Chapter seven


-...SUN HEE POV...-

"T-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-Taemin ....."

* OH MY ING GOD !!!!*

”I’-I’m sorry...."

I took my hand to my mouth and played softly with my lips.

And the strangest thing of all .... is that I liked it!

"Sun Hee…I’m sorry….I really am… “

I don’t know what to say ..... my body froze ..... I could only fell  the beating of my heart to grow more each time I repeated the kissing scene in my head.

The cherry flavor still haunted by my lips and almost swore that I still felt the warmth of his soft and perfect lips on mine.

A wave of electricity ran through my body causing my heart to beat even faster.


He had embraced me.

"Sun Hee forgive me .... I didn’t mean to scare you .... please don’t hate me ..."

* I don’t hate you ....*

He embraced me with more strength and I was ​​sure he had heard my thoughts.

"Stupid devil ...."

I surrounded his neck with my arms while burying my head in his neck.

"Stupid Devil!"

He laughed and joined our bodies even more (if that’s possible) and kissed my hair.

Then I remembered his words ....


I pushed him away making him fall into the cabin floor, leaving him sore and confused.


"THEY ARE GOING TO KILL YOU!!!”     "S-sun Hee ..."     "Why!? You know perfectly what happens!"         "I-I know ...."       "So why !?!?!? Why are you going to risk your life for a human !?!?"       "I. ..."          "Go away."       "Wh-what?"       "When this door opens I want you to be gone!!"      "W-why?"           "Just go away!"
He got up and tried to grab my hands, but I didn’t leave.      "Sun Hee ...."      "Go away Taemin …..disappear from my life."     "But you said ... you said you didn’t hate me!!”


I threw myself into the ground, hiding my face in my hands as tears began to be shed.

He knelt beside me and hugged me.

I cried until there is more air in my lungs and when I stoped for a second to breath again, I would crying back with all the strength I still had.


"Why do you want me to leave?"

* Because they will know about this.... and they will kill you ... and I will never see you again! *

"That’s my problem .... not yours. You really want me to leave?"

* No. ... but if you don’t they will kill you ...*

"I don’t care okay? Promise me only that whatever happens you will never forget about me."

* Of course not ..... stupid devil ....*

He hugged me tighter conveying me a sense of security and peace.

I felt more secure  but at the same time unprotected.

I felt loved but at the same time hated.

I felt I had him near me .... but at the same time he was far away.

"Stand up. The cabin trip is over."

I got up and hid his face in his chest while he held me on his lap.

We left the fun and went direct to the exit of the park.

"Hold on tightly to me okay?"

I nodded and squeezed his chest harder.

Without warning, I felt our bodies to be high in the air.


I looked at Taemin and smiled at me and signaled me not to look down.

I obeyed and hid my face again in the comfort of his chest.

Seconds later we were at my house, in my room.

He sat on my bed and lit the room lights.

Almost instantly the door of my room issued soft beats.

"Sun Hee? Are you there?"

Taemin immediately transformed back to his shinigami form  and smiled at me.

"Y-yes ... I am."      "Can I come in?" "Of course Minho ... come in ..."


The doorgently opened and closed when my tall and muscular brother came.

"Are you okay? You look a little pale."      "I'm fine ... you need something?"     "Yes .. Mom and dad asked to tell you that .... well they will be some time away."      "Why?"      "Issues of them."      "Okay .... that’s it?"     "Are you sure you're okay?"       "Yes I am .. ~ Good night ." "Night….”


 He left the roomand I threw myself back resting my head on the pillow.

Taemin transformed back and approached me.

"You think they already know?"       "No. It's too recent."    "How long does it take till they discover it? " "1 month or 2 ..."     "So we have a month or two?"


He nodded and sat up in bed beside me.

"What are my options?"

He laughed and lay down next to me pulling me into his arms.

"Let me die and move on with your life...."      "What else?"       "Nothing ... you just have that option."

I sighed loudly and sunk my head on his neck, inhaling the sweet aroma.


"I'm sorry I caused all this Sun Hee...."     "It’s not your fault .... you are also a human ...."

He smiled and closed his beautiful hazel brown eyes.

His breath became calm and stable and it made me realize that I had fell asleep.

I also closed my eyes and also let myself go to a world where me and my shinigami could live happy and rested.


The next morning ....


I woke up , for the first in my time, in a good mood and peaceful …


Calmer than I should be at this time.

* What will you do now Lee Taemin? You broke the rules .... you fell in love with a human .... you know perfectly well that you will pay hard for it… *

Of course there is the option of Sun Hee turn into the devil but I don’t want her to do so.

She has a family .... friends ....a life .... and I cannot give you the happiness that they give you.


I looked at the body half-awake in my arms and smiled, kissing her forehead.

"Good morning, stupid devil."


I laughed and her hair.

"When are you going to stop calling me that?"    "Never."    "Why not? There are prettiest nickname’s as 'cute' or 'dear'.... but now' stupid devil’?"

She laughed and shrugged.

"You are a demon and also are stupid. It suits you well."

I laughed and kissed her again but this time in her red and perfect lips.

* If we could be together forever I wouldn’t  never get tired of kissing them ....*

"Is something wrong ? You seem more friendly .... Oh my God, are you sick!?"     "No. ... I'm fine."        "Oh ...."

I laughed and pulled her body closer to mine.

She peered down the blankets and laughed.

"We sleep dressed!"


I laughed andreminded that I had not stripped the night before.

"It’s better to wear new clothes and go down. Minho must be hungry."     "Minho, Minho, Minho!! That’s all you think about?!?."     "Ohhh ~ Taemin’s jealous?"       "No. It's just that .... well I'm hungry ..."

She smiled and stood up, picking up laundry in a drawer.

"I’m going to take a shower, stay here." "You wanted me to be where?"

She laughed and went into the bathroom, closing the door behind her.

I signed and threw my head back onto the pillow.

* I wish every day could be like this ...*

Lazily I got up out of bed and opened the window, making the cold morning air enter the room.

The only thing that was heard was the bath water running.


I got a big old book that was resting perched on the windowsill.

* It seems that she comes here to read ...*

I ran page after page until I stoped on a blank page.

* What is this? *


I put the book in place quickly and turned to her.

"Oh ~ I was just looking at the street ~"

She smiled and threw me the towel.

"Your turn ~ I'll get some clothes from my brother."

I nodded and went to the bathroom.


-...SUN HEE POV...-

I opened the door of my room and went down some stairs, just to check if Minho was in the kitchen.

He was half asleep on the couch.


I smiledto myself and went up the stairs towards Minho’s room.

I went in and closed the door behind me.

"Um ... Taemin is half Minho so I got to find tiny clothes ...."


First took  a pair of boxers from a drawer and laid them in bed.

* Boxers are one size fits right? Oh well ~ *

I opened the closet and found a white nightgown that Minho wore when  was in highschool.

* Perfect ~*

I kept looking and found a pair of red skinny jeans that clearly did NOT serve Minho.


I tookthem and the rest of the clothing that was on the bed and ran to my room.

I entered quietly and put the clothes on my bed, turning to leave the room.

I went downstairs and walked to the couch where my dear brother was sleeping.


I walked over andkissed his cheek.

I went to the kitchen and removed the need for pancakes.

Sometime later I heard Minho complaining because of his neck.

He approached me and kissed my forehead sitting at the table.

"It hurts? I guess the couch is not a nice place to sleep ~"     "Oh shut up."

I laughed and putted the usual 2 pancakes on a plate.

"Come! You have to go to college!"

He laughed and began to eat.

I smiled and went to wash the dishes when I noticed  Taemin coming down the stairs being careful not to make noise.

Of course it came in the form of shinigami but it came with the clothes I picked him ~

* It’s really cute*

Hesmiled and sat on the couch.

"Hurry up Minho! You'll be late!"

I just wanted to dispatch Minho to be alone with Taemin .... but I couldn’t give much in views ~

"Okay, okay! I'm going ~ bye! Be good and don’t leave the house. You’re still recovering! " "Okayyyyyy go!"
"Byeee"        "Bye bye Minhooo"

I closed the door and sighed.

"Finally !!!!!! Now do my breakfast~"      "But you think I’m your slave of someting!?"

He laughed and waved, surprisingly fun with the situation.

"Okay .... I'll make you the damn breakfast ..."


Hesmiled and the t.v.

* Why me .... I had to fall in love with a damn lazy shinigami?!?! ....*


He laughed and I started making pancakes .... again ...

"Say ~ Sun Hee where you want to go today?"        "To bed."      "WOW! Don’t  you think we are moving too fast?"       "What? Oh my god! To bed SLEEP ..... gosh! stupid devil."

He laughed and sat at the table waiting for breakfast.

I put him pancakes in front and sat down.

"You’re not going to eat?"       "I just drink milk in the morning. If I eat I get sick."   "Oh .. so you’re not going to drink?"     "I already drank ~"    "Oh .."


Whilehe ate, I just clean the kitchen and sat on the couch.

*OH my! I forgot to call Jonghyun!*


I picked upthe phone and dialed his number.


"Jonghyun! How are you?"

"I'm fine ... I am at the door of our classroom surrounded with your fans ...."

"Yeah I can hear them."

"I'll put on speakerphone kay?"

"Kay ...."

"Okay ... Sun Hee you are on speakerphone. Speek"


There were shouts from the other side and eccentric male and female screaming.

"Sun Heee we miss you !!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh ... I'll be back next week ~ please wait for me okay!?"

More screaming. Finally Jonghyun’s turn of talk.

"Okay ~ Sun Hee were going to class. I'll call you later?"

"Okay! Jonghyun Bye bye!"


I hung up the phone and let out a big sigh.

*I want to go toooo.....*

"Why?"     "Why what Taemin?"       "Why do you want to go to school?"      "Because ..... good question ..."

He laughed and continued to eat the pancakes happily.


Chapter seven in the house!!! ^^'  OH WELL!!! I will update again today, maybe one chapter or maybe two!! :D only because i love translating it~  See you in the next chapter okay??  ps: no silence readers peweaseee~~~ (3     wub you


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~