Chapter sixteen



3 days have passed since I made a potion to turn me into a human but ,to me, it seems that not even one hour passed.

This will be the worst month of my life ... and what hurts me most is knowing that Sun Hee thinks I died ....

What do I do if she stops loving me?

What if she find another guy and fall in love with him?

What do I do if, when I go back, she doen’t want me anymore?

Just thinking about my heart begins to cry as I am .... and just like be he turns into pieces


I made a mistake in not having warned ... but now it is too late and I can’t go back to the mortal world until I’m 100% transformed.

I sat on the bed and buried my head in my hands while silent tears began to free themselves from my eyes.

Suddenly the door opened and Onew entered with a tray in his hands.

"Oh .. you’re up?"

I nodded and wiped my tears with my already wet sleeve.

"Men don’t cry Taemin."      "I'm not a man .... I’m a monster ..."    "Don’t say that, you are no monster!"     "I am. I can’t imagine Sun Hee’s state now .... she must be suffering and it’s my fault .... I'm a monster!"

He sighed loudly and sat beside me in bed, laying his hand on my shoulder.

"Don’t say that ... she'll forgive you. Trust me."       "What if I arrive late and she loves someone else?"         "If she loves you…she will wait for you."     "Even if she thinks I died?"       "Still."

He smiled and I smiled back.

"Okay! Now eat."


He putted the tray in my lap and got up, sitting in the chair next to my bed.

I took the fork and explored the contents of the strange dish.

"Onew, what is this?"       "Ahm .... food! Maybe ..."       "Are you trying to kill me?"    "No!"    "Okay. You try it first."       "What? Why?"      "I want to make sure that I will not die if I eat it."      "Gosh...."

He picked up the fork and took a little of the mixture to his mouth.

I watched his face waiting for the expression that I wanted.

And here it is.

"This is awful!"        "I knew it was not edible ... and still, you wanted me to eat this?"    "Do not eat! Is poisonous! Yuck!"

I laughed and laid the tray on the floor.

"Go to sleep Onew... you look like a zombie. And besides, I'm not really hungry."      "Okay ... I will."

I waved to him and he waved back, closing the door.

I threw my body back, releasing a long sigh.

"Countdown to be free ...."


-...SUN HEE POV...-

"Sun Hee come onnn! I have to go to the bathroom!"       "Use the sink!"     "Please Sun Hee!! I beg you!!! I really have to gooooo!"    "Jonghyun, sink."    “Dammmmmmmmmmmmmnnn”

The knock on the door of the bathroom stopped just as the angry and desperate voice disappeared too.

I sighed loudly and sat on the toilet lid.


He approached me and our lips touched up.


"J-Jonghyun .... I ..."        "I know .... sorry .... seriously ..."

I looked at the ground looking for words, but apparently it was not necessary.

"I know that you love him Sun Hee .... I can see it ..."

I looked at him and smiled weakly.

"Sorry Jonghyun ...."      "You don’t have to ask for sorry! ~ It's my fault"

He laughed nervously as he began to walk again.

I walked up behind him until we arrived home.




I got up and washed my face with cold water then dry it with a towel.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

I threw in the towel furiously to the basket and left the bathroom threw myself to the couch.

Suddenly Jonghyun ran past me.

"Did you already do your needs?"    "DO I LOOK LIKE I HAVE?!?! OH GOOOOOOD!!”


With that said, heran at full speed to the bathroom and shut the door.

I laughed to myself and the TV.

"Are you better?"

Minho sat down beside me and handed me a mug of hot chocolate.

"Yes ... a little depressed but I'm okay ..."

This time my words were honest.

I could not deny that I was depressed but with him and Jonghyun by my side to support me and give me strength till Taemin returned, I was felling a little bit better.

"Good ~"

He my hair and leaned against the couch drinking his hot chocolate.

I did the sameand took my cup to my mouth watching carefully the steam coming out of my mug. I couldn’t believe how powerless I felt. I just wanted to go back to the shinigami’s word and bring my Taemin back… but I couldn’t …. Because I’m useless.

The bathroom door reopened, revealing a much more relaxed Jonghyun.

"Did you done them already?"

He sat in front of me and gave me a look like ‘this-is-war.'

I laughed and continued to drink my hot chocolate and watching some program on television.


"Sun Hee ~ can I see your drawing pad now?"      "Why?"      "I just want to see it.... god!"   "All right. But don’t criticize my works okay?"     "What happens if I criticize?"    "Do you really want to know?"      "I-i-it’s okay….don’t bother…"     "I thought so!"

I got off the couch and went into the room while Jonghyun followed me and when we entered, he closed the door behind us.

I took my black block and gave it to him, sitting up in bed while analysinf each expression on his face.

"Interesting ...."        "Your are not too bad either. And as to the arts university ... Jonghyun do you plan on going?"      "I don’t know ... is too far from home so I had to move to an apartment there."      "Oh ...."       "And furthermore ... I don’t want to leave."    "But they offered you a scholarship! You'd be stupid if you don’t accept!"     "So, I'm stupid ...."     "Dido you already refused it?"      "No. .."       "Good. So you can think a little more and then make a proper decision...."     "I don’t want to go Sun Hee...."     "Why not!?! Your mother will be fine !" "    And you?"     "I have Minho .... and my parents are here! .... I mean my parents are not here at the moment but I have Minho. .."       "Minho is my replacement?"

His voice started to get scratched and sensitive as if he were to suffer with every word that comes out of his mouth and my replies.

I got up and sat me down beside him.

"Nobody in the world can replace you Jonghyun!"

He smiled a little and continued to see the drawings.

I smiled back even though he would not see it because of his concentration on my drawn.

My door’s room opened and Minho entered with an indescribable expression on his face .

Normally I could read very well all facial expressions of a person due to my talent for analyzing all kinds of details, but right now I don’t know what kind of expression was that .... which made me worried.

"M-minho? What’s wrong?"      "There’s a guy.... down there .... he ..."    "What?"    "He said he could take you to .... Taemin ..."     "WHAT ?!?!"

Jonghyun's face rose up from my block with an shocked expression and at the same time scared.

I got up and ran as fast as he could down the stairs.


I entered the living room and came across a tall, thin, and in his human form Minhowas able to see him.

He had brown hair that falls flat in his perfectly clear-cut about his face that was outlined in  tough but elegant lines.

Like Taemin this shinigami was beautiful.

He was a work of art so I couldn’t hep myself of capturing all detail that my tired eyes could catch so I coulddraw him later.

" Sun Hee?"

I nodded my head gently, afraid to make any sound that might scare the amazing creature in front of me.

"Want to see Taemin?"

I went nervouse with is question.

When he said 'want to see Taemin' he didn’t mean ‘want to see Taemin dead?’.

I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat and slowly nodded again my head.

"M-more than anything .... but ..."      "But what?"    "I-is he….alive?"     "Yeah. He is."

With those words I felt tons of wories disappearing from my shoulder, giving me much space to breathe.
But there was another problem.

"How do I know you are reliable?! How do I know you're not one of those shinigami who are chasing me and Taemin!?"      "I fully understand these questions. It's simple .... I’m  Onew’s younger brother."       "O-Onew?"     "Yes, and with that you should realize that I would never betray my brother and also beacuse Taemin is my friend."         "O-oh ..."    "Shall we go?"

I turned back and looked at a terrified Jonghyun.

" Sun Hee..."      "I will come back Jonghyun ... I’ll be fine."

He started crying and ran to me, hugging my body tightly.

"Jonghyun I promise to come back safe and sound okay?"

He nodded his head with his arms still around me but  soon dropped them and wiped the tears, trying to show me his beautiful and calm smile.

"Be careful ..."        "I will."

I kissed his forehead and gave him one last hug.

The strange shinigami took his key and ran it into the door of entry.

"Goodbye ..."


Hey hey heyyyy~~ I should be studying right now but...somehow i ended up here xP but weeeelll~~ Do you know who the surprise character is?! I won't tell you~~ ( If you don't know... IF you already know, well.....congrats! xP)  And again, hope you enjoy it and comment! because coments are healthy!!! ( oh original of me xP)


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~