into my hand.

I looked back at JIhye, noticing that she was extremely noticeable in her wig.

"You guys, I think that girl is in trouble. Maybe we should follow her?" I suggested anxiously as I watched her disappear towards the intersection.

They nodded after watching Sumi zoom past with a murderous look on her face.

We ran after them and caught up, just in time to see Jihye get hit by a car.

Of course, being he sister, I screamed and rushed over to her, trying to get her to wake up.

One of her friends called 911 and in a flash, she was on her way to the hospital and Hong Ahjumma and Hong Ahjussi were contacted.

I had disappeared into the crowd in horror and had moved out of Jihye's apartment that month.

I shipped everything from the apartment to Korea and moved back here, only to be kidnapped by Hong Ahjumma and Ahjussi an year later. 

They tried to wipe my memories blank by staging an accident, but I was too smart for them and could remember everything clearly when I regained consciousness.

Now, I'm the one with the secret apartment and secret credit card. My apartment set-up is pretty much the same as Jihye's was in LA.

The Hongs renamed me as Hong JiNa. They claimed that I was their daughter and that I had been in a major car accident.

Now? I'm living a double life. One as Hong JiNa, and one as Kim JiYoung.

Right now? I'm Kim JiYoung. And I have one mission to fulfill. And that's to protect my younger sister.

i am so sorry for not updating yesterday!!!!

i thought that i pressed the draft button so that it would be available to you guys, but i guess i double-clicked it.

anywho, i added more to it so that this will be an extra-long(ish) update^^

~lurv da one and only sarasquirrel

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my computer shut down while i was in the middle of writing an update ㅠㅠ only half of it saved ㅠ ㅅ ㅠ


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byunghuny #1
Chapter 28: Update pls:)
lee_in #2
Chapter 27: update more please authorniiiiiiiiim! T.T
Chapter 26: Yes!!! I loved how you put twice and running man in here too. Also for so,e reason I want her to end up with channie and not Wonwoo.
jangyoonhee #4
Chapter 26: the last chapter got me really intrigued with wonwoo so I was a little sad that he wasn't in this chapter... BUT NONETHELESS, I can't wait for more wonwoo/jihye interactions ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Funnypanda369 #5
Chapter 25: Please do update soon, I'm intrigued
Funnypanda369 #6
Chapter 10: Eh? Le me confused
Funnypanda369 #7
Chapter 9: -________________________-

Funnypanda369 #8
Chapter 8: *Gasps* (I will be accusing Simba because she is so mean to me ;A;) SIMBA STOLE JIYOUNG EONNIE'S NUMBER, AJHDAHDKADAHF;HAJHDAJH
Funnypanda369 #9
Chapter 7: Shut the eff up Sima, or watever her name was, haha. I just KNOW that it is her, that mean girl who accused me of being Jiyoung... Jinyoung? No, I think it was Jiyoung, lmao XD
Funnypanda369 #10
Chapter 6: Omg, this is hilarious. IT'S IS RUINING MY SEVENTEEN BIAS LIST, STAHP IT! (i dont even have one, lmao >,<)