Chapter 26


-…Taemin POV…-

My body is unable to move so as he was sleeping. I couldn’t  join the forces required to open my eyes and reveal the cold place where I was. After what, happened to me? A while ago I was in my room.... and Sun Hee was there .... and she was crying ..... why was she crying? Was it me that made her cry?
"Enough sleep, isn’t it?"
As much as I felt tempted to answer or at least know who was talking to me, my vocal cords were also frozen, releasing only a moan mixed with a gasp of cold air into my lungs.
"You have that much cold?"
Even without being asked, I felt a warm cloth to be deposited on top of my trembling body, causing me to absorb at least some heat.
"Try to open your eyes now, Taemin-ah."
I like the 'voice' had asked me, I opened my eyes slowly, starting first with a very blurry image until I was able to focus an image properly. Now thatmy eyes were open was time to know who was talking to me.
A girl with big wings and red eyes was kneeling in front of me while smiling.
"AWWWWWWWW!"          "What?"     "Y-you ...."      " What do I have? Ohhh .... you’re scared?"
This was a very unpleasant situation. The girl seemed to have been unearthed after thousands of years and she still wondered if I was scared?! She happened to have seen herself in the mirror !??!??!
"N-no .... W-Who are you?! "     " My name doesn’t matter much, does it? I assume you want to know why are you here? "      " What exactly is 'here'? Where are we? "       " Sorry to disappoint you but where we are has no name. "    " How's that 'no name'? "    " Look around you Taemin-ah. "
Still a little scared by her words, I decided to look around me just to get across a world full of debris of everything you can imagine and even some completely unrecognizable debris. Why is this place like this? All those pieces of junk were still covered by a covering of ice and dirty snow that paints a gray Palic.
Lakes polluted with viscous oil, rotten and fallen trees, collapsed and completely destroyed houses, streets filled with garbage and electricity poles that have tossed some friction energy between them, creating sparks.
"W-what happened to this place?"         "The war between the two worlds ..."
The look of the girl went all over that horizon with a broken and sad smile, what intrigued me. The girl's wings were the same color as mine and her eyes were stained with blue, the color of the eyes of a shinigami. This place left much to be desired, but it  would certainly have an explanation.
"What two worlds?"        “Ours  and  ... the mortal world... "     " So you're a shinigami? "
The girl without a name looked at me, a trace of regret and shame in her eyes. Something was not right here and I feel that this had a connection with me ...
"No. I mean .... yes, but no. "      " Would you mind explaining? "     " Yes, I WAS a shinigami. "            " And…you’re not anymore? "           " No. I feel sick to my kind and I refuse to say I'm one of them. "          " What happened? I need to know! "

She sighed loudly and sat down beside me, crossing her legs while her cold eyes were facing the pile of rubble in front of us.
"This all happened because of you Taemin."    "B-because of me?"      "Yeah. Because of you. "
The girl got up, looking at me with her eyes now white with rage and disgust. I couldn’t  help backing away from her gaze, as more as I could. When she advanced a step, I backed two. Her wings stood up proudly while her body didn’t touch the ground.
"Stop runing away Taemin. You have no where to go. "       " Why are you doing this to me !!!!?"     "I already said it. The blame is all yours. The cause of this place and the cause of everyone that is dead is yours. "       " But I didn’t do anything! "          " Oh really? "
She turned a wing, showing me again the horrific landscape. What I had to do with all this? And why is she telling me this? Where is this place!?
"Don’t you recognize it from anywhere?"       "What do you mean!?"     "Look closer."
I swallowed the lump in my dry and scratchy throat and looked at the deserted and monotonous street that surrounded us. Yes, it was true that I was familiar with this place. But why?
"N-no-no .... it can’t be ...."    " You finally understand? "      " This place… that has no name ...." "It’s the mortal world in a few days."

-…Kibum POV…-

"Kibummieeeeeee ~ ~"     "Yes Jonghyun?"     "Stop cleaning and come here ...."
I smiled and did as my boyfriend asked me, sitting next to him on the couch. There was anything interesting on TV but the fact that he was beside me, keeping me around, could  became the more drying program into the most interesting thing in the world.
My body shuddered in his arms, making me freeze in the next second. Something wasn’t right. Not good. Something was coming and was not sympathetic.
I freed myself from Jjong’s arms and sent it to rise as soon as possible.
"Bummie what is going on? “        " Jonghyun go hide! FAST! "    " W-why? "       " JUST GO !!!!!"
Jonghyun ran upstairs and locked the door of our room while I started to walk from one side to the other, holding my head that was causing me excruciating pain. They were coming. And coming to get me.
As I had anticipated, the front door opened with a loud noise, leaving not only the cold in, but also five men dressed in black and the traditional way of shinigami.
"What are you doing here?"        "We came to talk."        "Who sent you?"      "This type of information proves to be unnecessary."        "Don’t show ! Who sent you!?       "" The Master. "         " I knew ... you are not welcome! I will not speak! "      " We fear that you have no choice. "
Two of the five men grabbed my body behind, while a firm awards a silver knife in my throat. One false move and the knife cut my main vein, leaving me driping blood till my death.
"Wh-what do you want from me? “     " We came here to recruit you into the army Kim Kibum."     " F-for what? "      " For the war to come. "           " W-war?! WHAT WAR!? "    " These data are now irrelevant. "      " I WILL NOT GO TO THE ARMY! "
The man who was until now speaking to me, pulled a 36 caliber gun, pointing it to my heart beating wildly in my rib cage. These men would only leave here when they have my body. Or my soul.
"Of course we give you two options to choose from."    "What?"    "Or come with us to the shinigami world and follows the army for the war or ...."        " Or what? "

The man pointed the gun down the stairs and pointed it to me again, always with a cold, cruel and steady hand on the trigger of the gun.
"Or he dies."       "NO! NOT JONGHYUN! "
The man smiled victoriously, sending a message of panic through my body. These guys were not playing, and it made me terrified because I know perfectly well what they are capable. If there is any need to kill, these men will not hesitate to pull the trigger or stab to death the body. And I would not let anything happen toJonghyun. Never. Even if I had to pay with my own body.
"So what will you do Kim Kibum?"      "I-I .... I'll do it ... "
The two men who held me tightly released me. The knife pressed against my neck was removed and saved again. The gun pointed to my heart also disappear, leading to a paper.
I so wanted to rip that piece of sin in front of me and kill them all. But I knew I couldn’t do it. Jonghyun’s the life was at stake.
I took the pen and signed with my name, giving it back to man. I had just signed my sentence. I would have to fight against the humans. I was probably going to die in battle. And worse, I was to betray all my friends and my brother. Why does this have to happen to me?
The five menleft my house, leaving everything as if nothing ever happened. But of course I knew that much had happened, and much had changed. And for the worse.
I let my body go down, as I began to cry violently. This was the worst nightmare I have ever had ... My world was recruiting shinigamis to go to the war against the mortal world. How could I be so weak and let them win?!
"Kibum ..."      "Jonghyun this is the end .... the end!"


I'm so so so so SOOOO sorry for the late update... but I have good reasons, believe me! I have been working over time on my school's news paper... and because I love what I do, I give all of me. I'm the boss so I have to give the example!! Even though, I will update again soon! So just... wait, kay!? I love you all, and all your comments are very welcome!!


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~