Chapter ten


-...SUN HEE POV...-

"Oh. My. ing. God ...."

I was walking through a black and irregular ground went my eyes meet a GIANT iron gate more polished than the best silver in the all freaking world.


 "Okay.... I'm scared ..."

I continued  to walk with fear present in every step, afraid the ground could start to run off my feet.

Just to breathe that unknown air made ​​me scared.

I approached the door and touched it with my fingertips.

"Who’s there!?"

The voice hard as steel made ​​my body jump and start to tremble in fear.

I swallowed the knot that had formed in my throat and took a deep breath so that my voice doesn’t sound weak and helpless.

Since I was in trouble I was going out with dignity.

"My name is Choi Sun Hee and I want to talk to you….superiors..."

When I ended my phrase the….’thing’… opened a large and hideous laugh that made ​​my legs almost buckle.

"You!? A mere mortal?! So that you know what you’re doing is almost like suicide so if I were you I would turn around and leave the fastest I could! And be satisfied that I didn’t killed you in this precise moment.”       “ Well, you see, I don’t care if it’s suicide or not…. So you’re going to let me in so I can do my business BEFORE I TRANSFORM YOUR INTO YOUR FACE, GOT IT?!”


Without another word, the gates opened with a roar and a strong beam of light swept through my body like a sharp knife.

I continued my way down that road of volcanic soils, and  ran into more guards.


I waswaiting them to kill me or arrest me but they didn’t even move when I passed by them.

I swallowed dry again when I came across a woman of my height with large, beautiful blue eyes that could almost take away my soul if I looked too much to them..

"What do you want human?"     "Talk to your master."        "What for?"       "You don’t need to know.”     "You have courage .... but that will not serve you anything from now on."    "I decide if that serves or not, so let me pass!”


Myscream echoed through the large, quiet room that was filled with faceless figures which thrilled me to the spine.

She surprisingly turned away and let me pass without saying a word.

I continued my way through the big black castle until I found two doors.

One was decorated with the finest pearls and the other with a piece of old and rotten wood.

I approached the gate with pearls and touched it.

It was rough like sandpaper and it made me go back immediately.

I approached the wooden door and touched him.

The surface was smooth and relaxing .... like the feathers of Taemin’s wings.

"Taemin ...."

A tear was shed by when I said his name .... but only one.

I opened the wooden door and entered, facing immediately a feather ... black as Taemin’s wings.

I took it gently and put it in my pocket, smiling slightly.

I continued my way through several corridors and doors, but as my lemma says ....' go ahead and find your way. '

And so I did.


I walked and walked until I found a book on a delicate stone table.

Behind it was a door that was locked.

The book could not be opened because he was sealed by a large and thick padlock.

The next second, the book opened revealing a blank page.

As if by magic letters began to appear slowly.

Withonly two words you candescribe the eternal love.

I read the same sentence over and over again.

"Two words? He wants me to describe Taemin in two words?"

I took the pen next to the book and wrote carefully not to damage the sheet or the pen.

Stupid Devil.

"Taemin ...."

Another tear was shed .... but only one.

Without warning the door behind me opened revealing more runners and more doors.

I continued to walk leaving the book and pen back.

After more walking, I finally found a door almost equal to the main gate but smaller and surprisely open.

I walked carefully into the room, analyzing everything that reached my eyes.

"So you’re the mortal."

My body jumped in surprise and turned ,as if by instinct, toward the voice.

Unlike the voices I had heard, this was quiet and for some reason, it didn’t shown disgust.

"My name is Choi Sun Hee and. .."      "I know very well why you’re here. Sit down."

I sat in the big black leather chair and let my body relax a little but not completely.

I was always waiting for the cue to run away.

"What you guys did is against our rules and I do not plan on give my forgiveness.  So I want you to say something in your defense.”


Itook a deep breath and laid my hands on each side of the chair, squeezing it tightly.

"I will not speak in my defense. I will speak in defense of all humans who were lucky enough to love someone as special as a shinigami."

The voice revealed his owner.

A short man with gray beard and eyes black as coal.


He was wearinga cloak decorated with jewels and other ornaments that were very expensive  in my world.

He sat in an armchair in front of me but the space between us was still huge.

"Continue."        "W-well .... I know perfectly well that you’ve heard the same thing hundreds of times so I'm going straight to the point. Love does not choose age, or nation. So why does it chooses races? I fell in love with a shinigami and I'm proud of it . Never ,at any time until now,  I regretted it. All I ask is that you can swallow your damn ego and give me Taemin safe and sound. "

The old man laughed and looked me straight in the eyes.

"You're just like your mother."

His words hit me like an arrow.

What the hell has my mother to do with this?! 

"W-what you mean?"      "Oh .. you don’t know? .. Well, then I'll tell you. Your mother is not the lady you have at home. Your mother died thousands of years ago."     "I'm only 18 years! How the hell did she died thousands of years ago if I'm a teenager!?"      "Can you let me finish? I would appreciate that."        "Oh .."      "Good. As I was saying .... your mother was human, but your father gave her half of his soul as Taemin gave you. You must already know that you only die when your shinigami dies right?”


I nodded, showing him that I was listening.

"She went through the same doors that you and cried a tear for every obstacle, like you. She didn’t  call 'Stupid Devil ‘ to your father but it was almost it. She faced me as you’re doing now and all.”      “And with that you want to say exactly what?"        "I gave in and let them be happy."            "Okay .... but then how has I was born 18 years ago and she died thousands of years ago?"        "It's a funny story .... you know your birth was planned." "Planned?"     "Yes .. so you were born in the woman that you know today as your ‘mother’ “


I pressed my body to the chair, completely devastated by what had just heard.


*So ... my life is a lie?! *

"That means I'm half demon?"         "No. You are human."    "What do I have to do to keep Taemin? “
He sighed and stood up, picking up some papers and handed them to me.
"What is this?"        "A list."

I've scanned the various names and letters until I my eyes  catch one in special.

"Why is Taemin in this list?”       " Taemin is son on a shinigami mother and human father."   "Wh-what?"

He sighed again and sat in his chair, again.

"I’m Taemin’s father."

My jaw hit the floor taking my eyes with them.

"You are a human?!??! a freaking human!??!”    "Yes."     "THEN IF YOU UNDERSTAND OUR POSITION WHY DID YOU KILLED SO MUCHE PEOPLE?!?!”

I got up with a brutal force, causing the chair to collide onto the floor.

I could no longer contain this latest wave of fury.

"Because ... I wanted to protect both species. Love is not right ... and I tasted it in my own skin."        "You're crazy!"       "I may be crazy but I did this for my shinigami’s!"    "What!?!? How could you do something like this!?"      "I. .."      "Taemin is half-human. Taemin is son of a ING HUMAN!! You, yourself, broke the ing rules!! SO BEFORE ONE OF US DIE, I WILL GUARANTEE YOU DIE FIRST YOU PEACE OF CRAP!! “


I ran out the door, anger filling my all body, I couldn’t almost see with the anger.


Suddenly my body was pulled into adark and lifeless room that scared the hell out of me.

"So are you the human that made Taemin break the rules?"


Ehehehe chapter ten~~~ hope you like it (even love it xP) ( is impossible right? xP)   (Yeah...i thought the same xP)   See you in the next chapter~~



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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~