Chapter eighteen


-...SUN HEE POV...-

"Are we there yet ?????"        "No. ..."        "Damn ........ what about now?"      "No!"
We stayed in silence for a few seconds,just hearinh our steps in the dirt. I couldn’t believe how much mud a florest could have…. Key said that it hand’t rained in a few days….so why the hell was the floor so…. Stiky?
"Are we there yet?"       "SUN HEE! * Sigh * When we are almost there you will know okay?"
I nodded with my head slightly and began to walk again.
"Key .. I would like to ask you someting ..."     "What?"       "How did you find me?"    "I lived for several years in your world ~ I have my ‘sources'."      "Oh .... and have you already been here?"       "Nope. It's my first time coming here."       "So how do you know that we are going the right way?"        "Well .. I do not know ...."       "HA!? Oh no ...."       "Don’t worry .... the smell is kind of mixed with the scent of nature so I can’t distinguish them very well .... but because I’m following One’s  advice we will arive there in some minutes."
I sighed as I followed his back. This guy was freaking tall…. Maibe Minho’s height….I don’t know… Well of one thing I’m sure. This trip will last for maibe another 25 minutes .... and on top of mud and rotten branches .... yuck.
"Ahm .... I think that’s it…”
My head shot in the direction where Key was pointing and I found myself running as fast as my tired legs could.
I opened the door without bothering to say that we arrived and came face to face with a Taemin in a agonising pain on the couch while trying to be calmed down by Onew.
The smile on my face had quickly disappeared and was replaced by an hurt and scared expression.
My body froze in place,observing Taemin trying to fight away his tears from the.

My chest hurted so ing much, causing me also pain. I startedto cry.
"S-sun H-hee…”

Despite having heard Onew’s words I decided to ignore them and continue to watch this nightmare.

Key appeared behind me and when he noticed what was going on,  lowered his head to be facing the floor and laid a hand gently on my shoulder.
Perhaps to calm me down .... perhaps to comfort me .... but I was sure that none of them were working.
The spell which I was in broke, causing me to run into Taemin’s direction and hold him in my arms. Tightly. Because I knew that I could lose him again if I did.
"S-su…"       "Do not talk ..... just gets worse ..."
He hugged me back, but with much less force than usual.
Onew had turned away so that I could come closer to Taemin.
Key  remained the same unmovable and silent corps  for a while and the room was filled with Taemin’s groans of pain my sobs and tears.
"Sun Hee… I’m okay now."
I looked at Taemin and he wiped my tears with his hand, smiling tenderly at me. Gosh I missed his touch so much… Just thinking that I could lost him made me want to cry my eyes out again.
"B-but ...."    "This pauses ...."
I nodded and went back on hugging him and this time he hugged me back tightly.
"Why are you like this?"
He was silent for a moment and I realized that he was trying to contain his breathing.
"Why were you un such pain a while ago...?"     "I-I ..."
He took a deep breath and my hair, pulling me closer.
"I’m transforming.."       "I-into what?"    "Human."


The very next moment those words escaped my mouth, she shot me a puzzled look but at the same time scared.
"I-it's impossible..."       "It’s not…. I'm not turning into one right now."
She looked at the floor as if trying to reshape everything I had said. And I was totally sure that she was as scared as I was right now… What if she told me that she had someone else? Or that she didn’t want me anymore because I was becoming a useless human??
"T-that means ..."      "In a few weeks I’m no longer an shinigami…."
She covered with her hand as a tears trickled down her pale red and swollen eyes.
I smiled and kissed her tears, wiping the others immediately.
Suddenly, cries and sobs in a very high pitch and repetitively annoying filled the room.
I looked at Sun Hee who also looked to me gesturing ‘It’s-not-me’ innocently.
I looked back and saw Onew clinging on Key, crying like a baby and Key who was trying his best not to burst out laughing.
I started to laugh and signed Sun Hee to look. She turned and started laughing too.

Onewturned back with an offended expression as pouted. Well, I must admit that my pount is much better.
"Why the hell are you people laughing???! All this….this…this emotion made me cry!!"    "Who told me that men don’t cry?"      "I'm not a man, I'm a shinigami!"       "Ahahaha !Using my words against me! Want to challenge me?"      "Oohohoho I’m so scared! You’re sooooo strong!!! Aha!"      "You're testing me Lee Jinki?"      "Uh! Using my full name Lee Taemin!?"
Sun Hee stood up and coughed loudly making everyone look at her.
"Would you stop being such a kids?"
Onew and I looked at the floor embarrassed to have lost control because of something as insignificant.
 Key chuckled but soon gained composure again. This boy looked like a soldier… I must admit that it scared me.
"Sun Hee we better get going. It's late."
I looked at her, begging her to stay but she sighed and smiled at me weakly.
I got the message and turned to face the floor, sighing defeatdly.
"Okay ... Goodbye Key .... Goodbye Sun Hee…"
I hugged her as tightly as I could and kissed her lips.Without tonge or movement.... just a kiss filled with love…. I didn’t know if I was going to see her again… so I wanted her to know that I wasn’t taking advantage of her….I wanted her to know that I loved her.
She smiled and hugged me one last time, my hair lightly. I knew that she loved me too. And that made me happy. To change…
"I will come back tomorrow okay? And I will bring many things to occupy our time as well, okay?"
I nodded and smiled at her as she pulled away. Her body heat leaving my body instantanly. That made me worried again.
The door shutted and  I saw Sun Hee and Key disappearing through the trees and shrubs. How I wished that she could stay… at least for a little longer…
I sat on the couch and sighed, but this time of happiness. A least alf of my worries where gone.
* She still loves me .... she knows I'm alive .... she didn’t betrayed me .... and she’s coming again tomorrow! *
I smiled for my self like a idiot ... but the truth is .... I AM a idiot in love.
 Onew sat down beside me and smiled, too.
"Are you better now?"     "Yes!"     "Good! You own me chicken ~"     "Goshhh you and the freaking chicken .... I know, I know ~"

He smiled and closed his eyes perhaps for some sleep.
I closed my also try to relax a little knowing that soon the pain will not come back and get more sleep.

-...SUN HEE POV...-

"Minhooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Jonghyunnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn !!!!!!!!!!!!"
The two came out of nowhere and ran to me hugging me tightly. I smiled lightly and hugged back.
"Oh god! How was it?! Have you seen him?! Oh my god .... Don’t tell me he...." "Jonghyun he’s okay.... I-I mean…. We need to talk!"
I looked at Minho was completely confused. Oh…I forgot that he didn’t knew that Taemin was a shinigami…. I was simply told him he had disappeared. SO he probably thought that Taemin was a human…. well duh… of course he would…
I grabbed Jonghyun’s arm and pushed him, literally, to my room and locked the door. I knew that I would have to tell Minho som day but I didn’t planed on doing it this soon. I would scared the crap out of him.
"So ..."     "Shhhhh!"
I put my ear to the door and started to heard pots and pans creating a harmonious music between them, which meant that Minho was in the kitchen and not listening at the door.
"Okay! Taemin is through the transformation of shinigami to human !"    "Wh-what?" "You heard  me right ... he will become human at the end of this month!"    "But the risk of being killed remains right?"
I stopped to think a little. It is true that even if he becomes a  human, he’s still a child of a human, and  a shinigami...
"Damn! What do I doJonghyun!?"    "I don’t know ... you have to give strength to Taemin during this month .... all this is going to be tricky ..."      "He has a lot of pain and barely eat or sleep because of that... he looks terrible and he’s really skiny…"
He nodded and sat cross-legged on the floor and arms folded.
"What are you thinking about? “    "That guy ...."    "Who? Key?"     "Yeah .... He seems interesting? But in a way a bit ..."      "He’s a shinigami."     "Ah. That explains a lot of things!"

I laughedand got on my block. It’s been a long time since I drawn something. And I had an ideia for one.
"Would you like me to draw him for you?"     "And why would I want his drawing?"    "Ahm…. I don’tknow ~"           "Oh no....  it’s not what you think it is!! Stop thinking tose thng Choi Sun Hee!!”  
I limited myself to laugh while demarcating the space for the body.
"I have nothing against gay people by the way."          "Okay! Now I'm really offended!"
I laughed again when I saw his pouting. I know him like I know myself. Maibe I know him better. He can’t lie to me.
"You know it's normal you feel attracted to him. Shinigami’s are perfect. A work of art if you think like me. It is therefore normal ~"
I just laughed sarcastically for a few seconds but then began to decrease until completely desapear. Oh I knew I had won this round.
"Faced to the front or on profile?"       "Front please ...."
I smiled and started to draw Key exactly as I saw him  in my living  room a few hours ago.
"You want to know things about him?"     "Like what?"      "Like… his real name is Kim Kibum and he’s Onew’s and Taemin’s best friend.”     "Oh .. what?"
I laughed and continued to draw. Without looking away,  I continued to talk.
"I also know that he has a boyfriend called Yoseob."         "Oh ...."     "He’s 18 like us.”    "Oh...." "He as a diva-ness personality too.”    "What do you mean?"      "Well ... he criticized all my clothes, accessories included ... he love’s shopping ....  he hates selfish, egocentric, annoying, convinced, gross-hills, and ignorant persons…OH! And he loves everythind that is pink”   "Oh .... I see ..."
I laughed of his expression and continued to draw as if I never looked.
He approached me and looked  seriously at my piece of art.
I looked at his face and saw an evil smile forming on his lips.
* This guy worries me ...*
I laughed to myself and continued drawing  Key’s  hair with every detail I could remember.


-...KEY POV...-

"Here is your files master. Have a nice day!"
I took the papers I had asked for and went out of the building , directing myself to a nearby bank.
When I found a nice white bank under of a large tree, I sat down and started flipping through the sea of ​​information.
"Well.... Kim Jonghyun 18 years old....singing since 5 years.... draws since 6 years old… best friend of Choi Sun Hee .... Last year in high school. ... Lives with his mother.... his father left home.... play the guitar…. Looks like a funny guy.... ~ "
I looked at his picture and smiles.
*He remembers me of a dinosaur*
I laughed softly and continued to read things this time with more detailed.
"This is detective is awesome! Even got pictures of his paintings..."
Suddenly my pocket began to tremble making me jump in surprise.
"Oh Yoseob ~ what happend?"
"I miss youuu ~ where are you?"
"Mortal world to deal with some business ...."
"Oh ... and when are you coming back?"
"I cannot go back for a while Yoseob .... forgive me ..."
"Please baby …answer me..”
"What do you want me to say?! That you only come to the shinigami world so that you can get laid?! You only return when you feel like having with me!? Key I think I don’t love you as before.... We’re over ... be happy there. Goodbye. "
The mobile phone began to emit an irritating sound which made me close the lid.
"What the hell happened? He broke up with me!?"
I looked around but there was no one there ...
* Is he right? I just wanted ? Oh god… what the hell have I done ....*
I buried my head in my hands as my eyes began to pour a clear and salty liquid.
"I’m sorry Yoseob…”
I cried harder but suddenly stopped when a hand touched my shoulder. I wasn’t in a confortable condition right now…. Couldn’t this human understand that and keep walking?!
"Hey .... are you okay?"
I looked at the boy and smiled a little bit. Well, I wasn’t expecting this one.

“Yeah….yeah I’m okay….My name is Kim Kibum but I prefer Key.”     “O-oh…I-I’m Jonghyun….Kim Jonghyun…”


Double update to make up for you guys.... I will work hard today so I can update again!!  The next chapters are dedicated to Jongkey lovers.... eheheh


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Thank's~~ <br />
SignedAnon #2
good luck on your test! HWAITING!!!
I've dreamed about that (3 but yeah.... it's kind of impossible xP
SignedAnon #4
Taemin is smexy. 'nuff said. but yeah, I wonder what it would feel like to know that your shinigami boyfriend was turning himself into a human for your sake(or at least trying to). Must be nice^^
SignedAnon #5
lemme guess, taemin is being an idiot and ''charging into battle'' without being prepared, right?<br />
<br />
ps. lol THANK YOU! all of my friend just cringe at the isea that taeminnie is y XD<br />
Ahahaha your no the only one~~ He probably would be yer if angry~~ ( he's already y, don't misunderstand me :p)
SignedAnon #7
lol its ok. reading fanfics is how i manage to keep my sanity. but yeah, im soo not looking foreward to college if highschool is this bad... *sigh*<br />
on a positive note: AN UPDATE ^^ am I the only one that thinks Taemin would be really y when angry??
Gosh!! 5 hours?! I think i would die!! But anyway.... THANK YOU!!
SignedAnon #9
i friggin envy you. i cant remember the last time i havent had 5 hours of homework a night -.-"<br />
bu, on the bright side... HOLY CRAP! awesome chapter ^^
Ahahahah i do, but i know how to manage my time so i can update almost every day :D<br />
I do have to study but... honestly i don't need a lot of study xP and i have the chapters already so is faster~