Chapter six



"Would you like to share your room with me!?"

She wondered for a while and turned to the bathroom, closing the door.

"No!"     "What! Why not!?"    "First because you are a boy. Second, because you are deaht god. And thirdly, because if you stay here too long you can leave very hurt."      "Oh come on! I've asked my superiors and everything!"     "No!"      "I promise to behave!! Pleaseeeee"      "Then you have to follow my rules."

She opened the door to the bathroom and sat on the bed.

I went to sit beside her but I was brutally pushed to the ground.

"Number one - you cannot get too close to me. At least 50 feet away."      "Really? That's just ridiculous!"     "NUMBER 2 - in my house you MUST be always in your shinigami form."      "Okay ..."    "Number three - do not follow me to the bathroom or sleep in the same room as me."     "So where am i going to sleep?"       "Not my business. Number 4 - you cannot open my closet."     "Why?"     "None of your business."

I got up off the floor and walked towards the closet.


She threw herself at me, making both of us fall.

"I think I told you that you COULD NOT OPEN MY FREAKING CLOSET!!!!! "

I laughed and got up off the floor.

"Sorry ~ just wanted to check if the closet was  important."       "Yeah, so keep yourself away."

I laughed again and sat up in bed,releasing a long sigh.

" .... Taemin .....?"      "Yes?"      "If I tell are a shinigami to a human .... what happens?"    "I have to kill him or her."       "But what if I need to talk to someone?"      "Talk to me."     "Gosh…. you will make me go crazy!"

I laughed and laid in bed closing my eyes.

"And will you follow me when I go to school?"     "Yup."     "Won’t you get bored?"   "I can always bug you."     "How charming ...."

She laughed sarcastically and sat on the desk, pulling out notebooks.

I opened one eye to see what she was doing.

"What is that?"    "Homework."     "Oh I see ...."

The environment began to get a little .... oh who am I kidding!?!? The environment is awful!

"Sun Heeeee"               "What’s wronggg?"       "I'm bored! Let's go out!"      "I'm doing homework Taemin. Later, okay?"        "Noooo I want to go nowwwwwwww."    "Unless my homework finishes itself I can’t go out ."      "Oh if that’s the problem ...."

I got up and laid my hand on the notebook.

" Done."     "Oh my ..... how the hell did you do that?!"     "I am a shinigami. Dahh"    "How can a shinigami do homework in the twinkling of an eye?"        "Ah .... no more questions! Let's go!"

I grabbed her wrist and literally pushed her out of the house.


-...SUN HEE POV...-

My luck is that my parents were out and Minho was in his room because if they saw me being pulled by a invisible figure they would his I went crazy!!


He made me run down the street until we reach the park.

He became a human as he putted his hands in his pockets.

"Okay. We’re out. Now what do you want?"        "Hm .... let's take a walk in the park?"

I sighed and followed him.

"You know .... Seen this way, you don’t seem like a horrendous and heartless death.”    "Oh really? What do I look like then?"        "A boy with red hair and black clothes."      "Wow ... that’s so obvious!"

I laughed and sat on a bench in the shade.

He sat beside me and stretched his arms.

"What are the advantages of having a shinigami?"      "You can live for thousand of years, you have a beautiful man at your side all day and you can use some of the powers of a shinigami." "None of these things makes up for having a ‘man’ always behind me, a ‘man’ always reading my thoughts and a ‘man’ to piss me off to go sightseeing!"    "Look on the bright side: now your routine is not boring! "      "Lovely ..."

He laughed and stood up, stretching his arms in the air.

He looked at me and smirked.


He took my hand and interlaced our fingers.

"What-what are you doing?!"    "Giving you my hand."     "What and why?"     "Because you're mine!"       "No. I am of myself."      "Want to discuss this again!?"   "Goshhhh .... stupid devil!"

He laughed and started walking, shaking our hands while carrying a stupid grin on his face.

We walked for a while and when I realized the place where he had taken me and it was already too late.

"T-Taemin?"       "Yes?"     "T-this is ..."       "It's an amusement park. Why? Are you afraid?"

I didn’t answer ... just looked down and shook his hand slightly.

"Really?Are you afraid?" "N-no ..."   "Cool! So let's walk in ALL the fun."

I swallowed hard and before I could respond he pulled me through the crowd to a haunted house.

"W-w-whydid we stop here?"     "You told me you weren’t scared right?"

I nodded my head gently, and he smirked again.

"So can we go?"

I nodded again squeezed his hand harder against mine.

He smiled and the top of my hand with the index finger.

He paid the tickets and seconds later we were in a dark hallway waiting for my first scream.

We started walking down the hall and I felt his arm go around my waist, which made ​​our bodies touch.


"Don’t be afraid ~ I'm here."     "Yeah .... as if that helps me out."

He laughed softly and continued walking.

We turned the first corner and a white and gray skeleton jumped the wall causing me to stumble and hit my head on the wall.

"Awww ....."     "Oh my! Sun Hee are you okay?"     "Y-yes .... I'm fine."      "Okay ..."

He surrounded me again with his arm and gave me back his hand making me feel again his body.

We walked down the hall which was now full of cobwebs and other nasty stuff.

The silence was almost disturbing ....deafening.

Suddenly and without warning, a man dressed as a demon appeared in front me what made me embrace Taemin hard as I started to cry.



The man went away and Taemin made ​​me leave his body to be able to look me in the eyes.

"….he made you cry!"

He wiped my tears gently and smiled at me.

"I'm not your girlfriend."        "I know ... sorry…It slipped me."

He laughed nervously and offered me his hand again witch I didn’t hesitate to accept.

"We can go now? QUICKLY?"

He laughed and nodded his head starting to pick up the pace.

Fortunately I was near the exit and sometime later we were back outdoors.

"NEVER in my life Lee Taemin! Never again!"

He laughed and hugged me, wiping the remaining tears from my face.

"Sorry .... I shouldn’t have forced you to try it."      "You are right. It’s your fault!"    "Hey! You were supposed to say 'is not your fault Taemin ~ and by the way thanks for making me feel better since I was clearly very scared.'"    "But it's your fault!"       "Fine. To reward you I will let you choose the next activity."

I smiled and pulled him towards a few arcade games.

"Games? Really?"     "Yeah, I want you to win things."    "Why me?"     "Because you're the guy and you forced me into a haunted house. See this as payback."

I smirked, clearly enjoying this role reversal.

He pouted, clearly dislike this reversal of roles.

The first game was a game of shooting and of course .... with the powers of a devil ....he got the highest score.

"OKAY! Sun Hee choose the prize."

I looked at the shelf and chose a small doll with wings almost equal to the wing that Taemin had and with an arrow-shaped tail.


"Why do you want a demon doll? You have here the true ~"     "This is cuter ~"

In the beginning he was shocked but then switched to being a pout.


He followed me to a game where you had to introduce some balls into a basketball basket .

After three shots, Taemin failed them all.

"What is it?"      "You are distracting me."     "What and how?"    "You traded a teddy for me!" "And that is what is bothering you?"

He looked down a little embarrassed, which made ​​me smile gently.

"I like you better than the doll."

Immediately he smiled at me and paid the man for 3 more attempts.


This time, the three entered.


He jumped and laughed, picking me upand running me into the air.

The man decided to interrupt our moment of celebration so we could choose the doll and go away.


I chose a emo doll that I found very cute and we turn from the bench man.

"Okay. It's your turn to choose Taemin."       "Hm What about riding the Ferris wheel?"    "Okay!"

We got in the line that miraculously was almost empty and moments later we entered a small cabin with seats on both sides.

I sat on a bench with my demon and my plush doll emo while Taemin sat in front of me.


I leaned my headto the window while waiting for the people that were having their moment of glory at the top of the world.

"Say Taemin. Have you ever ride this thing?"     "Yes .. once with my best friend who is also a devil."      "Hm .... you know that this as a legend?"    "Really? What is it?"      "A couple walking in these cabin at sunset, when they kiss at the top, their love will last forever."    "That’s  a bit lame ...."      "I agree ~ I don’t really believe in these things."      "You didn’t believe in shinigami’s and now look what you have on  front of you!"

I laughed realizing he was right.

"I envy those young lovers who begin to make plans for the future .... they must be happy ...." "You don’t need a boyfriend to be happy. I'm don’t have a girlfriend and I'm happy."    "Surely you don’t feel complete until you have someone in your life to love and protect ..."

Lee Taemin POV ...- -...

"Surely you do not feel complete until you have someone in your life to love and protect ..."

It pains me to admit but she is right ... I need someone to fill the empty space left in my heart.

I need someone to support me and understand me.

"I. ... want it .... even though I cannot protect the people I love ..."    "Why not? You are a powerful shinigami. Anyone would be safe on your side."    "No. ... I just cause problems .... You can have a lot of power, but if you don’t know how to use it you can hurt that person….badly…”      "If she truly loves you, she always forgive you."


* But my superiors surely would let me love ....*

"Look ... we're on top."

She got up leaving the dolls sitting on the bench, playing in the glass fogged by the cold.

"Sun Hee ..."

She turned to me and looked at me with curious eyes.

* Please .... make the legend be true ....*

I got up, getting face to face with her.

"What’s wrong? Are you sick?"       "I'm fine .... if I ever hurt you....  would you forgive me?"

She was thoughtful for a moment and then smiled at me and nodded.

"Of course I would.”

After she said that I leaned toward her and kissed her lips.


As promissed!!!!!!  This chappy is corny right?! ehehe maybe i will update another one~~ today i'm a writting machine!!!!! ehehe              One more thing... i would like to say thank you to my first subscriber :)  Well here it goes.  'Thank you SignedAnon!!!!!!!!'


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~