Chapter twenty two



I looked at Ke ,  pleading with my puppy eyes, but .... as he had done many times ..... gestured 'no' with hishead and laughed.
He laughed.
Here I am, suffering, and he’s laughing at me!
If I catch him I will kick his nice and y and then ...
"DO YOU HEAR ME JONGHYUN?"       "How could I not hear you?! I’m almost deaf!"     "Gosh! You’re such a kid!"
Key laughed again but tried to disguise with his hand, stifling  the laughter.
* You're soooo dead Kim Kibum! *
"And how is Taemin?"       "He’s okay ... in pain but .... Wait! This has nothing to do with Taemin! WHO WAS DYING AND DIDN’T TELL ME ANYTHING WAS YOU!"     "But I'm not dead! And Key already told you ... so ..."        "Jonghyun! You are such a bad best friend! I won’t draw Key to you!"
My eyes crossed with Key and he blushed.
"No need~ I will see him EVERY day ~"
Sun Hee looked at our exchange of glances and started laughing.
"Hm ~ what happened?"              "Well~~”
I stretched out my arms, crossing them behind my head while a victorious smirk rounded my lips.
"Let's say he belongs to me."     "Deja vu .... Taemin said  he same thing to me ... and ironically  I also was in the hospital ~"        "But this time the human possesses the shinigami ~"
Key blushed again, deply, and looked away shyly smiling at the ceiling.
"Omg! Don’t tell me .... Congratulations!"       "Y-you don’t think is gross?"    "Gross?! why?! You can love wethever you want! Love is love anyways."
I smiled and looked at Key flashing him an smirk mixed with a smile.
For the millionth time in two hours he blushed, a lot.
"But you’re going tell me how it happened or not!?"       "Well ... I just stated, and ask him to date him and he accepted me ~"
She looked at key that turned to blush and grinned sheepishly. He was sooo cute! And mix that with an extreme iness annnnnnnnd… MY JUNIOR’S ALIVE!~~

"Ehe you guys look good together ~ two works of art!"
Me and Key laughed and waved at the same time.
"Ehehehe ~ ow! Look at the time! I have to get going .... Be good Jonghyun ~"     "Of course. I'm not a kid."          "I don’t think you want to discuss this with me right or I see myself obliged to tell Key that accident at the zoo?"           "NO! DON’T YOU DARE CHOI SUN HEE!"
She laughed evely and smirked at me giving me gusebumps. She stood up, grabbing her things and waved at me, still smirking.
"So goodbye kid ~"
She started walking towards the door but stopped and whispered something that made Key blush a lot.
"YOU DIDN’T TELL HIM RIGHT!?"       "Of course not ~ ~ Well goodbye kid!!!”     "Gosh .... bye!"
She closed the door, leaving a slightly heavy in the room. If she told him anything I swear that I will her for the rest of her life!!
"What did she tell you Key baby~~?!”     "N-nothing important ~"     "We are a couple for 5 hours and there's already  a secret!?!? Tell me baby ~ ~"
He sighed and got up from his chair away from my bed, and sat down beside me, sighing.
"It's embarrassing ..."        "So tell me at once."        "She said .... thatyouwereavirgen!"
I looked at him like an idio, tilting my head slightly.
"Ha?"            "Gosh!"
He got up and looked me straight in the eye.
"She told me to take it easy because you were a !"           "HA ?!?!?!?!?!?"
He blushed again and lowered his head to be facing the floor. Oh god I’m blushing tooo!! Why did she had to tell him that?! I could live without that comment!! I’m gonna kill her!!!!
"I-it's really embarrassing ..."
He nodded and took my hand as if amused to measure the size of our hands.
"I don’t care ..."         "What?"
He looked at me and smiled.
"I don’t care if you’re a or not ~"
I smiled sheepishly and leaned back on the bed letting out a long sigh. Okay, that is embarrassing…
"What the hell ...that girl is going to pay them…"
He laughed and lay down beside me.
I surrounded his waist with one arm, while the other caressed his smoth and stlylish hair.
"Jonghyun ...?"         "Hm?" "You know I cann’t have children ...."     "And?"    "Sun Hee told me that you would like to have a baby girl ...."       "So? We can allways adopt ~!"
He smiled and hugged me.


"NO NO NO! NO OTHER!"       " Sun Hee? What happened?"       "Onew! * Snif * I broke another plate!"
He started laughing hard while gripping his belly. Why the hell was he laughing?! I broke a ing plate!! That’s not funny!

"Damn ... is already the third today ...."
He stopped laughing and wiped the tears that had appeared with laughter away with his sleaves.
"It's better if you take a break ~ the kitchen has time to clean! Also, you ended up cleaning the rooms so you must be tired."
I sighed and nodded.
I sat on the couch, letting out a long sigh.
"How's Taemin?"         "The pain started to be 30 to 30 minutes so he’s asleep."     "Glad they are improving .... he was a mess for not having slept properly."    "The end of the month is near right?"
I nodded and looked at the calendar that I was almost certain that was saved somewhere around.
When I finally found, I hurried and putted it in my lap going through the numbers with my index finger.
"Ahm........ exactly one week to the end of the month!"
Onew nodded and sat down beside me, picking up on the calendar.
"And when do you plan to confront the master again?"
I sighed and leaned my head back, trying to think of a perfect plan to enter the castle and the precise date.
"In a couple of days? I know that by now he must have a military force in the door of the castle and that this time, my recession will not be as peaceful ...."      "But now you  master a few spells ... you should be fine!"
It's true ...Onew has taught me some spells that are capable of neutralizing a shinigami, creating a protective barrier and others. I should be cofident but somehow…I wasn’t…
Onew got up and went to kitchen, returning with a bucket of fried chicken in his hands.
He sat down again and began to eat.
Without looking I took a part and began to eat, too, unconsciously.
"Wait ... where did we had the chicken?"       "Ahm ... I have my secret places ~"      "You are creappy…. Take care of yourself please…you’re scary."
He smiled and continued to happily eat the chicken.
"Well .. I'll see Taemin okay?"
He nodded without looking up from the t.v.
I got up with another sigh and climbed the stairs to the room that Taemin, as usual, had the door closed and probably had all the windows covered so no light could come in.
I knocked at the door two times and that when I heard a softly and half awake half asleep moan to come across the door.
I smiled to myself and opened the door.
"Are you sleeping?"         "#$$&"     "I'll take that as a no."

I went in andclosed the door behind me.
"Feeling better? Is the fever down?"
I touched his forehead with my hand and compared it with the temperature of my forehead.
"Hmm .. it seems that is already normal."
He smiled and signaled me to lie down next to him.
I lay down without hesitation and leaned my head against his chest.
"I've learned a lot spells...."       "No way."       "But, Taemin!"
I sat in bed and looked into his eyes.
"I'll have to go sooner or later!"       "So you'll later ..."       "Taeminnnnnnn ..."     "I know ... I know .... but still, I can’t let you go alone into the midst of thousands of shinigami!"   "Yes you can! And you're going it!"
He sighed and closed his eyes and trying to prevent further arguments.
That was his way of ending a conversation.
Simply stopped responding.
I sighed loudly and jumped out of bed, getting my sketchbook. Sure, he was already old and used but he was my first… so I didn’t wanted to throw him away.
"Taeminnnn?"            "Hm?"       "Why didn’t the chicken cross the road?"
He sat down and looked at me like I was crazy.
"I don’t know ..."
I smiled evily and sat cross-legged on the floor still avoiding eye contact. I smirked to myself, knowing that this time, I won.
"And you want to know why?"
He nodded his head violently and jumped to the ground, sitting in front of me like a child who is about to know what will get in Christmas.
This is one of Taemin’s weaknesses.
He’s very curious and would do anything to find something interesting.
"If I tell you…. Would you let me go to the castle?"
His smile disappeared in a matter of seconds and folded his arms across his chest, pouting.
"You're bluffing!"       "Oh ~ then you’ll never know why the chicken did not cross the street." "You're being bad Sun Hee! You know perfectly well that now I HAVE to know!"    "Then…can I go?"
He sighed and uncrossed his arms.
"Okay .... now tell me why she did not cross the street!"    "Because Onew ate it!!!!"
I got off the ground and ran into the living  room, always laughing violently every time I remembered Taemin’s expression.


Jonghyun's mother was already in there fot one hour and there were no signs of going away anytime soon.
I put my cup of hot chocolate on the table and got up to leave but something stopped me.
"Y-yoseob?"      "Hello Key"
He smiled at me but I could not smile back.
"What are you doing here Yoseob?"       "I was going to ask the same ~"    "It has nothing to do with you, why I'm here."
I can’t tell Yoseob that Jonghyun is special to me.
Yoseob gets very, very, very dangerous when angry, and that mixed with jealousy would end badly.
"Oh come on Keyyyy ~ I came to apologize for what I said ... I didn’t want to say anything like that ... please come back to me ..."          "S-sorry Yoseob ..."
I started walking in the opposite direction to his body but something pulled me by the wrist, making me look at him again.
* This can NOT be happening to me ...*
"You didn’t betrayed me right babe?         "We are not dating Yoseob!"    "We never ended! So we’re still dating."         "No."
I shook his hand away from mine and looked at him coldly.
"It's like you said. I have changed and I no longer love you as before."
A tear was visible on Yoseob’s smooth skin and I had to it up so that I wouldn’t cry as well.
I hated seeing people crying .... made me download my defenses.
I was afraid to do something that could make Yoseob love me again so I started running.
When I no longer saw Yoseob’s body started to run as fast as I could through the halls without really knowing where I was going.
Suddenly I found myself at the door of the room where Jonghyun was.
I sighed and looked around me to make sure that Yoseob hadn’t followed me.
I entered quietly and noticed that his mother was gone.
I sighed in relief and walked back toward Jonghyun’s bed.
"Oh! You’re back ~!"
I smiled and he smiled back at me.
I sat at his feet and sighed, looking down at my lap, hoping that all that had just been a hallucination.
"What happened Key?"
I sighed and looked at him.
"I found Yoseob in the cafeteria of the hospital ..."      "Yoseob? Your ex?"

I nodded andlay down beside him in bed.
"What did he say?"     "That ge was sorry for having said those things and that he wanted me back ..."         "And what did you tell him?"
I sighed and hugged  Jonghyun tigh, resting my head on his strong shoulder.
"I can’t tell him I’m with you ... he's dangerous when he’s angry and jealous... this could end badly for both of us ... so I just left."
It was his turn to sigh.
"Why he had to come out now ... Jonghyun what do we do?"          "Avoid him?"       "Forever?"
He sighed again and kissed me on the top of the head.
"He will find out sooner or later ... maybe he won’t react so badly ~"        "I don’t know ..."
The silence that prevailed in the hospital was suddenly interrupted by hysterical screams and footsteps priced.
"Wh-what's that?"
Jonghyun shrugged while trying to hear better.
I got out of bed and opened the door facing me with one of my worst nightmares.


Here's another update~ Hope you like it and comment :) Nothing else to say.... so.... BYE!!


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~