Chapter twenty four


My house has been so empty that I'm afraid of losing myself in silence for days.
Since I get up until I go to bed that  my little sister is on my mind.
She hasn’t came  home for week now, which makes me very uneasy.
We could be always arguing and I could even think that sometimes it would be better if she when to a campus far far away but to be honest, she was the only one that gave color to my day so far.
Neither my previous girlfriends made me feel so happy and comfortable.
But it should be normal because in the end, I never loved them like I love my little sister.
This will of arguing began relatively recently ...
More specifically when Sun Hee entered the ‘closet phase’.
Everything that filled her brain was the drawing and her grades.
And I apparently was on her way, so that was the main reason of the insults and fights.
But now I see how perfectly she was mature and that makes me very proud and frankly, more rested.
Although only a two years difference between us, we have much more advanced personalities.
I remember like it was yesterday ... the day she came into my life and left me forever marked.


I sat the entrance of the operating block where my mother and father were.
I could only hear my mother screams and medical instruments falling and others being trown away from the site of the operation by nurses.
Everything was a mess inside and it started making me uneasy.
My sister had to be operated urgently because he had a rope around her neck ....
I don’t know very well, my father couldn’t complete the sentences which left me even more worried.
During 8 months, I've been preparing my mind and my heart to a baby.
And now she is at risk of life, is hard to erase the entire process which I passed.
I wanted this sister.
But maybe fate wouldn’t give her to me....
Is it because I was a bad boy this year?
Is because I slapped that kid in my class because he called 'worm' to my unborned sister?
But I did it to defend her!
I didn’t misbehave ... Mom had scolded me.
So there is no reason not to give me my little sister.
Miraculously, the noise coming from division beside me stopped, making me get my face wet with tears from between my legs, which were now glued to my chest.
The door opened with a large ‘boom’ and several bodies covered with white cloth, appeared and began to strip off gowns almost completely covered with blood.
"It's okay little guy. Your sister is alright now. "
After 5 hours crying, a smile was drew on my swollen face.
I got up as fast as my weary body allowed and ran into the now empty operating room.
"Come here Minho ..."
I approached my mom who was holding a blanket in her skiny arms.
"Let me introduce you to Sun Hee, Minho. Your sister. "
My father smiled at me while keeping a steady hand on my shoulder.
I looked into the blanket and a tiny creature caught my eye.
She opened her large green eyes and started to move her little finger, making me smile.

She gave a little squeal more like a giggle that made everyone laugh softly.
"She’s so tiny momy ...."            " She was born a month early baby ... it’s normal. "
I her tiny little head, smiling at her tenderly.
"You are a shorty."
Like she could undestand what I had said, she gave a shriek louder than earlier, tring to show me that she didn’t aprove that nickname at all.
Everyone laughed, including me.


My house’s door gave three soft hits making me get out of my trance.
I got off the couch and walked slowly to the door, opening it.
"H-hello ..."
I examined the boy up and down and smiled unconsciously at him, calmly.
"Can I help you?"       "A-ahm .... I-I am looking for .... Choi Minho? "       " It’s me. "     " O-o-oh .... hello ... "
I laughed a little and looked at the bag he held.
"It seems heavy, let me help."
He nodded shyly and handed me the bag that was was surprisingly heavy.
"Come in."
He turned to wave and went in as I had asked, removing his shoes and coat the entrance.
I followed him into the room where I put his suitcase down gently.
"What brings you here for?"           "I-I ... I-I am Sun Hee’s friend... "     " Oh! My sister's friend? How is she? "      " I-it’s complicated ... "
He looked down a little embarrassed, but then a feeling that I could not describe appeared in his beautiful and smal eyes.
He took a deep breath and looked at me, making me finally see their beautiful color.
"My name is Onew."            "I-I’m. .."       "I know your name Minho-ah. I came here to ask you a favor. "       " What is it?       "" I assume you don’t know what I am, right? "     " What do you mean 'what you are’? "
He approached me a little more, closing the space between us.
Surprisingly, that closeness has made my heart begins to beat the speed of light, unable to focus the eyes of the boy in front of me before I begin to sweat.
"I am a death god."      "Y-you what ?!?!"     " I am a legendary being who comes to the mortal world and collects the souls of humans who go to hell. "         " Wh-what? "
Even if I wished to escape at that precise moment, my body was frozen and fixed under his captivating look.
What's happening to me?
"Please don’t be afraid ..."

I swallowed a lump that had formed in my throat now deprived of saliva and waved, slightly shifting my gaze to the other side.
"You’re here to collect my soul?"      "No! Of course not! I came to ask you a favor ... as I had said. "      " So it's not my time to die? "       " I can assure you that there is still time and it won’t be me to come pick her up. "          " Why not ? "        " You don’t look like a guy that is destined to go to hell. "
I managed to free a nervous laugh while my hands were searching for a place to stand my trembling body.
"A-an what was the favor?"        "Can I stay here for a while? Sun Hee said it would be okay ... "            " H-here? I-in my house? "
He nodded slowly and looked around, looking away for a few seconds to look at my eyes again.
"I-if you don’t wanna I undestand ... Who the hell wants to share a house with a shinigami? How stupid of me .... Sorry about that ... I’ll leave. "
He got up but was stopped by my hand that grabbed him by the wrist.
"Y-you can stay ...."
He looked shocked at me for a while and then from our eyes he looked to the our hands, blushing slightly.
I had to admit I had never seen a man blush .... and was even funny.
"S-seriously? I mean ... I totally understand if you’re insecure .... well .... since I am .. "                   " I don’t care. "
He returned to the blush that made me smile unconsciously.
What was happening to me?
"Thank you Minho-ah ..."
He smiled at me and I smiled back at him, dropping his hand that surrounded the bag and grabbing immediately the suitcase lodge on the edge of the couch.
"I'll show you the room and as we continue our conversation about this okay?"
He smiled and nodded, smiling the all way while following me.

Heyyy Minho is here!! Onmin cuple will apear again in the next chapter so please wait patiently, okay? Hope you like it and leave a comment!!


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~