Chapter twelve



"Taemin NO!"      "I gotta go Sun Hee!!"      "No,  please!"      "I have to go! That son of a has to pay for all the he has done...all of it…."       "Taemin he has more power than you! Don’t you understand that the risks are higher this way?! Please Taemin”


She's right.... but I'm so ing angry at this moment that I could kill.

She turned to me, making me look in her eyes.

"Please calm down .... Taemin ..."

How come I could not calm me with those green eyes that I love and... NO!! STOP!! FOCUS TAEMIN!

" Sun Hee...."

Before another word could be released from my mouth she pressed her lips, my weakness, against my lips.

"Please .... I also want to help but is too soon!..."     "The sooner the better!"    "Taemin!"

She put a hand on each side of my face making me look in her eyes.

"I will train you."         "Ah?"      "He is very strong and so are you. But you're not ready so I'll train you."        "How?"        "Library."

The next second, my body was pushed into the bathroom, followed by clothes for me to wear.


I got dressed the quicker I could and went down to the living room where she was already waiting for me.

"I already told Minho that I was going out. So, let’s look for books and start your training."

Something in her smile told me that this was going to get dangerous….like REALLY dangerous….

Even thought, I followed her through the streets to a large building with the doors already open to the public.

"Our luck is that it opens early."

She gave me her hand and  we entered without speaking to anyone and headed straight to the deepest part of the ing huge library.

We climbed a few steps to reach a completely dark hallway full of creepy and dusty books.

"What is this?"        "Books of black magic. Nobody comes here , so that’s why things are as they are."           "You’ve already been here?"        "Well .. I spend life here."

I knew it…. This girl is the creepiest and evilest girl I’ve ever met!!


Sheautomatically stopped in front of a freaking huge and creepy shelf full of books with leather covered in shades of black or gold.


She touched each book with her skinny fingers until she came to a stop by a FREAKING LARGE and FREAKING THICK black and red book.


"Aha! Found it."

She took the book gently and placed it on the table besides us.


She sat down andI sat beside her.

Next, she opened the book and started reading page per page until she came to an stopin a page where a demon with black and huge wings, huge fangs and a huge sword was drawn.


"That's not me! These people are confusing a demon with a vampire or what?"     "It's not the best time to complaints and doings, in fact this book was written by a shinigami. Of course you, like everyone else, evolved and became very attractive girls and boys with black wings."        "Oh .... I see ..."

She sighed for my obvious ignorance about my own kind and began to read.

I was watching the images of the book while watching Sun Hee who was 100% concentrated in reading the small red letters that seem to be written with blood.

"I think I found it .... 'For a shinigami to reach the full power state 5 should dominate their mental and bodily senses.'"           "What does that means?"

She approached me and touched me on the nose.

"Your sense of smell."

Shee touched my eyes.

"Your vision."

Shee touched my lips.

"Your touch."

Touched my ear.

"Your hearing."

Touched my head.

"Your inner peace."

It touched my chest.

"Your heart."


I swallowed dry and released a breath that I didn’t even knew I was holding.


"A-all that?"

She nodded and stood up, picking up the book.

"I'll take the book with me so I can read it with more detail. Now we go to the park  so we can work on it."      "O-okay ...."

I got up too and followed her back to the entrance.

She rented the book and we went out, walking in the direction of a place far away from people and unwanted noises.

After some walking we found a small park with playgrounds for the children and three banks around an old tree.

We sat on the swings as she opened the book again.

"What do you want to try first?"         "I don’t know .... you choose."

She stood up, drawing small circles while walking from one side to the other without looking away from the book.

I had to admit that now I was curious.

"Let's start with vision. I'll pick up objects and bring them with me to a distance away from you and you have to tell me that it is."

I nodded and covered my eyes as she searched for something.


Sometime laterI felt her presence to depart.


Her scream made ​​me laugh because I could hear it perfectly even if she spoke very low.


I lookedin her direction and quickly identified the object.

"IT’S A STICK!"        "OKAY!"

I laughed again from her cute innocence.

She ran towards me and let me smell the stick.

"Now I’m going to hide it and I want you find okay?"

I nodded and she ran again in any direction while I closed my eyes.

Sometime later she came and touched me on the shoulder.

"Okay! You can go."

Almost immediately I detected the smell of the wood and follow the scent to some bushes away from where I  and Sun Hee were.

I took it and went back, relaxed with the stick in my hand.

I handed it to Sun Hee that smiled brightly to me.

"You're doing great!"        "Thank you but ..."      "Yes?"

Her eyes were full of happiness and joy because she thought she was actually helping me .... I couldn’t tell her that these exercises were done by baby Shinigamis .... so I smiled.

"Forget it… Let’s continue?"

She nodded her head quickly and started new exercises.

-...SUN HEE POV...-


We traind all day.

From sunrise to sunset.

Of course that by the midday I was already at my limit but I had to stay strong for Taemin’s sake.


He needed to become stronger so I had to be strong as well.

I looked at my watch and freaked out with the hours.

*! Minho is going to kill me !!!*

"Taemin! We have to go home, it's late."           "Oh really? What time is it?"     "It's almost 10 pm ...." "Wow! We trained for all day?! Aren’t you tired?"

I gestured 'no' with my head although my body screamed 'yes'.

I took the book and wiped my pants that at this moment were covered with dirt, dust and leaves.

He did the same and minutes later we were on our way home, by the same route we did this morning.

"Do you think that the training worked?"       "Yes .. a few more days and I'm ready." "Good .... because I cannot stand to know that right now a couple may be suffering unjustly because of that .... Gosh!"

He circled my waist with his arm, pulling me closer.

I rested my head on his shoulder and gave him my other hand, interlacing our fingers as we walked.

I sighed and studied the sky and the sun was picking up with beautiful colors and soft orange color of various shades and shapes.

It was really a quiet and slow show but completely gorgeous.

I took on my mobile phone and point the camera toward the beautiful landscape, taking a picture.

* I will draw it later ~ *

I putted the phone again in my pocket and went back to resting my heand on Taemin’s shoulder.

After a few minutes walking we finally arrived to my house.

Taemin transformed back into the shinigami forma and I opened the door.


"Minho! I'm home!"       "Ah ~ finally! Dinner's almost ready. Go take a shower and come eat."        "Okay."

I looked at the shinigami behind me and smiled.

* Go to my room okay? I'll take a shower .*



He disappeared up the stairs and I closed the door of the bathroom starting to strip all my clothes until  I was ready to step into the bath.

I looked in the mirror while the tub filled.

"Demons ah? Who knew ...."

I sighed and walked softly in bathtub full of warm water.

I leaned my head against the wall while my body was wrapped in a relaxed feeling of soap and water.

"Just my luck......"

I closed my eyes and immediately was soothed by the sound of water gently tapping on my skin.

Sometime later I dried myself with a towel and put on some comfortable clothes to go to sleep.

I got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around my head and entered the living room, throwing me to the couch, sighing loudly.

"Sun Hee dinner is ready!"      "Okay Minhoooo"

I got up lazily and sat in my usual chair starting to eat.

I looked around looking for my shinigami but I didn’t saw him anywhere.

*Went to sleep already? But he didn’t ate yet...*

"Sun Hee, is everything  okay? You seem to be on the moon more than usual."

* If you knew a little bit of my worries you would freak out ...*

"It's nothing .... I'm just tired."        "Hm .... I see ... I called your school and said you would be back next week. Oh, and Jonghyun told me he needed to talk to you."      "About what?"      "I have no idea."            "Oh ... okay ... thanks for the food…. it was very good."

I got up and ran to my room, closing the door behind me.


Surprising as it seems he didn’t answer.

"Taemin are you here?"

I looked everywhere but there were no signs of him.

That was when I saw a note.

* No. ... oh my god no! TAEMINN! *


Okay...sorry for my late update but i'm sick as hell!!!! Again....

Also, i think this chapter is boring as hell and i don't have any talent to fantasy fics.... but well.... hope you like it and please leave a comment... that will make me get better faster~


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~